The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2365: Lock dragon pile

Qin Lan took a fight with Guangwang on that day, awakened in Fang Inch, and calmed the heavens, including the things of the children, and said to the little dance.

The little dance listened to the trepidation of the heart, and then I realized that Qin Xiao was not intentionally neglecting her, but in fact it was involuntarily.

"Uncle, you have come here, you have seen the situation in hell, can you solve it again?"

After venting the feelings of missing, the little dancer looked at the people on the beach in the distance and could not help but feel.

"The dragon veins in **** are broken. I once asked people to ask that the dragon's veins collapsed. It is a matter of heaven and earth. Even if the Buddha is reborn and the ancestors are reborn, it cannot be repaired by one person."

"You and I have only done everything, and listened to the fate of the heavens. I think that after the hearts of the people in hell, the heavens will not destroy the hell, there will always be rebirth."

"I came here to find you, also to cure the Nether River, lay down the Kowloon Pile, and gather the power of both of you and me. This array should be able to make it."

Qin Hao is right.

Tiandao Zhaozhao, Guangwang is the only **** between heaven and earth, and the master of hell. These big men hate to die, earth-shattering, and it is also a matter of reason to break the hell.

"Uncle said right, **** is not normal for a day or two, maybe it is a million years, maybe hundreds of millions of years. Maybe it can be done by our generation, playing dragons, even if you and I are giving to hell. Let's take the last bit of strength."

The little dance is also incomprehensible.

They are really tired, and the rest of their lives are still very long, but they can't stand the endless consumption of time.

Qin Lan never thought that he was a saint. He had done everything he could, and there will be another "Qin dynasty" in the later generations. There will be endless generations, and there will always be a day when Hell will return to Haishuhe.

"Yes, after playing the dragon pile, I will take you back to Dongzhou, return to Shijing, and take you to eat the sweetest ice cream, the most delicious chocolate."

Qin Hao scraped her cute Qiong nose and answered with affirmation.

Little dance is overjoyed.

She was also worried that Qin Hao would be a hero again, and set the rest of his life to **** again, for the sake of the world. Now it seems that he has already seen the secret and chose to retreat.

"Uncle, thank you."

The little dance was thrown into the arms of Qin Yu, very grateful, and extremely happy.

She finally waited for the time that belonged to them. For this day, I don’t know how many people died, I don’t know how much blood is flowing, and this day is still coming.

The next step is to play the dragon pile.

The little dance made the world's craftsman, and built a lock pile of nearly five hundred feet long. Qin Lan personally spent the whole three days and three nights on the square method of Fang Xiangshan, and painted the nine hundred and eighty-one roads. .

The lock dragon pile stands upright and cannot be measured.

A total of thousands of ships in the top of the transport of large ships in the power of the ship, barely pulled, dragged into the keyhole of the Nether River.

On the day of the pile, all the martial law along the Nether River, a hundred miles near the keyhole, no person smoke, after all, this is a secret law, afraid that future generations will borrow this article.

The thing that locks the dragon pile is not worthy of the world. The only thing Qin and Xiao dance can do is to add as much enchantment as possible, so that the keyhole and the lock pile are hidden in the bottom of the water. As for how long it can be guaranteed, it depends on the will of God. .

"Uncle, the lock dragon pile is already in place, it is time to lock the dragon."

The little dance was crowned by the emperor and walked down the big ship.

After Qin Xiao re-examined the lock pile, after confirming that the above formula was correct, he waved his hand and raised a flag and shouted: "The animals are not showing up."

I saw nine dragons coming out from the bottom of the water and clamoring for roar. Although they realized that they would be locked on the piles in the future, they would become the beasts of the river and completely lose their freedom. However, in front of the Qin dynasty, they still dare not make the slightest .

In front of the Qin dynasty, the Kowloon owls shed tears.

Not just Kowloon, the ghosts and ghosts of the millions of years in the Nether River, also want to take the opportunity to make waves, fear the power of the lock pile, want to resist.

The little dance did not take out the big seal of the ghostly emperor, and prayed to the heavens: "The second emperor of **** respects the little dance, and prays to the heavens here. May the water in Jiulong Town be used today, and the future of the Nether River will be smooth. The people have no worries."

Then, she looked awkward and yelled at the monsters in the Kowloon and the water: "If you wait for the animals, if you dare to make waves, I will divide them by Wang Fa." Then she took out a sword. This sword is very common, not a sword, but it is a small dance called the emperor, adhering to the object of heaven and earth, representing the supreme kingship, has a strong shock to the evil of the world.

The sword is hung on the lock dragon pile. The demon and ghosts in the river are afraid of Wang Wei, and they dare not make it. They have shrunk back into the water and dare not make another time.

"Uncle, look at you."

The little dance finished all this and retreated to the back of Qin.

Qin Hao nodded and waved his hand: "Lock."

Ten chains were smashed on the lock pile and bound to Kowloon. Kowloon struggled desperately and stirred up the waves.

Qin Hao said with anger: "If Er is to manage the water with peace of mind, he will have merits in the day, and he will become a god. If he dares to resist, he will not repent, I will marry it."

In Kowloon, he saw his **** Wei Hehe. The seven-star sword of the life was suspended in the air, and the power was amazing. Only obedience to the post, let the chain be added.


With the loud noise of the lock, Kowloon was smashed into the lock pile, leaving only the mark of the nine dragons. The lock pile is now蛟龙有御水能能,有九九镇Staying in the keyhole, the Nether River will be safe.


The little dance is in the void, chanting the scriptures, dispelling the grievances and deaths of the Nether River.

Qin Lan was flying up, then fell on the lock dragon pile, and his foot violently exerted force. The fire of Taiyi urged it to the extreme, and burst into a burst: "Don't!"

Five hundred feet of lock dragon pile, in the huge water flower, the dragonfly was tied into the keyhole.

The lock dragon piled into the keyhole, and the entire Nether River was like an insurance. It calmed down and the whole river was originally filled with dead air and decay, and it became clear and clear.

As a result, the most threatening part of the **** people is solved.

The flooding stopped, and Quan’an City began to rebuild. The city owner Yutonghai was directly on the spot at the downtown, and the people returned to their homes.

For Qin Yu and Xiao Wu, their mission is completely completed.

Everything is time to leave.

Yudu Wangcheng.

The ghost kings of the 18 prisons gathered, and the ministers and princes of the capital city of Qidu were also due.

The flag is full of heaven and the momentum is magnificent.

However, this sudden event, there is no atmosphere of joy, on the contrary, everyone's face with a trace of worry.

In particular, sitting in the top of the conference hosted Lingpu, the heart is even more infinite.

He never dreamed that the last time he was less than a year away from the little dance, he arrived at the time of separation.

"The emperor is honored."

Yan Wen took a long drink.

However, when the sky was seen, the cranes were arranged neatly. The small dance and the Qin dynasty both stood on the back of the crane. In the surprise and cheers of everyone, they slowly landed at the venue.


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