The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2342: Fire dragon is present

His state of mind has reached a new realm, just like the original Yandao overlooking the mortal beings, happy, let you have the ability to die for a short time, even if you leave a magic weapon, you can let the mortal people grab You are dead and alive.

The swallowed nine days have dominated the mortal world for a long time, so powerful, it is no wonder that Yan Dao, Gu Tianfang and others are extremely repulsive to the new order.

Qin Lan is equal to their life.

However, now Qin Qin is standing at the angle of immortal. He looks at Yan Da and other people as well as the three celestial beings in the heavens. However, the difference between Qin and Yan and other people is that they have experienced a lifetime of death with Guang Wang. He saw through the world's fame and fortune, and even the longevity is no longer pursued.

In the same world, the Lilu villain, he is also clear to the chest, such as Xing Manjun, such a famous and profitable generation, but also see too much.

He is like a real fairy who goes down to the mortal world. He gives instructions to this little Lie, and if he is still uncivilized in the future, it will be self-contained and will be retribution.

"Thank you, Houye for pointing, small retreat."

Xing Manjun respected and worshipped, and he left the battle quite disappointingly.

Originally thought that it could be recognized by Qinhou, even if it could not be the same as the former disciple of the sect of the sect, it can at least stand on the horizon, but now it seems to be a life-saving part. As for the future, I am afraid that I still have to Go and explore.

Back to the law, the Nangong Ba Tian brothers have already drank the wine.

The first three cups of natural respect are Zhu Rong's ancestors, and the two brothers will drink quickly.

"Big brother, can you tell your brother how you feel now?" Looking at the god-like Nangong bully, Nangongxiong was envious and couldn't help but ask.

Nangong Batian is also on the head, and he took a picture of his chest and said: "To be honest, when I used the power of my ancestors and alerted him to death, I felt that it was definitely dead. I didn't expect the ancestors to know." The blood of the family has given me the power of infinite fire. My current strength is endless, and I can rely on my own strength to use the three methods of igniting the fire from the fire flag to reach a realm. I can’t say it. But it’s not that I brag, the tribute, the ancient heavens, they have to dare to let go, I can raise my hand.”

Although there are boasting elements in this story, their family has a heritage. Gu Tianfang and Yan Dao also have their own housekeeping skills, which makes it impossible to say that they can overcome the Nangong bully and raise their hands. That is absolutely impossible.

Nan Gongxiong is convinced that his ancestors Zhu Rong, almost blindly worshipped the fire people to the extreme, immediately said: "Great, so the big brother can really become a Vulcan, kill Qinhou also It’s not between the fingers."

"Haha, this is not to say, but at least the inheritance of the ancestors, I have the power to fight with him."

"And see if he can pass my first law and say it, really, this time I am afraid that he will let us down, no one will try the ultimate fire law."

The more excited the Nangong Ba Tianyue said, the more it is impossible.

Soon, Xing Manjun walked slowly. "How is it, then has Qin Hou been turned into ashes?" Nangong bully put down the wine glass and asked with a smile.

"Reporting Master, Qin Hou is safe and sound in the fire. He said that Master's method is the same, so that you can prepare for the second law."

"I hope Master will not let him down again."

Xing Manjun replied truthfully.


Nangong Xiong fiercely slammed the glass of wine. Originally, he thought that Qin Hou had made an ashes early. I didn’t expect this guy to have a fart. Isn’t this a bad idea to find someone uncomfortable?

"Okay, then I will let him try the second method."

Nangong Ba Tianqi crushed the glass of wine, and the eyes burst into a hot light.

The first law that is innately removed from the fire array is to eliminate the human vitality and infuriating. The second law is more hegemonic.

Zhu Rong is known as Vulcan. It is the place where the fire has reached its peak. The fire is the best weapon in his hand. It can kill, can be awkward, can be awkward!

This second law is bound by fire, but it is the fire of heaven and earth, which draws the soul of the dragon, and bites and binds the enemy until the fire is swallowed by the dragon and becomes its own power.

Zhu Rong’s temper is hot, but it can be between the heavens and the earth. It is because of the hegemony of the fire, and every time he kills his opponent, he can combine his opponent’s cultivation into his own body. .

Nangong tyrants have a remnant of the soul, and can barely make the law of Zhu Rong's life, but see him screaming and screaming, waving from the fire flag.

The original red sky began to flash with thunder and the air became extremely dangerous, just like killing all the people in the world at any time.

The entire Nanzhao Mountain is shaking, as if it were the end of the world, it is creepy.

"No, Nangong is going to use the second method."

Yan Dao looked at the sky and frowned.

However, seeing the flowers and trees of Nanzhao Mountain, while spontaneously burning, in addition to the fire from the mountain outside the fire palace, the whole mountain instantly became a volcano.

Yan Dao and Gu Tianfang looked at the same direction at home. Fortunately, this powerful and extreme skyfire did not spread beyond Nanzhao Mountain. Otherwise, they would only be able to rush back to fight the fire.

"Nangong bully this is to really fight with Qin Hou, but this surname Qin is indeed a good skill, a law has been so good, he can actually smash the past, but also forced out the second law of Nangong. ”

"If this person stays, he will be a brother, and when you get there, you have to say a few good words for my brother."

At the same time, he was fortunate in his heart, but fortunately he persuaded Nangong Ba Tian’s venue to be located in the Nanzhao Mountain from the headquarters of the Fire Palace. If it was elsewhere, they might not be able to trap. Qin Hou is the opponent of Qin Yu.

However, his heart has been vaguely somewhat uneasy. Qin can adhere to the second law, and it is possible to provoke the legendary three methods. Once Qin Yu wins, he waits for him to be in addition to his demeanor, and there is no other way out.

Yan Dao asked deep and said: "The old brother, now it is too early, and look at it."

His heart is worried. There are many surviving innate books in the Qing Dynasty. This is the two laws and three methods that are bounded by the fire. The power is enormous, even in the congenital period.

The Qin dynasty is blessed with heaven and earth, and it is cultivated as a sea. However, in this battle, it is no longer the ability of the power of the day to resist.

He is very skeptical that Qin can hold this robbery.

The two were talking, only to see the world and suddenly a huge earthquake, followed by two loud noises of the thunder and tears of the sky, the original red sky, a huge gap appeared in life, followed by a red fire dragon When the air roared and danced, the claws and claws, under the inspiration of the fire flag, swooped down.

"It's a fire dragon!"

Yan Dao's face changed greatly.

At the time of Yan Jiutian’s decisive battle with Qin Yu, Yan Da had sent a dragon to help Yan Yan, but it was only a Tailong Qing dynasty, and it belonged to the kind that can only be used as a totem. The actual power has been greatly reduced. The remnant of the breath.

And this dragon, its incomparable spirit is full, fierce, and full of fire, it is absolutely nothing at first glance.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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