The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2102: 5 big killers

Nile Dynasty!

Nile finally showed a long-lost smile, and toasted the crowd and said: "Brothers, the opportunity that belongs to us is coming. Now Lucifer and Qinhou all have a brilliant life and death, this war is finally profitable anyway. They are all."

"Wang Shu, your army is ready to go. Once the war results come out, we will immediately enter the Heilongjiang **** from the border and take back everything that belongs to us."

"Niebo, you can monitor the news at any time, have the latest news, and report to me immediately."

Balddy said: "This is indeed a godsend opportunity, but we need to be careful, Qin may have a post, this person is too smart, this will never miss."

"What adults say is that I will always monitor the movement of the Qin thief, but if there is any news, I will report it to you immediately."

Niebo Road.

"Oh, for so long, I finally waited for hope, Wang Shu, God does not abandon me."

Nile swayed the red wine in his hand and sincerely exclaimed.

Since Qin Yu came to hell, Nile has been in a passive position. The whole dynasty has been divided into sevens and eights. Now I look forward to this opportunity. Can you miss it?

For this day, Nile Hell gathered the power of the whole **** to form a army of 200,000 people. He was like a tiger, waiting to prey on the last prey.

At the same time as Nile was planning, the magic cavalry of Mamen had already been completed. The 30,000 elite demon cavalry under the strong financial support of Qin Yu, all the equipment was updated, and all the soldiers were trained in the secret canyon day and night.

Today, the day of the decisive battle finally arrived. Mamen sent his own nephew, Fei Andong, to lead the troops personally. He quietly went out of the Valley of Magic, and Chen Bing was outside the hell, waiting for the command of Qin.

At the same time, the Galois and the gods of the neutral zone reached a secret agreement and formulated a policy specifically for the Nile Dynasty. Once Nile sent troops, he launched the general attack on the Nile dynasty from the rear.

All the power is ready to go, welcoming the earth-shaking day in hell.


Daqin military base.

Qin Lan once again came to the military camp several months later.

"Hou Ye, the brethren have cultivated your method of practicing law and cultivation, and now the strength of individual soldiers can completely fight with the elite soldiers in hell. Please review them." Huang Yaodong pointed to the soldiers being trained, Qin Ramp.

"Do you know why we are invincible in the Qin army? It is not because of strategy, but extraordinary military discipline and order, which is incomparable to any army in Western Hell!"

"This time I battled with Lucifer, you are my surprise!"

"The array I have arranged for them is defense, and the arrangement that is arranged for you is attack!"

"You will cooperate with the magic cavalry, they are on the west line, you are on the east line. By then, you are like two sharp knives, completely disintegrating the power of Lucifer!"

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction and walked into the military account and pointed to the map.

"Hou Ye is assured that we will never lose to the Magic Cavalry. We must all smash the road to the Western Army."

Huang Yaodong said awkwardly.

"I have never doubted your strength, but I have to give you a difficult task. After fighting the army of Lucifer, you must first transfer to Nile Hell and carry out the Nile with the Garo Dynasty army. Clipping, and must force them into this hidden moon canyon."

"This canyon is equivalent to a dead end. What I want is to completely destroy them."

"Can you do this task?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou Ye, no matter how difficult the task is, I will definitely try my best to complete the mission, please rest assured."

Song Fei firmly said.

Other generals are also leading the way.

Looking at these persevering and brave faces, Qin Hao’s heart will have a sigh of relief.

In the mortal world, killing Yan Jiudian, becoming the martial arts supreme, embarked on the peak of the Qin dynasty, but it is a passing sight, those false names and wealth will eventually go with the wind.

The only thing that cannot be erased is the will.

His will is completely imprinted on the Da Qin army, these people are like his other soul.

I used to think that in his hell, there was no more of them, and I didn’t expect coincidence. This iron-and-blood army once again fought for him.

This is a great honor and pride in life.

For the soldiers of the Daqin Army, they can once again follow the people to fight the world, just like re-lived again, the excitement is unparalleled, they can't wait to go to the battlefield now.


Drew’s army opened to the Beiyang Plain.

The military camp of the 150,000-strong army was spread out, boundlessly, standing on the city pool, looking at the army and smoking, Drew’s heart was bloody, and he looked forward to this moment for too long.

After breakfast, the Drew army began to conduct exercises, and it was never done before.

But this time, Drew must ensure that the status of all the soldiers can win the Qin army in one fell swoop.

"General, the equipment used by our people is all equipped by the devil. All the combat power is new and powerful. According to your instructions, it is divided into five major corps."

"The first legion is a spear heavy cavalry. Each soldier's spear is five meters. The spears are all three-level spar. The assault cavalry is also on the two wings. A total of 20,000 people. ”

"They will charge at the fastest speed, making an explosive blow in an instant and destroying the enemy's former army."

The confidant general Rashid pointed to the front of the sky and the Huangtian charge, the imposing regiment.

Drew looked at the real wall, seeing the soldiers brave, the momentum is like a rainbow, the horse is more powerful and powerful, running like a wind and thunder, it is chilling, very satisfied.

However, he just nodded, because the exercise is completely different from the actual combat. The morale of these soldiers can reach the current point, it is still unknown, and it is not too happy to be too early.

The spear cavalry regiment had just passed, and then there was a rumbling rumbling, and the four-wheeled chariot pulled by the behemoth rolled in.

"General, this is the Second Army. They are composed of five hundred chariots. The chariots are equipped with powerful and medium-sized spar cannons. Once they are in danger, they can form a large battleship to **** you for safe evacuation." De introduced.

"The third largest legion is the heavy cavalry regiment. The cavalry knives are 80,000 people. Once the spear heavy cavalry kills the local front, they will take a square array to closely encircle the enemy forces and promote the enemy."

"The Fourth Army, the squadron of the squadron of 10,000 people, they were recruited by the Winged Legion after the death of Bailey. The wingers were precise in their arrows. They were there, and they would not give Qin the chance to flee. You can observe and detect the movement of the Qin army."

"The Fifth Army is our fallen angel army. There are a total of 40,000 people. This is the home of the Lord. They have always been brought by you. You know better than anyone. As an alternate army, 30,000 people will participate in the battle. 10,000 people are responsible for defending your safety and chariots."

Rashid Road.


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