The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2308: Buddha is not allowed to rape

Of course, Lingpu does not know that Gabriel's relics can't be opened by anyone. The Yan Lao Mo has lived for 30 million years, and just used it as an artifact that can store instinct, but can't find inside. Buddhist scriptures.

The little dance is bright, there is Buddha Buddhism, and Gabriel’s relics are manifested, and they teach their supreme Dharma to save the world.

"The Tibetan Scriptures? How is it possible, how can you get the congenital Dharma?"

Yu Wen injured on the ground and asked with anger.

"I was sent to me by Yan Lao Mo. If you forced him to a desperate situation, killing his people and letting him go nowhere, he would pass on this peerless thing to me?"

"But today, I don't talk about hatred between you and me. I just want to carry out the unfinished things of my uncle."

The little dance is cold and cold.

“Is it because God is destined to make it impossible for me to reach the throne? It’s hard to get a Lingpu and meet a congenital Dharma master.”

"Building people."

Yu Wen sighed in grief and made a quick decision.

He never took risks in his life, even if he was dead and alive with Yan Yan, he never really thought about going to fight with Yan Lao Mo.

Nowadays, a lotus dance has avoided his fatal blow, and then fights down. The outcome is unknown.

What is even more annoying is that Guangwang’s identity is useless to him. It is a burden. If he continues to stay, he is still afraid of being pleased. It’s better to take this opportunity to find a step to avoid this woman’s Road.

"Well, it seems that you are eager to withdraw from the throne."

"The heart of the world is so, the lonely king has to insist on fighting, it has no meaning."

"I officially stepped down to the post of Ghost Emperor. You are willing to be a man, let's go."

"The lonely king said goodbye."

Yu Wen’s sad statement made a pass, and then he sneaked into the khaki-colored suffocating air and fled.

"Want to go, today you have to give an explanation to the people of the world."

The little dance eyes are light, the palms are quickly pinched, and a golden shield wall suddenly occupies the whole void.


Yu Wen injured and slammed into the shield wall and was bounced back. He is a rare master in the world. At this moment, he does not want to conceal his identity. The sword in his hand is now, and a sword stabbed the shield.

This sword is made from the demon of the **** sea monster in the blood of the sea monster, which is the most sharp sword in the world.

This is the case, he tried his best and stabbed the three swords, and barely opened a gap.

"Bone Sword? Isn't this the famous sword of Yu Wen's injury? How can it be in the hands of Guang Wang?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Yu Wen injured the opportunity to take the fastest way to the distant city of Guo, he has been the town of the Dharma dance, knowing that if you do not leave at this moment, today is afraid to account for it.

As long as he escaped this robbery, he and the daughter of the heavens can trust, and everything still has a chance.

However, it is easy to come and it is difficult to go.

What he faced was a repair that was already incalculable, and the existence of the Dharma.

How high is the repair of the little dance?

Yu Wen couldn't guess, and even the little dance itself is not clear, because there is no comparable reference.

But at the moment, at least Yu Wen is still not worthy of her side by side.

"The Dharma is boundless."

The little dance was empty, and a huge Buddha's palm appeared out of thin air. When it was empty, it was covered.

In the palm of the hand, 10,000 characters, lightning flashes.

The Tibetan Scriptures is a complex of all the top-notch stunts in Buddhism. It is said that even if it is a general fairy, it may not be good.


Yu Wen hurts that Wanshan collapses. People are like ants, only burning the yuan, struggling.


Yu Wen’s wounded fruit is really good. He escaped from the giant palm again. However, the phagocytic body of the lightning Dharma made him squirt blood.

Without taking care of the injury, Yu Wen screamed and screamed, and the spirit was rushed to the extreme, as the phantom rushed to the horizon.

"Master, use it for you."

There was a sneer in the corner of the little dance.

Lingpu quickly took off the baby and handed it over.

"Buddha Shadow!"

The little dance swayed, jumped on the raft, drove the Buddha light and quickly chased the past to Yuwen.

Yu Wen injured like a yellow sand phantom flying on the roof, every time the borrowing force will go forward hundreds of meters, just a few ups and downs, they have to go out of the inner city.

Seeing the city wall is in front of you, as long as you leave the city, just go to the wilderness, this robbery is to hide.

I haven’t come yet, and I’m breathing, but I heard a sigh of relief behind me: “The villain, where to escape.”

Yu Wen’s injury looked back, and the soul was about to scare away. The little dance drove and stalked, and the Buddha’s light was shining, and it was a reincarnation of the Buddha.


Yu Wen hurts and screams, and the sacred sword in his hand throws directly into the little dance.

The sacral sword penetrates the sky and gives a harsh whistling sound, which is enough to penetrate the world's strongest protection.

"The stubbornness is not good."

In the eyes of everyone watching the battle, the incarnation of the bones of the sword, the spirit of the demon dragon, can be described as ferocious, domineering.

But in the eyes of the little dance, this bone sword is like a paper paste, and the speed is extremely slow.

She just turned her hand slightly, and elegantly made a Zen finger and gently slammed against the bone sword, hehe! The soul of the dragon in the skeleton sword is instantly broken into smoke, and the bone sword is destroyed by sound.

"How can there be such a powerful person under the sun?"

"Unfair, unfair!"

Yu Wen’s last killer was also destroyed, desperately falling on the wall and holding a headache.


The little dance flew A collar that slammed Yu Wen’s wound, sealed the meridians of his body, licking the chicken, several ups and downs, and returned to the square.

"Unfair, this is impossible, it is incredible."

Yu Wen’s scar was on the ground and shook his head hard.

A few hours ago, he was still wearing the same body as Guangwang, still dreaming of becoming a supreme, who could think of defeat so bad.

He is one step away from the throne. If there is no such a maiden to kill, his throne is stable.


No, but he just lost.

"Guangwang, I am asking you, 300,000 sergeants, and thousands of people who have suffered from the people, are you not here?"

The little dance shouted.

"No... no, no."

"Everyone, I, I am not Guang Wang, I am Yu Wen, and really Guang Wang has already been killed by Qin Lan on Nan Ming Mountain."

"I was a fascinated person, and I was eager to do business."

"I am really not a wide king."

Yu Wen hurts the little dance and is afraid to judge him. He hastened to honestly explain it.

"What? Are you really Yuwen injured?"

Everyone is shocked.

"The king of the scorpion, this is a dead end. If there is a little dance today, let this traitor get rid of it. Yu Wen hurts you and sins."

"It turned out to be this despicable villain, and you want to be a ghost emperor."

"Kill him and kill him."

The ghost kings were furious and resentful.

"Master, how is this person disposed of?"

The little dance was Yu Wen’s injury, and I knew that Guang Wang had gone, and my heart was relieved.

At least my uncle did not die in white.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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