The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2366: It’s time to say goodbye.

"Is Hou Ye?"

Lingpu and others were shocked.

In their view, Qin Hou had already lost his soul with Guang Wang in that big battle. Who can think of this Qingyi people like a real fairy, is the great lord of the past hell.


"Hou Ye!"

Zhao Cheng, Yan Wencai and others are all excited. I can’t believe that this is true.

"Master, everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Xiaoyun greeted everyone with a light wind.

"Amitabha, Hou Ye is a pure fairy, and it is expected that he has already gained the heavens and the earth, and stepped into the congenital wonderland, but he is very happy."

When Lingpu saw the Qin dynasty's gas field, he was astonished and worshipped.

If the previous Qin dynasty was a **** in the eyes of the people, it was somewhat revered and ceremonial, and the Qin dynasty fluttering in front of the eyes was completely different from the previous genius.

Today's Qin dynasty, even if it is the Lingpu, has never seen it. The people with such a pure atmosphere are at least ten times better than Qinhou before the battle with Guangwang.

What happened in the middle, no one knows. But there is no doubt that the hardships and deaths will have a blessing. It is an indisputable fact that Qin Yu’s Nirvana is born again.

This also gave a huge surprise and shock to the people in the place, let them know that it was also able to become a fairy in the days after, which undoubtedly gave them the direction of confidence and cultivation.


Yan Wen took a bright look and shouted Qin Qin.

"Writing, Xiaowu told me about your government ability, you didn't let me down, good."

"Sit, sit down, my old friends."

Qin Hao shot the shoulders of the literary essays and raised the hand to the people.

Qin Lan and Xiao Wu sat down in the first position. The little dance gave Jingpu a gesture. Lingpu cleared the scorpion, and he was so sad and sad: "You ghost king, the purpose of this gathering today, I don't need to say, I I think everyone knows it."

"The little dancer, the emperor, decided to let the emperor position in today."

Everyone is silent.

The little dance is not only the emperor, but also the first Buddha in hell. As long as she is there, it will not collapse this day, and the land will not be trapped. The hearts of all people will have absolute enthusiasm for the new order.

She is more like the totem of Hell after Qin, and now she has to leave. Suddenly, everyone suddenly loses the biggest backing, and there is an empty feeling in her heart.

"Everyone, I know that you can't bear me and Hou Ye."

"But there is no banquet in the world. I and Hou Ye think that they have a clear conscience about hell. Now, it is time to make some choices for myself."

"Please understand."

The little dance smiled calmly.

Qin Hao nodded and said with a relaxed and humorous tone: "You, Qin, for today, my parents have died, and I am also a life of nine deaths. Now I have a life in the sky. I think everyone will definitely not be embarrassed by us. ?"

"Hou Ye, Emperor Zun."

When this is said, the people present here are not crying and mourning.

Everyone knows very well that Qin Hou’s life, from the mortal to the hell, has suffered countless catastrophe. It is just death, and rebirth occurs twice. Especially in the battle with Guangwang, I almost died in the hands of Guangwang twice, and even had to look far into the West, and even my own parents were harmed.

Qin Hou can say that he has contributed unreservedly for a lifetime. He almost carried the morality of **** alone, and struggled with Guang Wang, with natural disasters and man-made disasters, and exchanged his life and all his enthusiasm for today's world peace.

He has done enough, no one can ask him to do anything more, but if there is this idea, it is a sin.

Everyone can see that Qin Hou and Xiao Wu, who are returning, are so relaxed. They have decided to officially remove the burden, and they are far away from the church.

"Friends, don't use sorrow. After that, **** is gone, I will have Qin Xi, Song Hou..."

"I am going to go, and I still need to work hard. This is a big country. The people in this world are all please."

Qin Lan got up and bowed to the crowd, awe.

"I have to remember that Hou Ye is entrusted to death, and he will not forget to die."

Everyone got up and returned.

"In accordance with the wishes of the little dancers, she intends to pass the position of the emperor to the literati." Ling Pu raised his finger to the side of the tears.

"Oh, everyone knows, he is the only son of the second prisoner, Yalong, the second king of the prison, the life of the emperor, the walk in the capital of the capital, the administration, the people, their right, their ability, everyone It is obvious to all."

"Since we are meditation today, everyone has any opinions, or other people, can speak up boldly."

Ling Pu said again.

Although everyone knew that Yan Wencai took over as the emperor, it was a matter of time, but when the day came so suddenly, so fast, it was still a little off guard.

Yan Wencai himself is also very sad, completely without the slightest joy.

He knows that once he is in this position, he will lose Master forever, which he would never want to see.

"I am waiting for no objection, and I would like to enshrine the literary talents as the emperor."

After a few moments of silence, everyone had to face this cruel reality and accompany it.

"Hey adults, you can."

Ling Pu asked.

Yan Wen smeared a tearful tear, looked at the Qin dynasty and the little dance, the two smiled and nodded, looking forward to, trusting eyes.

Yan Wen took a bite to bite Just saying: "娄 is willing."

He knows that if he does not take over the responsibility of this day, Master and the Little Dance Emperor will never be able to live in peace and will not get the freedom they want.

This world is so heavy, there must be someone who is carrying heavy weights, and I know that it is time to give everything.

"Writing, after you are the third emperor of hell, be sure to take the people as the priority, diligent and clear, and not pay attention to me and your master."

The little dance took Wang Hao from the side of the tray and wore it on the head of Yan Wencai.

"Wen Cai will certainly not have the high hopes of the Emperor and the Master. If there is a half-slaughter in the future, it will be a savage thing."

Yan Wencai raised his head and bowed to the heavens.

"Congratulations to Xinjun."

Everyone is polite.

In the city of Wang, the cannons rang, and the fireworks of the sky bloomed.

Qin Hao and the old friends one by one farewell.

When it was the turn of Zhao Cheng, the two men hugged a bit.

"Hou Ye, I really envy you, after the beautiful people, the mountains and the green water, how happy and happy."

"Poor me, now I have picked up your stall. I am tired like a dog all day, and I have to be controlled by the moon. It’s miserable."

Zhao Cheng looked helpless.

"I heard that the moon has already been pregnant, and your kid is enough."

"The 18 prisons are my hometown. If you look at it well, you have to dare to mess up. If I come back the next day, I can't spare you."

"And, better for the quiet moon."

Qin Lan took a shot of Zhao Cheng's shoulder and laughed.

"Uncle, let's go," the little dance reminded.

Qin Lan and Xiao Wu looked at each other and smiled. The two fell on the white crane. In the eyes and crying of the people, they gradually disappeared into the sky.


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