The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2367: Stream cloud meeting

"Master, is this gone?"

Yan Wen looked at the back that disappeared into the heavens, and the tears came out again.

He will never forget that Qin Zhen had changed him from a nephew to a Ming Jun who loves the people today. In just a few years, Qin Hao changed his life.

Yan Wencai can't imagine, if there is no Qin, he may have died in the hands of his family. His father's first name will be nailed to the shame, and his family will disappear from **** forever.

Qin Lan gave him a second life and gave him dignity and glory. Now the man suddenly has to leave, which makes it difficult for him to accept this cruel reality.

Maybe he will never see Qin Hao again in his life.

Lingpu and others are also crying. They have lament in their hearts, but they dare not retain them. Everyone has their own choices. Qin Yu chooses to understand, except for blessings, there is nothing else to say.

"Emperor, the old man has gone by the Yellow Crane, I have to wait for it, so that I can not bear the heart of Hou Ye and the female emperor."

Ling Pu saw the grief and grief, could not help but advise.

"The master said that Master and the female emperor gave me such a heavy burden, how can I let them down."

"Everyone, the **** is broken. Everyone must know that the future waiting for us and the prisoners will be a greater test. The emperor and the uncle have done everything they can, and then they will give it to We are back. We will go back to prison, settle down on the people's livelihood, and do our best to prevent disasters. You will do your best to cooperate with you."

Yan Wen collected his tears, took a deep breath, and restored calm, to the ghosts of the crowd.

"I want to follow the king's life."

Everyone is singular.


On the Yunyun Mountain, the sound of the piano is melodious, and the white crane fairy deer is so good that it is a scene of a paradise.

Since the Qin Dynasty was famous in the world, everyone knows that the main stream of the Yunyun Zongzong is not the same as that of the Qin Dynasty. No other big brothers or **** kings came to harass, and Liu Yunzong became a rare land in hell.

"Master, why do you have Yaxing's piano today? Is there any good thing to happen?" Ji Yanran walked into Yashe, and cautiously.

Since Qin Yu and Guang Wang fought in Nanmyeong Mountain, after the death and death, Qu Feiyan announced that he would not dance the piano. He locked himself in the small house, and the tea was not thought, the hair was scattered, silent, and suddenly desperate to die. State, even if it is Ji Yanran, such a confidant disciple, Qu Feiyan is also ignorant, even the words are lazy to say a word.

Nowadays, the non-smoke is white, the snow is like a snow, the hair is turned into a bun, the makeup is elegant, the sound of the piano is full of joy, and even the long-lost cranes outside the window come to join in the fun, and Ji Yunran is expected to have a good thing, can not help but go forward. Happy to ask.

"Suddenly, he is coming back..." Qu Fei's face showed a long-lost smile, and he was very happy.

"Master is saying Hou Ye, he, he..." Ji Yanran grinned, and he couldn’t think again.

To know that after the war, almost everyone instinctively determined that Qin Hou had gone with Guang Wang, and now suddenly heard the news of Qin Hou suddenly, Ji Yanran shocked, tears unconsciously fell.

She will not forget that it was Qin Hou who brought her from Kunlun Mountain to Hell, and learned the real stream of Yunxian Xianle.

Although there is no love between men and women between Qin and Qin, it is already the only relative in Hell.

Just as the two of them spoke, they only heard the cranes outside the window sing, and they spread their wings to the sky. The various birds also screamed and screamed, and the scene was like a fairy. In the lower bound, the whole body of the Yunyun sect was sensational.

Qu Feiyan and Ji Yanran quickly out of Yashe, and outside, all the disciples stood on the Zongmen Square, witnessing this rare bird watching.

Slightly tilted, I saw a row of cranes coming back from the clouds. On the two cranes in the middle, one stood.

Male, a green shirt, holding hands proudly, looking at the world, free and easy, like Donghua lower bound.

Next to the woman, a white coat, hair is very casual tied with a ponytail, lined with the stunning beauty and a bit more British.

The two stood side by side, a pair of fairy monks.

Qu Feiyan fixed his eyes and looked at it. The people who came here were not Qin Qin, and the other one was close to seeing it. It turned out that it was today’s Xiudu ghost emperor Xie Xiaowu.

"Non-smoke, let you suffer."

Qin Lan slowly walked in front of Qu Feiyan, erased the tears on her face, and was extremely gentle.

"Hey, I thought you..."

Qu Feiyan was so weeping, and when he had not finished speaking, he had already plunged into Qin Huan’s arms and could not cry.

"Qu Zong, you don't have to be too sad. Later, my uncle has time to accompany you, and he has to take us to the mortal world. Then you will know how fun it is."

The little dance screamed in a playful voice.

Without the aura of emperor, she can be a true self. She does not need to maintain the supreme dignity of the emperor. Just do a little cuteness around Qin, and a small follow-up is enough.

After all, Qu Feiyan is a native of Hell. The majesty and honor of the Emperor are inviolable. It is deeply rooted.

Although they are unbelievable about this "weird" of the little dance, they are still free from the arms of Qin Yu, respectful to the ceremony: "Qu non-smoking has seen the emperor ~ ~ Qu Zongzhu, you do not need Be polite to me, I have not been an emperor for a long time. Just a few days ago, I have already let the big man give me a literary essay. After that, you can call me a little dance."

"Strictly speaking, I should also call you a sigh."

The little dance smiled.

The song is not a smoky face, but I don’t know how to pick it up.

The little dance is free and easy: "Uncle, you two are not happy to get married, we will not bother, you are busy."

She was mixed in the mortal world and knew the virtues of her uncle. There were quite a few women around her. At least when she was in Sizang Island, she was not happy with the black pearls.

Nowadays, the young couple are so easy to reunite, naturally it is time to get out.

Of course, Qin Hao will not miss this opportunity. He owes too much to the woman around him. Qu Fuyan has already had a husband and wife with him. The two of them have become a rain, and naturally they are not happy.

Until the next day, Qu Feiyan and Qin Yu both stayed together, both of them were red and full of body and mind.

In the days that followed, Qin Hao was not in a hurry to leave Hell. First, let Ji Yanran go to the mountain to reunite Mi Xue, Qi Keer and others. Every day, he and Jiali played in Liuyun Mountain, but they were also happy.

After about half a month, the little dance has been urging to go to the mortal world, and Qu Feiyan and others are also full of curiosity about the mortal world. It’s not a little dance every day, it’s Ji Yunran, listening to them telling the story of the mortal world, Ji Yanran I have never been to Kunlun Mountain in my life, and I have been practicing martial arts. I can’t say anything about it. It’s nothing more than a snowy scene.

However, the prosperous urban customs of the small dance can be different. What kind of playgrounds, cafes, etc., make the women look forward to each other and want to fly to the mortal world immediately.


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