The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2307: Dizang scripture

"Little doll, do you want to be right with me?"

"You know, when Xie Changsheng was there, he didn't dare to talk to me like this."

"I know that your relationship with Qin Hao is extraordinary, but if you jump out now, it is undoubtedly a dead end. I am so clear enough?"

Guang Wang’s hole is full of light and cold, threatening the road.

Of course, he will not be the real king, but the main man, the palace palace, Yu Wen.

After Yu Wen’s injury has gained a longevity, he will not hesitate to use the cruel way of washing himself, and he will completely follow the form of the longevity phase to create the body of Guangwang, which is now the same.

Because he knows a lot about Guangwang, he is a one-on-one imitation. Even Gao Gonggong and others who have been waiting for Guangwang for many years are difficult to distinguish.

However, Yu Wen injured one of the most serious mistakes, that is, because he has been on the island of Huahua, he did not know the miracle of the little dance. He only thought that Qin and Guangwang were killed.

The little dance, because of the profound Dharma, is not hidden, and Yu Wen’s injury simply does not see the level of his cultivation.

In fact, Yu Wen’s injury does have arrogant capital. For example, today’s next day, the death of an emperor and four high deaths, hidden hidden, he is already almost invincible.

The only thing that threatened him at the scene was just a Lingpu.

However, the land of the Lingpu is always dominated by defense. His mantle is based on attack, and he cultivates innate vitality.

The key is that he is the body of Guangwang, and he is not sure that he will fight with him.

"Guangwang, you have lost the hearts of the people, such as today's robbery, waiting for a new king to lead the **** to peace, why should you obsess?"

Lingpu Heshi advised.

"Vulture, are you crazy?"

"I am the king, the real king, you are rebelling, what is Zhou Pu?"

Yu Wen did not think of the body of Guang Wang, and he could not do this old thing.

Originally thought that Guang Wang was a real person, this group of people naturally succumbed to Wang Wei, and honestly surrendered. Now it seems that he has been tortured all these days to disguise himself as a broad king. Meter.

Guangwang has lost the hearts of the people in the world. It is completely a bed bug. On the contrary, he is not as good as the man of the cellar to fight for this throne.

There is no turning back in the bow, and I don’t think so much. At the moment, he only has a hard scalp and is supported by tyrannical means.

Zhou Pu was the commander of the Imperial City's Guards. He heard the call of Guang Wang, and he was helpless.

The duty of the military is to obey the captain. If Guangwang is absent, he naturally takes the new king as the weight, but now Guangwang is still alive, no one in the world can abolish his position, as long as he is still there, it is the three army. The commander.

"Everyone, Guang Wang has returned, and the emperor is still there. I will see this gathering stop here."

Zhou Pu advised him.

"Not fast yet?"

Yu Wen injured and shouted.

"Since ancient times, there has been a meditation, no one is worthy of being a king of the world, there is no rule in hell, and the position of the emperor is one by one."

"Since today, the eighteen prison kings are there, Laojiao believes that it is still the people's heart, you have to do this emperor, the first Tibetan immigrants do not agree, the people of the world will not agree." Lingpu does not All right.

"I don't agree."

"And I."

"Zhoupu, today's major princes and kings are here, you have to help, and you are the one who kills first."


Xu Guang, Zhao Cheng, Yan Wencai and others have risen up and opposed.

"Vulture, you are provoking a lonely king. If so, it is against the sky."

Yu Wen hurts the speech, and the earthworms rush to the extreme, sandwiching in the infuriating instinct, raising a handful of palms and pushing the spirit to the past.

Everyone only felt that the air was stagnant, as if the Dongyue Taishan collapsed, and several years of old power, such as Li Zhaode, was directly vomited on the spot by this majestic vitality.

"King Kong body."

Ling Pu's hands and hands together, the palm of his hand showed a million words, Buddha light masterpiece, and Guang Wang confronted a move.

Immediately after the two men vacated, in the sky above the king, you come to me, flying and leaping together.

A Dharma and Sanskrit filled the sky, and at the same time, a fierce and flamboyant intertwined, not spectacular.

Yu Wen’s injury has been devoted to cultivation for many years. The strength of the Master has been deeply hidden, and the Master of Lingpu has never asked the world to do things. He has devoted himself to repairing Buddha and repairing his mind. He rarely smashes the way to kill, and Shouyuan is almost at the end of his life. exhaust.

After a fight, Yu Wen was hurt by a trick, and the master Kong Gang shield was blocked. However, it was a sham move. Yu Wen’s wounded shadow was wrapped around the master and he shot a hand.


Lingpu knew that this attack could not be avoided anyway. He sat calmly and sat down with his legs closed, only to be robbed.

"Hey, vulture, dare to make a lonely king, you are still tender."

"go to hell."

Yu Wen’s injury will raise his hand and he will get a good spirit.

The so-called killing of the monkeys, as long as the kill of the Ling Pu, forgive him other small and dare not dare to let go.



Lingpu’s brothers and sisters also recited the Buddha’s number and sent off for the brothers.

Other ghost kings and soldiers are secretly sighing.

Lingpu is a benevolent sage. The Buddha is famous all over the world. He is using his life to protest to Guangwang. This makes Zhou Pu and others feel is even more grateful.

Just when everyone can't bear to witness the tragedy.

Suddenly in the air, a Buddha was born out of thin air, and Ling Pu was surrounded by it. Yu Wen injured a palm and hit it on the lotus. It was actually shocked and retreated in the void more than a hundred feet, almost one of them was planted.

"what happened?"

Everyone is shocked.

The little dance is just a wave of sleeves, and the lotus wrapped in the spirit is stable and steady.

Ling Pu’s rare excitement asked: “I would like to ask the Queen of Mandao, you have just saved the poor, but the Supreme Dharma in the Tibetan Scriptures?”

Little dance nodded, it is the default.

The Dizang scripture was created by Gabriel, the great disciple of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva of the Dizang Bodhisattva is boundless, and Gabriel’s major is the method of demon and demon in the Dharma. The Dharma has been refined, integrated, and integrated to create the Tibetan scriptures.

It’s just that Gabriel’s life has killed a lot of demons, and he believes that he is contrary to Master’s Buddha’s thoughts. At the same time, the power of this Buddhist scripture is too strong, fearing that the killings of the descendants are too heavy, ruining the initial heart of the Buddha, and then the Supreme Buddha’s Dharma is sealed in itself. Among the relics, the land ancestor of the ancestral ancestor was only the second part of the truth.

But even so, it is enough to become the first major gate of hell.

The first part became a legend. The small diamonds just made the King Kong wish lotus, which is the innate Dharma in the last chapter.

After the confirmation of the little dance, Lingpu and the tenth sang the Buddha number, and sighed the bodhisattva.

He finally understood why the Dharma on the little dance is so pure and powerful. However, he is more fortunate that this Supreme Dharma is falling into the hands of this kindly man, if it falls into Guangwang or Ouyang. The hands of Xiong, Yan Lao Mo and others, the whole world is afraid of chaos.


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