The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2352: Accepting

Zhu Rong’s cultivation in the congenital period is regarded as the second-line god, and is ranked as Taiyi Zhengxian, also called Taiyi Jinxian.

If he is in congenital, he will not tell this person to look at it, but now he has a soul, in a fairy eye, dare not say that the finger is extinguished, but definitely not an opponent.

"Fang inch mountain, what is the square inch? What do you mean?"

Zhu Rong is somewhat aggressive.

Fang Inch Mountain belongs to the court of the top connotation of the great **** Bodhi. It has long been destroyed in the congenital period. Where is the square inch?

"There is nothing wrong with Vulcan. Here is the Bodhi Dojo of the Seven-Star Cave of Fangcun Mountain. The monk is on the star, the head of the disciple under the Bodhi ancestor. In the congenital Yaochi Conference, I once met with Vulcan, but only the Vulcan nobles. Forget more things, forget the little fairy." Shang Xingzi smiled.

Previously, he and the brothers and sisters did have a fear of Zhu Rong, but at this moment they saw the soul of Zhu Rong, only to know that after 30 million years of Zhu Rong, and the consumption of this Dafa, the strength is even absolutely under Yao Sheng, It's a lot easier.

"Fang inch mountain?"

Zhu Rong looked around, the seven-star pass hidden in the mountains, and the pure fairy sentiment from these disciples.

This place is hidden between the mountains and rivers, and the treasures that are integrated into the secular stream, but are super-existing, are indeed the congenital square inch mountains.

He did not come to Fangcun Mountain in the congenital period, but he passed away from the sky. After all, he was not able to let him go.

When I came to Fangcun Mountain, there were so many great gods guarding it, which meant that it was difficult for him to turn up any storms.

To make matters worse, if these guys do it to him, he will only die.

However, Zhu Rong is a person with identity after all. He strongly suppresses his inner uneasiness and pretends to be calm: "Since it is Fang Congshan, please allow me to meet my ancestors. After all, in the congenital period, I can not let the gods who admire the admiration The ancestors are one of them."

Shang Xingzi sighed slightly: "I am afraid that you will be disappointed. The ancestors have gone with the congenital people, leaving only this side of the dojo, allowing me to wait for a rebirth."

"It turned out to be the case..." Zhu Rongmo squatted on his chin. There was no ancestor sitting in the town, that is, Fang Congshan had no owner. As long as he cultivated back to the peak, he became the master of Fang Congshan and everything was hopeful.

"Who is the current square inch mountain?"

Zhu Rong asked.

"The square inch mountain is now dominated by Qin Emperor."

Shang Xingzi replied truthfully.

"Qin Emperor?"

Zhu Rong has only heard of Dongyue Emperor, Zhenwu Emperor, Jade Emperor, and what Emperor Qin, but it is unheard of.

"How, Fang inch mountain is not bad."

A cold voice passed over.

The disciples quickly respected and responded accordingly, and said to the people who came here: "Welcome to the Qin Emperor."

Zhu Rongyi seems to be a person, and when he is on the road, the person who came is actually Qin.

He is not surprised that the Qin dynasty will survive in this world, but he did not expect that Qin 羿 is such a mortal, will be the master here, can make the sages so respectful.

"You are the Qin Emperor who replaced the Bodhi ancestor to control Fang Congshan?" Zhu Rong asked.


"I am Qin Di, and all the creatures of Fang Congshan are dominated by me. This also includes you."

Qin Hao said indifferently.


I wish to melt the language.

How proud he was in his life, he thought that the spiritual field would be a gift from the heavens that respected the peak of returning to the peak. Now it seems that it is a trap of Qin Yu. In this case, he would rather die than succumb to Qin.

Thinking of this, he will fly out of the field.

Qin Hao and others are sneer, no one is blocking him.

However, the big square inch mountain, no matter how Zhu Rong leapt, seems to always be boundless.

According to his memory in the innate period, he clearly has several "official roads" that have left Fangcunshan, but I don't know why. Whenever he is approaching those official roads, he will always be bounced back by an inexplicable power. .

So much toss down, Zhu Rong finally understands why such a precious spiritual field, Qin Yu hand in hand.

It is like an invisible prison. Once a person comes in, he can no longer leave.

This truth is not difficult to understand. If these disciples of Bodhi's ancestors can leave, Qin Yu does not need to fight hard with himself. If he directly sends this star to shoot, he can destroy his own soul.

As it turns out, it is only Qin Yi who can leave Fang Congshan.

This talent is the true son of the heavenly election. It can not only possess the spiritual field, but also can walk through the day after tomorrow. Do not blame Fang Xiangshan for being obedient to him, and respectfulness is no less than the ancestors of the congenital period.

"Vulcan, still want to go?"

Qin Lan looked at the breathless Zhu Rong and asked with a smile.

Zhu Rong waved his hand and took a deep breath: "Don't leave, don't leave."

Then, he respectfully dismissed the dignity of the great god, and kneeled at the foot of the Qin dynasty: "The **** of fire is wishing to merge, willing to follow the Qin waiting, serve for life, and stay in the square to practice the road, and never dare to violate the heavens."

Of course he wouldn't be so convinced, he changed his face so quickly, but he has no choice.

Resentment against the Qin dynasty is undoubtedly a dead end.

There is at least one other way to stay, and more importantly, his wreckage carries all the tricks and cultivation tips of his congenital period. He wonders if he can survive, even if he is a slave like the slaves under the mountain. It doesn't matter at all.

At the same time, he also saw that Qin Qin, although expensive, why Qin Di, but here is the highest one is still on the stars. And he can completely rely on the aura of the spirit field to to replace the Shangzizi as the first person of Fang Congshan with his secret of cultivation, but only sooner or later.

Once the cultivation is successful, he will kill the Qin dynasty and get the method of leaving Fang Chengshan. In this way, he can become the only true fairy in the Three Realms like Qin.

For the future great cause, Zhu Rong only abandoned the so-called dignity and sought opportunities.

He was careful to think that he could win the Qin dynasty and the celestial beings.

From the sympathetic smile on the face of the fairy, Zhu Rong seems to think that everything is not that simple.

"Vulcan, you are thinking, you are the innate god, as long as there is aura, you can replace the Qin Emperor in the future, control Fang Xiangshan right?"

Dan disciple laughed loudly.

Zhu Rong opened his mouth and his face was red, and there was no rebuttal.

"Fanginch Mountain used to have seven stars as you like, but you don't know. Every bit of energy you absorb now, every breath, every aura of fairy operation is from that invasive. Shilingzhu."

"And Lingzhu is connected with the Emperor's life. He only needs one idea. No matter how high you are, you will immediately disappear."

"All the creatures here at Fang Congshan, the only master can only be the emperor."

"I said so, do you understand?"

Dan disciple laughed.


Zhu Rong looked at the creation of the spiritual beads hanging in the void. At first he thought that it was the sun of the heavens and the earth. He did not pay attention, and now he discovered the existence of the spiritual beads.

All of this made him have to believe this cruel reality. As long as he is still there, he will not be able to leave the square inch in his life, and he will always be able to bow down at the foot of Qin Lan as he is now.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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