The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 807: You must die


Qin Xiao’s face is even more sinister.

When the people still have a mile from him, Qin Hao suddenly has a double-footed character, the sword points to the sky, and the cold and cold spit out four words: "Ice Seal!"

Because the valley is so cold and cold.

Qin Lan started the ice law, there is no vision, Rao is one of the hundreds of people, there is no shortage of masters, Tianshi-level old rivers and lakes, but also unprepared into the battle.

With the four words spit out!

The wind in the valley is so cold that the temperature drops to minus seventy or eighty degrees!

It was like a sudden entry into a large cold storage!

The snow flutters in the sky, and every snowflake has the supreme expression from hell!

When I came back, everyone had already coagulated around the blood and turned into an ice sculpture.

Some have been repaired to a slightly higher level, and they want to struggle. However, the meridians are greatly damaged, and the degree of escape is far less than the chilly state. It is still difficult to escape the icy fate.

For a while!

The original noise, the dead silence, everyone is in the same place, lost vitality.


"You are a great master, no, not a Taoist!"

"You, who are you?"

The stunned and stunned stunned, slammed into the front of the Qin dynasty.

"Qin Hou!"

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Qin Hou!"

Ping sorrow and screaming, and slap his own slap in the face, he should have thought that people who can have so many rejuvenation, in addition to the owner of Jiangdong, who else?

"I won't kill you, give me the treasures of them."

Qin Qin handed a command.

"Yes Yes!"

Ping Wu has a sense of instinct and a hot stream in his body. His hands are like a fire, and he easily penetrates the body of the master who is frozen into an icicle. He takes the treasures and piles them up in front of Qin.

This is a gathering held in the Holy Mountain of Kunlun. These people are all important members of the North and the family, and most of them are born with different treasures.

Since Qin Yu wants to be bloody, how can he miss this good opportunity?


Qin Hulu is a spur, and the instruments, medicinal herbs, and treasures are all included.

"Wait, Hou Ye, I, can I go now?"

Asked about peace and war.

"You are a drug god, keep it a little good, go."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Thank you, Hou Ye, thank you Hou Ye!"

No worries or shackles, even rolling and fleeing, fleeing the right and wrong.

Inside the villa.

Mei Jiu and Piao proudly led a few powerful men, and they went straight to Taniguchi.

"Oh, my brother, I guess that the nameless boy is probably too much to eat. We scared him, I was afraid that I couldn’t use Yan Gongzi to act, and he would have to ask for help."

"First, let's say that when you get the medicine, you have to leave two, so our brothers can't run white."

Mei Jiu hit the horse and laughed.

"Reassured, I understand."

A group of people flew to the mouth of the valley, and they saw a hundred people clustered in the snow, facing the nameless.

"Haha, I really didn't expect it, this kid was attacked by the group." Mei Jiu proudly laughed.


Several people flew to the front.

"The unknown brother, Mei Mou came to save."

Mei Jiu shouted as he sat down.

"Save? How to save?"

Qin Lan raised his eyebrows and asked coldly.

"Well, as long as you hand over the medicinal herbs, my brother and I can keep you safe."

Mei Jiudao.

"So, are you coming to the remedy?"

"If I don't give it?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"No, then you will die."

Mei Jiu was proud.

"Mei brother, Mei brother..." He gave him a look and whispered a word.

Mei Jiu was still eager to make a difference and did not notice the situation on the spot.

"Is it? You can see the big dog eyes clearly." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Mei brother, it's not good."

I am proud of it.

Mei Jiu only noticed that the hundred and ten people did not even have a voice. When they looked at them with a fine eye, they were now turned into ice sculptures.

What surprised him even more is that there are still a few masters who are capable of teaching!

How could this be?

Mei Jiu can't imagine what kind of people can kill more than half of the famous masters of the northern martial arts in such a short period of time?


Qin Lan shouted.


Hundreds of ice sculptures, which were simultaneously turned into sky-shaped ice, were swayed and sprinkled on Meijiu, surprisingly cold.

"Not good, withdraw!"

Mei Jiu gave a big drink and turned the horse to go!

"Want to go?"

Qin Lan smiled coldly, one left arm, a purple true air long bow, but the right hand thunder flashed, a Lei arrow slowly put on the bowstring!

"The Nether Bow!"

Since entering the Golden Age, Qin Hao has been able to use the real magical power, free to come!


The sound of the shocking sound is moving!

From the arrogant ear, I turned it into a lightning bolt.

Mei Jiu is also a mid-term teacher, and it is never ordinary, but even if it is a great master, it is just an ant in front of the sage!

The Qin dynasty sword used only 30% of its strength, which is nearly 500,000 jins of strength. It is equivalent to the power of Wu Zun in the early days of the reign of the gods, and it is the resistance of Mei Jiu.


The real thunder arrow, suddenly pierced the head of Mei Jiu, when the time of Mei Jiu’s skull was blown up, but the body still ran wildly!

"God refines Wu Zun!"

Amazingly surprised.

He is the first pro-disciple of the wolf god, and his own disciples are no less than a thousand. His strength has reached a great master, with nearly 178,000 pounds!

In the north is regarded as one of the top masters under the gods!

However, arrogance is very clear, and once it is promoted to the gods, it has at least a mountain of 500,000 jin.

The gap between the two major steps is insurmountable!

At the time of arrogance and hesitation, another figure flew.

It’s Yan Yan Leisheng is afraid of arrogance and arrogance, and he has lost his singer’s face.

Originally still want to grab the power.

I didn't expect that when I arrived, I saw that Mei Jiu was smashed, and I was as arrogant as I was.

He realized that it was not good, but it was too late to turn around.

Because the nameless has firmly locked his air machine!

Intuition tells him that this is a person who can only get it when he is a singer, and that he is afraid that only a fake show will be played tonight.


"No brother, don't come innocent! The younger brother is looking for you everywhere."

Yan Lei bowed his hand.

"Yeah!" Qin Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Oh, this is not a proud."

"Hey, how do you want to make bad ideas for the people at the wolf door?"

"It’s hard to make a murder of an unnamed brother."

"I tell you, as long as I am Yan Lei in a day, people in your wolf door don't want to scatter wild!"

Yan Lei shouted.

"If you want to harm the unnamed brother, let's pass this little pass and lighten the weapon!"

Yan Lei pulled out the three-tone nine-sound sword in the waist, and the long sword was dragged by murderous and creaking.

"Yan Shao!"

"You, do you think I am afraid of you?"

Hearing coldly, he took a pair of black iron eagle claws and rushed to fight with Yan Lei.

"Yan Shao, this person's strength has reached the gods, in addition to the Eight Lords and messengers, afraid that no one can move! You are going to ask for help!"

Proud to use the fighting machine, small channel.

"I know!"

"But the messenger is having fun here, my father can't catch up, you have to die tonight."

"I am dead, what about you?"

I am proud and angry.

Ps: The update is finished tonight, and tomorrow, friends, good night!

(End of this chapter)


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