The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2343: Double Dragon Club

Yan Dao thinks that compared with this dragon, his protection dragon is not a star and a half. This is a real dragon. Although it has only one dragon soul, it is also a gathering of fire yuan. It still has innate innateness. The memory of the fire dragon.

Even if it is in the aftermath, Nangong Ba Tian has only a small part of the power of Zhu Rong, which is used to bless the fire dragon, and it is not comparable to the average person.

The ancient Tianfang was also trembled, the fire dragon appeared, the heavens and the earth changed color. Because the speed of the subduction was too fast, the dragon’s place formed a long line of fire, just like a long river flowing from the sky. The momentum of burning the earth is enough to make anyone chill.

"Good power! If you are not destroyed from the fire, you will be afraid to dominate the Three Realms in the future!" Gu Tianfang was shocked in the heart, but he would rather Qin Hou to destroy the Nangong bully.

If Qin Hou wins, at least accept the new rules and have a way to go. If Nangong is victorious, with his violent nature, one day, if one sentence does not deal with it, it is the catastrophe.

"Qin Hou, if you still obsessed with it, it is a dead end, can you have the meaning of repentance?"

Nangong bully slammed into the fire and shouted at the French flag.

Qin Lan looked at the fire dragon, and his face showed a hint of joy.

He has seen Qin Long since he practiced, and he has seen Xiao Cai, the dragon and the phoenix beasts have been seen, but this is simply a fire yuan, a congenital spell, and the dragon of the fire dragon will be condensed, but still the head See you once.

"Qin Long, you have been practicing for millions of years, has not been able to really turn the dragon, become the dragon beast of the dragon, today may be a good opportunity." Qin said.

Immediately after him, a blue mist of steam transpiration, Qin Long came out from the three circles of stone, looking at the fire dragon in the sky, the eyes flashed with joy: "The Lord, since the day after tomorrow, there is no real God in the world, the same we Dragon It has also been restricted by the heavens, and it is difficult to break through the real dragon soul and turn into a dragon god."

"I didn't expect that I could see the real Dragon Soul in the days after tomorrow. Even if there is only one soul, I can cast my bones and strengthen my true law."

Qin Long looked envious of the dragon road hovering over the sky.

"How many times do you have the dragon soul to swallow it?" Qin asked.

"This is not to say, but in order to become a real dragon, Qin Long is willing to give it a try."

Qin Long’s blue eyes are filled with fighting spirit.


"You are also a descendant of the dragon, on the qualifications, it may be your ancestors. Life and death are no small things, this is also an opportunity for your evolution, an ice and fire, if you can get his dragon soul, it will be a thousand miles."


Qin Hao is awe-inspiring.


Qin Long respectfully obeyed.

He knows that this may be the only chance to become a real dragon. There are very few dragons left in the day after tomorrow. If it is not a wish, then even if it is more than a million years, it may not be possible.

As for the dragons, they are alone. Every time they change, they grow up on the blood of their own people.

A mountain can not accommodate two tigers, one sea can not accommodate two dragons!

It's time to fight for yourself!

"Nangong bully, let your fire dragon come, and I will be there for a while." Qin Hao screamed.

"The stubbornness of the fire, the dragon of the dragon listens to me, kills the Qin thief."

Nangong Ba Tianfa flag pointed out that the fire dragon hovering in the air and could not wait to open the killing ring gave a roar, rolled up the flames of the sky, and rolled over to Qin.


The fire dragon opened his mouth and a dragon spurted it over to Qin.

But seeing that Longyan is red and bloody, the original flame field is in the sky, and Longyan is out, completely bursting, and even the ground is filled with flames.


Unbeatable and powerful!

Yandao and others are nothing but creeps.

However, when everyone worried about Qinhou, but seeing the law field is another wave of shaking, but also a dragon screaming.

The white blue ice is rising in the sky, and the flames around the sky are experiencing a great drop in temperature. Even people outside the courts such as Yan Da can feel the enthusiasm of the extremely cold.

At the same time, all the people in the way looked into the void, and saw a blue dragon swelled in the cold, rising into the sky, and when the air confronted the fire dragon, it formed a confrontation.

Ice Dragon!

Do not!

It is a sea dragon!

And this is a real dragon!

The ancient heavens looked so stupid. The dragon beast was almost non-existent. Looking at the whole world, Qin Guangwang had a black dragon god, and Yan had an old dragon. The rest was almost impossible to find again.

It not only has strong strength, but also is a fetish guarding Zongmen. It is also a symbol of dignity and strength of Zongmen.

The reason why Yan Dao can be ranked first in the three cases is not because the Dafa is higher than the Wufa, but because it has the blessing of Qinglong, and it is also honored by each family.

No one had thought that Qin Hou could still have a dragon.

And from the age of this dragon, it is definitely no more than five million years. At first glance, it is a vitality. It is in the prime of life, and the fighting power is super strong. It is already older than the Yandao Zongmen. The aging old dragon, whether it is the momentum or the combat power, is obviously higher.

Gu Tianfang and others are envious and sighed. Qin Hou dare to laugh at the heavens is not without reason. The strength and the protector of the beast are placed here, and no one can stop this kind of person.

Everything is away from the fire.

"what happened?"

"Where is the dragon, where is the dragon?"

Nangong Xiong exclaimed.

Nangong Ba Tian Ge also waited for the fire dragon to burn the Qin dynasty. Suddenly, I felt that the temperature of the entire legal field dropped sharply. I felt that it was not quite right, but I saw a blue sea dragon rising into the sky and became a fire dragon. A group.

"Oh, I didn't think there was a dragon in this world, and it was from hell."


There was a hint of chill in the face of Nangong Batian.

"Exactly, come and kill one, come to hundreds of hundred."

"Fire Dragon God, please use your power to kill Hailong, Qinhou, hehe!"

Nangong bully waved away from the fire flag.

Accompanied by a roar from the fire flag, the fire dragon **** swooped to the front of Qin Long, watching the younger generation's unpredictable block in front of him, can not help but anger: "Ignorant junior, I am the innate fire dragon, follow the Zhu Rong God, That is, the Four Seas Dragon King saw me, and I have to respectfully call a predecessor. You, the savage generation, dare to stop me. Is it because I want to be my belly?"

"On the age of generations, I really should call a ancestor, old predecessor, but this is the day after tomorrow, you are just a soul, and I am alive."

"For me, your only value is to help me integrate the dragon soul and become the real dragon god!"

Qin Long is not very good.

During the speech, the scales on his body stood upside down like a pair of ice skates, and the ice of the whole body was rushed to the extreme.

"So, you are ironic and want to die?"

The fire dragon is cold.


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