The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2323: Gu Tianfang is really panicked.

She instantly enlightened and knew that she had gained a new life. After that, life should be bright, and eventually it will be a positive result.

"Thank you, Qin Hao." The nightingale stood up and respectfully bowed to Qin Yuying Ying.

"Go, then your world does not belong to anyone, your destiny is yours, treasure." Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

The night squatted and worshipped again, and the flying body fell into the darkness.

"Qin Long."

Qin Lanyi waved, Qin Long shakes the dragon body by bow and arrow, and turns into human form.

This time, Qin Qin returned to the mountain and summoned Qin Long.

When the Qin dynasty was seriously injured by Guangwang, Qin Long lost all of them. At the same time, he returned to the sea with the Guards of the Seventeenth and other squadrons. Qin Long returned to the sea and found a treasure place. He worked hard every day and cultivated for great growth.

This time, the Qin dynasty came out of the mountain, but only issued a command between the heavens and the earth. Qin Long, who was far away from the bottom of the sea, was summoned to appeal.

This master servant, after a few years, finally joined forces again.

"The Lord, someone is coming."

"It is the blood of the dragon god, I asked the atmosphere of my family."

Qin Long Jian Mei was a sinking, cold and cold.

"Yes, you and retreat." Qin said.

Qin Long took the lead and turned into a blue light and broke into the three circles.

Qi Keer has been waiting for the mountain, the mountains are falling apart, the mountain is also flying sand, and the mountain roads are all collapsed.

In this battle, half of the hills were flattened, and konjac, dragon anger, thunder, like the end of the world, you can always hang your heart.

She can't wait to know the result and know if Qin Lan is still alive.

When I came to fly on the mountain, I saw that Qin Hao was standing on the edge of the cliff, hunting and hunting, and it was spotless on the body. It seems that this war has never happened.

"Qin, you, are you okay?"

He could hold his chest and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I am fine."

Qin Lan turned and smiled.

"Call, you are fine, I am relieved."

You can say goodbye.

"You still care about me, care about my life and death?"

Qin Lan walked up and took her hands.

"I, I don't, but Dao Zun wants to know the result, so send me the first time to explore your message."

Hey, his face is red and shy.

"After all, you are my wife, there is heaven and earth to prove, then think about it, maybe we can leave together."

Qin Yu gentle road.

"I, I should go back and report to Daozun. His old man has been waiting for the news and left!"

I was a little confused, and quickly broke away from Qin's hand, like a frightened rabbit, ran quickly.

Just as Qin Lan’s hand held her, her heart was still jumping, she was still so moved, so sweet.

No, no.

The father and the three uncles died in the hands of this guy. He used his emotions and conspiring to subvert the power of the family. How can I forgive him?

I am going crazy.


The night of the day and the Qinhou battle, earth-shattering, the three are in their respective high platforms, far from witnessing this war, but because of the existence of the eight poles of life and death, their eyes can not penetrate the hole and the specific situation.

At dawn, the three can't wait to let their respective people go to the mountains to listen to the news.

Tai Qing Zong Yan Dao was the first to know the news. When Qi Keer flew into the Sanqing Hall like a cheerful bird, Yan Dadao already knew the answer.

"Master, good news, Qin Hou easily kills the night and asks the sky, everything is as you said, although the night of the day, although the incarnation of the demon, but still lost to Qin Hou, fell to the end of the dead."

I am very happy to report.

Yan Dao’s face is as calm as water, and the news is not bad for him.

The good thing is that he is right again. Qin Houguo is really coming from heaven, and it is almost invincible.

The bad news is that in the future, the heavens will establish a new order. The pieces of his mortal and **** will be completely in vain, and even the survival of the entire heaven will be completely controlled by Qin Hou.

The disciples of the heavens, cultivation is the need for life, and the resources of the heavens are limited. One of the most troublesome problems is that although the heavens are vast, there are some plants in **** or mortal, in this high purity. In an aura environment, it cannot survive.

This has led to the three heavens must be in **** or human, there is a certain reserve force to coordinate the needs.

Once the three-boundary passage is completely closed, the heavens will not be produced, and no one will be destroyed. At most 100,000 years, the local resources will be consumed cleanly, and when the disciples of the heavens will die, they will starve to death.

This is the biggest problem that plagues him. He does not want to be an enemy of Qin Yu, but he does not want to watch the decline of heaven.

However, he still has some confidence in Qin Lan. This guy is a talented person. Since he wants to establish a new order, he will never break the life of the heavens. When he hopes to have a solution.

"Master, can we promise Qin Hou and follow the rules?" asked Ke Keer.

"Kel, personally, Master can fully support Qin Hou. I said, I don't want to be an enemy of him, but from the Zongmen, from the perspective of the big world, Master still has to listen to the meaning of the other two."

Yandao long sighed.

If you say the three major sects, the most worrying thing is the ancient heavens.

At this moment, he paced back and forth in the hall.

The result of this time has an impact on his life and He is confident in the night, especially when he sees the night of the night and shows the body of the demon. Magic, even if it is separated by a hundred miles, he can feel it.

He even thinks that if the other side asks the night, he may not be able to get it.

The probability of killing Qin Hou at night is very big.

As soon as Hua Wenbin walked into the hall, Gu Tianfang quickly rushed over and anxiously asked: "How, what is the result?"

Hua Wenbin shook his head and said: "Master, it is a pity that the hills have been destroyed. When the children went up, they did not see Qinhou, nor did they see the night lord."

"What about the blood pool?"

Gu Tianfang was shocked and asked.

"The blood pool, I also went to see, the night lord is not."

"And Miss Nightingale is gone, Master, I always feel a little bad."

Hua Wenbin said.

"Night asks the day and night to ask the sky, the deity put all the treasures on you, you must not let me down!" Gu Tianfang saw no results, but also helpless, only the sky sighs.

"Master, Master has news."

It’s awkward, a disciple hurriedly ran in.

"Come on." Gu Tianfang could not wait to ask.

"Just got the internal news from Taiqingzong, last night, Qin Hou finished the night and asked the sky, the night sect was dead, and this battle was won by Qin."

The disciple said.

"What... what?"

"Where did you hear the rumor, the night lord has the body of the demon, and the day after tomorrow is almost invincible, how could it be defeated?"

Gu Tianfang grabbed the disciple's clothes and roared.

The disciple quickly said: "Master, this, this is from the disciples of the Taiqing Hall. The disciples just told them truthfully."


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