The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2344: Tragic dragon fighting

The dragons have always been in love with each other. It is not the case that Qin Long is not his own. Even if there is not much emotion.

On the contrary, for the provocation of this younger generation, the fire dragon is like a shameful humiliation, it is even more furious.

"Dragon is broken."

The fire dragon opened his mouth and spurred three dragons to Qin Long. Every dragon was hot and melted.

Qin Long is also not allowed, the ice dragon curse, the three ice whirlwind rolled over.

A fire and ice, fighting in the sky.

For a time, the sky was full of ice and fire. Under the crowd, the hearts of the people were also tight. They witnessed the rareness of this world, and even the unprecedented double-dragon battle.

Two dragons fight each other.

Because they are all dragons, both use the dragon's life spell. The dragon is a beast and a beast. It has been compared with God. They also have their own language, words, and cultivation methods.

The two fights are not inconsistent, and the fight is called a difficult problem.

Qin Longqiang was strong in the years, and these days he was hiding in the Three-Boundary Stone. He was given the guidance of the Qin Dynasty’s innate Bodhisattva, and he got the congenital method and the medicinal herbs. The body has reached the limit of the dragon body, and only the dragon soul can be integrated. Really, travel to the Three Realms.

Although the fire dragon is the beast of the congenital wish to melt the god, its method can be described as the head of the dragon, even the four sea dragon king can not be compared with it, but he is only a dragon soul after all, a fire yuan forced to piece together the physical existence, the strength is not enough One in ten thousand of the congenital period.

Moreover, Qin Long is a sea dragon, and he is good at the ice dragon method, which coincides with him.

Therefore, the fire dragon is violent again, and Qin Qin can not be taken at any time.

On the contrary, Qin Long has the Qin dynasty plundering underneath, there is no fear, more and more fierce, more and more fighting.

The two dragons can be said to be playing dark, and this is definitely not good news for Nangong Batian.

It’s extremely difficult to get away from the fire flag and wish to live in the world. The loss is the lifeline of the fire palace and his personal gas field. It takes one minute for each time, and it is one for Nangong. Torture and destruction.

Therefore, he swayed wildly from the fire flag, attracting endless skyfires, and constantly pouring for the fire dragon to maintain the fire dragon.

"Fire Dragon God, it is not suitable for a long time, quickly solve the sea dragon."

Nangong bully shouted.

The fire dragon is fighting at the moment. The strength of Qin Long is not as good as him, but it is extremely flexible. It seems to be desperately clear. In fact, it is like a fox. It is mostly fighting, and when it is heavy, it is avoided.

The fire dragon couldn't take Qin Long and was urged by Nangong Ba Tian. The heart was also very annoyed, and the roar of the sky, the heart of the next, decided to make the law of life.

"Kid, you have completely angered me, I am going to take your life today."

The fire dragon whirls in the sky, and in the snoring, the body is rolled into a ball, and the body produces seventy-two dragon flame blades, which are swept toward the Qinlong.

The dragon's blade was armed, like a roller full of long thorns, flying in and out, and the air around it was torn into countless fire holes.

This speed is too fast, Qin Long sees the power is huge, only the body is condensed into a blue ice shield to protect the whole body.

"You are still too tender, the district ice law, if I can stop my dragon blade, how can I laugh at the whole dragon?"

The fire dragon laughed and ran into Qin Long.

In front of the strong and powerful force of Longyan, Qinlong's ice shield was torn like a piece of paper. Seventy-two dragons edged the dragon's hard dragon scale and cut it into the flesh.

It is necessary to know that the Qin Long is a hundred feet long and a few meters wide. This is one third of the dragon's blood, and the dragon's blood is scattered into the sky.

The scene is like a crunchy meat cut, and it is cruel to see if the person underneath is not tight, and secretly squeezes a sweat.

This is probably the only one that still exists in the day after tomorrow. Is it going to be obliterated?

"Haha, **** is still old and spicy, the dragon is good, cut this waste dragon into two paragraphs, and see how he is going crazy afterwards."

Nangong Xiong haha ​​shouted.

Nangong bully is a tight-eyed look. I don't know why a strong uneasiness has spread from the fire flag. I wish the soul of the great **** is worried. Why is this?

It’s just that Nangong’s hegemony can’t be seen anyway. This is obviously a good situation. As long as the fire dragon makes a lasting force, it can completely break the sea dragon into two.

As soon as he shakes the flag, he dispels the flames of his sight and looks at the court.

I saw Qin Qin’s sitting as usual, with a faint smile on his face, and there was no tension.

This is too strange.

Hailong is about to break, why is he not nervous at all, is this dragon so worthless?

No, it must be wrong!

The Nangong bullying brow lock is tighter.

"Big brother, what happened?"

The smile on Nan Gongxiong’s face was awkward and he did not understand.

"not good!"

"Fire Dragon is fast!"

A strong uneasiness and fear came from the fire flag, and Nangong’s arrogant mind emerged with a big sorrow of anger and sorrow, and then he screamed.

However, it is already late.

The fire dragon is full of pride and full effort, Qin Long's blood makes him excited, let him smell the smell of blood in the past.

He can't wait to break this ignorant descendant into two pieces and take his life to prove his position in the dragon's high just when he wants to completely break Qin Long, suddenly, Qin Long, who was not really strong under his dragon blade, suddenly became extremely hard, and Long Yan’s blade was difficult to enter.

How could this be?

Fire Dragon God thought that he was exhausted, took a deep breath and fired his power to the extreme.

"Fire Dragon predecessors, do you really think I will be stupid to let you kill?"

Qin Long’s huge dragon head came round and looked at him and sneered.

At this time, due to the huge pain, he was bleeding all over the body, but the mouth was even more spurting, but this sly face was a stun of the fire dragon.

There is fraud!

At this time, he has already heard the general retreat of the thunder in the air, and the feeling of sorrow and sorrow associated with his heart is also cool his heart.

But he wants to retreat is already late.

Qin Long swayed and slammed him.

"Bound dragon!"

The binding of the dragon is the method of the Bodhi ancestor. At the beginning, the Qin dynasty trapped the dragon and the dragon.

And Qin Long is the same as the method, and he does not hesitate to use himself as a cable to introduce the fire dragon into the cable with the pain of the flesh.

At this time, a lock, Qin Long suddenly rolled into 18 volumes, firmly to the fire tornado firmly, the mouth of the crazy meditation of the dragon's spell.

The fire dragon only felt like being locked up by the 18th big lock. The kind of severe pain hit the soul. He didn't know what it was, and he screamed and directly used his understanding of Dafa.

His body is made up of fire elements. The real soul that controls the dragon body, as long as the soul is not destroyed, can once again use this endless fire element to condense the figure, at least there is a chance to save lives.

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