The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2351: Welcome to Fanginchang

The Qin dynasty's offensive is not diminished. The law refers to a royal squad. The sword is rotated in the air, and the madness is going to be merged.

Zhu Rong’s physical warfare is also very strong. He used a half-flag pole to fight with Qin Yu, and the two fought in the fire.

"The power of Vulcan!"

Zhurong flagpole shakes the sword, and Qin Yu flies back a few feet, the mouth is hanging with blood, screaming: "As long as the fire is under, as long as there is a fire in the air, you can't kill me."

"And you, in the rain, the energy is constantly depleting, and then fighting, there is only one dead end."

"Qin waiting, you can't kill me. Today, you and I are destined to have only one person to go out alive, but that person can only be me."

I wish you a mad sigh.

Qin Yan’s face was still a smile that was not shocked. He raised his hand and put away the sword.

Zhu Rong is already a mad dog in a desperate situation. Of course, Qin Hao does not want to play with him. The just-matched competition is just that Qin Hao wants to determine the strength of Zhu Rong in the end, and still has a few strengths before his death.

He is a cautious person and will never take risks with the safety of Fang Cunshan.

It seems that Zhu Rong only has only 10% of the strength left, so it is safe to put him into the square.

After determining the strength of Zhu Rong, Qin Hao finally showed the cryolite.

This piece of cryolite is still given to him by the snow-covered city of Michelle. Unfortunately, this time he was too hasty in hell, and he had not had time to go to the prison to see Mi Xue.

One of the most beautiful women in the world, at this moment in his mind is like a pure white snow lotus, very beautiful and charming, Qin Hao could not help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at? Do you think that you will be my opponent? Can you break my skyfire?"

It is not death, but not failure, but the insult, which will make him more anxious than he is.

"Are you afraid?"

"Take a look, what is this?"

Qin Lan raised the cryolite and sang.

Zhu Rong looked at the past, but saw the sparkling, bright glare.

What makes him even more incredible is that the spar has an unparalleled innate aura.

This is simply making you crazy.

Why the gods can't survive in the days after tomorrow, a very important reason is that there is no innate aura, the living environment of the congenital spirit field.

Qin Lan can become the **** of the day after tomorrow, probably because of this piece of Lingshi.

Great, if you can get this spiritual stone, you can continue to survive in the heavens and the earth, and even return to the cultivation of the innate.

Nowadays, a group of old guys such as Sanqing, Bodhi, and Buddha are not there. When it comes to heaven and earth, I am really only respectful.

Thinking of this, I wish you can't wait to yell: "You, where did you come from? Can you give me a look?"

"There is the ability, you come to take it yourself." Qin Hao shook, sneer.

I wish you a lot of enthusiasm, and where you have managed so much, you can’t take care of whether or not Qin Hao is a trap.

This thing is too important, it is probably his second life.

Although Zhu Rong has made up his mind to pull the Qin dynasty to accompany him, but if he can not die, who does not want to live?

He flew into a fire shadow, and the last fire yuan was rushed to the extreme, and the mad rush to the Qin dynasty, it is necessary to **** the cryolite.

However, what surprised him was that Qin Hao did not seem to want to hide.

Instead, the hand is lifted higher, as if it was intended to be sent.

Zhu Rong easily took the cryolite from Qin Lan, and as expected, the innate aura in the cryolite is not as good as the congenital period, but at least sixty-seven percent is pure, this is absolutely not in the day after tomorrow. There will be.

As long as there is a congenital aura, he will soon be able to return to the peak and become the supreme world.

"Haha, I finally found the thing that was limited by the Tiantian Tiandao. The deity will soon become the first person in the world."

"Sanqing, Buddha, Jade Emperor, you can't think of dreams. There is still a day in this world where I wish to be the master."

"From then on, no one can restrain me, no one is above me, haha!"

Wishing you to forget the laughter, the tears of laughter.

His remnant soul is immortal, hiding in the fire flag, witnessing the descendants of his descendants in the afterlife period of 30 million years. Once upon a time, he also expected that some of the descendants could break the barriers of the day and become a true fairy, and find a piece for him. Rebirth Avenue.

But everything is in vain. These wastes are always in place. No one can cultivate the true Taiyi Xianqi. Even the fire method he passed down cannot be fully utilized. Don't let him be too disappointed.

No one had thought that his long-cherished wish would be reached in the hands of Qin.

This guy who tries to change the order of the heavens has cultivated Taiyi Xianqi, and he has such a rich and innate spiritual field.

Zhu Rong can clearly sense that this spar contains a congenital cultivation of the spiritual field. As long as he can enter the spiritual field, he can realize all his wishes as long as he can get this spiritual field.

it's time!

I wish the soul of the disintegration to come out of the shell, and directly abandon the body that was condensed by the fire yuan and the children of the fire family, and plunged into the cryolite.

At the moment of entering, Zhu Rong saw a strange smile on the face of Qin that smirked, making him chilly, like falling into a trap.

In fact, Zhu Rong is also very clear, this is a trap, but he is still willing to fall in, after all, this is the only chance in this life.

Qin Lan has already secretly opened a secret door above the enchantment.

It’s easier to get into the trap than he thought. This guy is close to being crazy in order to get the innate aura.

Zhu Rong wished to enter the square inch.

When he appeared on the top of the square, he had a kind of joy that my heart flew, like a fish into the water, the dragon into the sea, it is so free.

The abundant congenital aura, the familiar congenital fairy grass, and the birds and beasts, everything is so familiar, and even more gratifying, he even found out that even in the innate period, it has long since disappeared. Flame flower.

There are pavilions and pavilions under the mountain, hiding in the mountains of a reiki and fairy clouds.

Perfect, not too perfect, this is definitely the perfect gift that God has given him.

"Great, I finally found the congenital field, I will be the strongest in the three realms, the Lord of the Three Realms."

"Haha, I finally found it and found it!"

I wish you a happy laugh, excited dance, it is a smug.

"Vulcan, welcome to the square inch."

It was beautiful, and a voice that was not humble was passed from behind.

Zhu Rong is a spirit, he is a congenital god, he can be so shameful, and quickly turned around and looked aside.

There are more than a dozen people waiting to see, one by one, exuding the innate temperament, especially the person who is in the first position, looks majestic, and is very pure in the spirit of Taiyi, turned out to be a Taiyi Zhengxian.


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