The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2322: The road is chosen by yourself.

"No, I have nothing left. I only have one battle to fight to the end. I will escape today. After that, there will be no place for me to live in the world."

"If I die, I must die here."

Night asked the unwilling roar.

"Don't forget, I am your master, you are just my slave, rush to escape."

The mixed demons are cold and cold.



Two voices, two thoughts in this magical body fierce quarrel, and finally the devil's painful shackles in the same place holding their heads, completely at a loss.


Suddenly, the demon scorpion squatted on his own spirit, only heard a scream in the night, and completely controlled the demon of the body, hitting the enchantment at the fastest speed.


Under the impact of his tremendous force, the enchantment suddenly broke a gap.

The demon smashed the blood axe and slashed.

He knew that this was the last hope. Only when he broke out of the enchantment and escaped, no matter who he was attached to, he lurked down and he could continue to live.

It may take millions of years to recover the demon body for thousands of years, but those are secondary, and living is the most important thing.

Seeing that it is about to break, Qin Hao shot.

He has just been accumulating vitality. After swallowing the **** of war, his vitality instantly returned to its peak.

"Qin Long, come out."

Qin Hao proudly drank.


A blue dragon with a hundred and fifty feet is roaring out of the three circles of stone.

"Dragon bow!"

Qin Hao Zhang hands to heaven.

Qin Long has a body shape, and he bends into a blue giant bow. The white frost is so cold that the air in the space is about to solidify.


On the sword sword, the long bow, the Qin dynasty full of strings, the sword in the Qinlong's divine blessing, coupled with the peak of the Qin dynasty, whistling away.

The speed is almost too fast to see with the eyes, the sword marks slipped over, the air is hoarfrost!

"not good!"

The demon has never seen such a terrible arrow.

With the dragon as the bow and the sword as the branch, there is no such luxury in the whole world.

The air is broken, the whole space is wrapped in cold air, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

The demon half has just flew out of the heart, and the ice arrow has worn his head from the back hole!

The demon's body was frozen in an instant, and it was coagulated by the blood of the meridians.

"You have lived for 30 million years in the day after tomorrow, and it is enough, so don't keep the world."

Qin Lan slowly paced to the demon, cold and cold.


The demon's pupil is filled with the look of fear. Because the soul can be sent, even if the host is like a night, the sky is seriously injured and escaped, and he has not panicked. After all, it is a big deal to change a body.

However, this time, he was really panicked.

Not only his body, but his soul is completely rigid, and there is no possibility of escape.

Moreover, Qin Xiao did not seem to leave his meaning in the slightest.

Qin Xiao ignored the eyes of the demon pleading, and made a crisp finger, smashing, the body of the demon was turned into powder.

In a pile of glutinous rice, a remnant wounded with a wolverine was on the ground, struggling to get up.

It is the night to ask the day.

His soul was suppressed by the demon, and now the body is ruined, and the soul is also a heavy blow. Qin Hao can destroy him with a finger.


I asked the sky to know that I couldn’t escape, and fell to the ground and laughed painfully.

"Cang Tian plays me, Heaven plays me!"

"That is to ask the sky to come back, and to refine the magic of the demon, why should I destroy me so quickly."

"I am not willing, not willing."

The night asked the mouth of the mouth to make a weak murmur.

"You are not willing, those who are killed by you, are they willing?"

"You came to me today, don't you think you can beat me and become the supreme world?"

"Everyone is dreaming. Everyone is used to blaming failure on God, and on the heads of others, but never asked themselves, are you worthy?"

Qin Lan looked at the sky, faint.

In this case, he said to the night to ask the day, but also from the heart of his own inquiry.

Asked about this world, there are really a few people who can let go.

Fortunately, he will soon be able to end this life that he does not yearn for and does not like.

"Qin Hou, please, give him a way to live."

"I beg you."

The nightingale swept out from the side, squatting at the foot of Qin Yu, crying and pleading.

"Miss Yan, it has been a long time."

Qin Xiao smiled and said hello.

"Hou Ye, he has become a waste, there is only one soul, it is difficult to do evil again, please give him a chance."

"Our Devils are willing to pay all the price, redeem for my father, beg you."

The night is hard to ask.

"You are a good daughter."

"But this is life, he is damned."

Qin Xiao smiled and screamed, and the night's remnant of the day turned into a blue smoke, dissipated between heaven and earth.

This once-in-a-century hell, the first master of the world who has won the king from the world, has killed countless people in his life, and made a lot of evil. He thought that he could kill the Qin dynasty, and then set off the blood and hurricane in the world, but he finally broke the mountain.

In fact, this is really a life.

Imagine if you come out in the morning and ask for the moon in the middle of the night, you can lure in the mountains of the Nether. You can take advantage of the fishermen. Not only do you have no opponents, but you can also borrow the hearts of the people and the disasters, and the development of believers will make a difference.

Unfortunately, he missed this heavenly opportunity.

Even if he was in the battle between Qin and Yan Yan, with his current cultivation, even if it is not killing Qin and Guangwang, but also enough in the invincible in hell.

However, there are not so many pity, not so much if.

The birth of the little dance, the rebirth of Qin Yu!

It is doomed, the day is not tolerant, such as the night of the sinister, and so on, is destined to live under this piece of Lang Lang.


The nightingale sat on the ground, tears raining.

She is extremely sad.

She has been dying in her life, running for her father, for the demon. Although she was extremely disappointed with her father, she also fantasized about it. Maybe after the unification of the world, her father can really care about her.

Let her taste the fatherly love she never got.

But now it is destined to be a fantasy.

She always knew that her father was a demon, not a good person. At least in the case of Yu Wenying, she hated this ugly, shameful man.

Therefore, she does not hate Qin.

I can't hate it at all.

It can only be said that Qin Hao broke the beautiful expectation of her heart, and she woke up, and she was relieved.

"The road is chosen by myself. Miss Yan, you and I have had a fate. This true law is passed on to you. You are diligent in cultivation and self-satisfaction. You can forget the pain and regain your life."

Qin Lan can see that the talent of the nightingale is extremely high, but the sin is too heavy, and the magic power is repaired for a long time. A jade jade stained the stain, but it did not reach the point of incurable.

A golden light poured into the night spirit of the nightingale, and the night linger felt a warm, peaceful air flowing through the whole body, and the original heart that was not known to be confused, suddenly seemed to be lit by a light.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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