The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2203: Qin Yu’s secret weapon

After testing the army, Drew was still looking dignified.

Qinhou had only 50,000 decisive forces this time. He couldn't understand, in this open up plain, a big decisive battle, Qin can play what tricks, one to three!

Even if the people under him are strong, and then fierce, not to mention victory, facing his iron barrel-like siege, even a chance to survive.

He couldn't understand, how can such a clever person in Qinhou know how to cope and fight.

Dru is good at war, and he has followed Lucifer in this life. He has seen all the big shackles, but he can’t see the Qin dynasty so much that his heart always seems to be pressing a stone, and the nerves are always tight.

This is already the last force of Lucifer. If anything goes wrong, he is the sinner of the whole hell.

"General, maybe it is really the world that puts Qinhou mythology. Since he volunteered to die, we must not let him down."

"After this war, the general is the merits of the world. When the angel is in the position, it must be yours."

Rashid is confident.

"What do I need to do in the world, after I finished this, I will step back to the old fortune."

"Now is not the time to say this, you remember, Qin Hou is an opponent who even the archangel and general General are helpless, and must not have the slightest contempt."

"You immediately go to the investigation, the movement of Nile's hell, and other tribal forces. I am afraid he will make a fuss about these foreign forces."

"Right, there is another person, you must send someone to keep an eye on it, that is Bruce."

"I used to think that he was a good man. Now it seems that this is a treacherous villain. If he is not good, he is a sharp knife behind us."

Drew is strict.

Rashid quickly answered, but his heart did not agree. He was also an angel general. Bruce's kindness and his tolerance to the generals under the command were notorious. This time, he supported the Lucifer, but many generals jointly recommended it.

He did not agree with Drew for Bruce.

As he said, a **** came over and reported: "General, Master Bruce came to pass."

"What are you talking about, come here, let him come in."

Drew frowned and was not happy.

Bruce's spring breeze came in, and Drew said with a face: "I am not giving you a salute," he said.

"No matter, this time I came to the army with the order of the demon Lord, so that I can convey the war ahead to the Lord. I think General Drew should not oppose it."

Bruce smiled and handed the order to Drew.

In terms of level, Bruce is Drew's superior, but in fact, because Drew is the confidant of Lucifer, he holds most of the rights of Lucifer, so he is actually on an equal footing with Bruce.

Bruce frowned and his heart was extremely annoyed. He always suspected that Bruce was probably a spy. I didn't expect Lucifer to regard Bruce as a good loyalty. Now I am here to monitor him.

"Adults, in the dark palace, why should you come here to suffer from cold, I do not lack the way to pass the message to the archangel, I will not bother you." Drew directly rejected the proposal.

"This is the decree of the devil."

Bruce smiled.

"There is a saying in the East that there will be no life in the outside world. Come and send Bruce adults back." Drew was cold and cold.

Bruce smiled a little and didn't bother: "Well, I will go back on my own. Anyway, the Lord does not want to have a second Yitong. You can do it yourself."

This is like a sharp knife piercing Drew's chest.

For him, it is undoubtedly the most sensitive topic.

Lucifer had this thought. If he cites the famous Oriental sayings and sends Bruce back, it is undoubtedly a provocation for Lucifer.

Although Drew is straight, but these taboos in the officialdom are still moving, but when Lucifer moves his mind, he is afraid that it is difficult to stabilize. Perhaps he will come tomorrow.

"Hey, the angel is too selfish, how to use the heart of the soldiers?" Drew sighed in his heart, then shouted: "Bruce, I took back what I said, I just impulsive, did not care about the overall situation, you Continue to exercise your supervisory duties, how to report, and report accordingly."

"Come on, take the adults to the military camp."

Bruce faintly said: "The general is understanding people."

After that, he followed the soldiers and went out.

He really did not come to spy on the military situation. It was purely Lucy's suspicion and sent to monitor Drew.

But just take advantage of this opportunity, take a good look at the strength of the Drew army.

Undoubtedly, this time Drew’s army, whether it is military or combat power, is far stronger than when Yitong first went out. After all, this is the last battle of the Dark Royal Palace Lu Xifa.

He is very curious, what can Qin Hao have to win this battle.


At this moment, Qin Lan is in the refinery factory of Angel City.

Angel City is not only prosperous, but also has the most sophisticated refining factory. It is necessary to know that this is the life of Lucifer. The masters of refining equipment are also extraordinary.

Qin Lan’s first plan after winning the Angel City is to create a basal war battle in accordance with the drawings of Lu Xuanwu battle array, which is a limit defensive array method, which is based on a kind of The giant shield with the array of engravings is inlaid with the five-level earthenite in the east. Once these shields are arranged according to a certain formation, they can generate tremendous power and thus resist the strong external impact.

This time, Drew is determined to use the advantages of many people to the extreme, and to attack the main, then the Qin dynasty must be prevented, with less defense, and then cooperate with the external army to carry out the anti-package.

"Hou Ye, the shield is nearing the end. Since the creation, the last piece of spar has entered the shield today, and it has counted more than 3,000 shields. At present, we have 8,000 shields available."

Qin Hao and others walked into the refining factory, and the master of the refining machine introduced it.

"Eight thousand shields, against the impact of the 150,000 army, will it be too much to eat?"

Yitong asked with a frown.

"The eight thousand shields are all equipped by the powerful black sand barracks. Eight thousand people are placed in the basaltic array, and the remaining 40,000 people are hidden in it. You only need to insist on one hour, as long as you support an hour. We will have a chance to fight back."

Qin Yu meditated.

"Afraid of embarrassment, the energy of eight thousand five-level spar is not said to be scattered when it is scattered. Hou Ye, my brother has nothing else, it is the endless strength, we are doing it."

Tarim is so sweet.

"There is only this way at the moment. I took the shield and immediately organized the brethren to practice the formation in the last three days."

"You know, you are the lifeline of all the brothers. Once they collapse, our 50,000 people are in danger. Be strict and careful."

Qin Yudao.


Tarim is just right.

PS: There is a chapter later.


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