"Can your life be compared to me?"

"You are just a dog raised by the wolf god, and I am the only son of Yan Baye, the scorpion of the **** of war, a hair is thicker than your thigh!"

In the face of arrogance and obsession, Yan Lei has some fire.

"Even if I am dead, do you think he can let you go?"

The arrogant double hooks framed Yan Lei’s long sword and asked for a bite and a tooth.

"I sing a white face, and there is no flaw at the moment. As long as he enters the villa with me, I will have the opportunity to avenge you."

"But if you don't die, let him know that I am with you all the way, we both have to die."

"So, you must die!"

Yan Lei made a slap in the air, and screamed with arrogance, such as savage winds, rolling up the snow.

"I don't want to die. If you want to die, you will die. You won't be able to fight with him."

I am not proud of it.

"Shut up, this little life is so expensive, you can't take a little risk."

"I warn you, I am going to die, my father will kill you full of doors? You don't want your wife, daughter, and the cattle of the flood army to take a round, listen to me."

Yan Lei threatened.


兀 兀 掐 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿 顿

He spent a lot of effort in his life, staring at the teacher and the wolf god, becoming a hero, originally thought to be able to call for the rain.

But I never thought that in the end, in front of the powerful Yan family, it was just a small cockroach, a dog!

"Okay, that's it. You take care of my family and take revenge for me. I will give you this life."

There is no choice but to promise.

"This is like an obedient dog!"

Yan Leisen smiled coldly, the long sword was like a snake, and he passed the sullen waist muscles. He entangled a few laps, and finally the sword tip slid out and sneaked on the throat!

"Reassured, I will take care of your charming little wife, and my daughter, go to hell."

Yan Lei Jiu Yinjian made a squeaking sound, not a drop of blood, lightning back to the scabbard.

"You, you..." Pride saw the misery of his wife and daughter from the eyes of Yan Lei.

He secretly wonders how he can listen to the ghosts of Yan Lei.

However, regret is already late!

Jianqi runs through his neck, Yan Lei swayed and turned back to the horse, the next second, arrogantly squatting on the ground, squatting in the pool of blood, staring at Qin Hao, as if to tell something!

Qin Lan watched the farce coldly.

Who does not like to watch a dog biting a dog?

"No brother, I am shocked."

Yan Lei jumped off the horse and bowed his hand.

"Yan Shao, the sword is not bad, even the Grand Master of the North is defeated in your hands, today you have to shoot, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape!" Qin Xiaoqing sneered.

"I have long been ignorant of the wolf door, especially the old thief, flying, and **** it."

"To take his dog's life today is also a sight to the sky."

Yan Lei looked right.

"Yan Shao, it really is a righteousness, it is not a Yan Jiajunjie." Qin said.

"Unknown brother, now Mei Jiu, the flow of arrogance has already been in vain, in the mountain village, this little talk is still counted."

"It’s better to have a drink when it’s cold, and it’s not too late to leave tomorrow.”

Yan Lei said warmly.

"Good! It’s rare for Yan’s brother to be loyal, please!” Qin Xiao smiled.


Yan Lei is overjoyed, first lead the way in front.

His white face did not sing white, as long as he can introduce Qin Qin into the villa, there are special envoys, this kid will die.

What is even more gratifying is that Pride and Mei Jiu died, and there are two less treasures. Why not?

Qin Hao certainly knows Yan Lei this point of thought!

He said that this little man is full of sorrow, even if he is not, just because he is the son of Yan Baye, Qin has enough reason to get rid of him.

However, he knows that there is still a strong opponent in this mountain village. This person is very cautious. It is very likely that there is a **** with a weapon. The breath is very weak and weak.

The purpose of Qin Lan is to lead this guy!

The two returned to the village,

At this time, the heavy snow has covered the entire mountain village, a piece of white enamel, there is a sense of death and beauty.

The gathering was scattered, and there was no smoke in the villa.

The disciples of the Kunlun School and the arrogant doormen immediately came to see Qin.

"Don't let your masters die, aren't you ready to prepare for the future?"

"Now the villa is dominated by me. Whoever dares to disturb the cleanliness of Mr. Wu, it is no wonder that this sword is ruthless."

Yan Lei shouted.

Disciples are scattered.

Yan Lei led Qin Yu into the elegant room of the villa, and personally smashed the wine: "Nobody, you and I really hate each other, come and have a drink."

Qin Hao raised his glass of drink, about thirty years old, Yan Lei brows a sink, smiled: "No brother, your ability, talent can be said to be nothing in the middle. When today, do not take Yan family as the head, Yan family has Valkyrie There are my father Yan Baye, recruiting talents, and talents in the world are all inevitable."

"Why don't you go to the Yan family, the brother's talent, I recommend to my father, must be at least a deputy head of the legion, even the head!"

"How is the nameless brother?"

Yan Lei asked for a toast.

"I am used to it, I am not allowed to be bound!" Qin Yu was cold and clear.

"Oh ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this case, Yanmou is not forced."

Yan Lei’s eyes flashed a murderous murderous act, which made it calm.

His historical aim is that it cannot be used by me, it is the enemy.

Originally, Qin Qin was willing to be in the same position. He may guarantee one, but now, it is death or alive, and it is decided by the Holy Spirit.

"No brother, you drink first, I will go and get some pots of good wine."

Yan Lei smiled and got up and went to the inner room.

In the inner room, Yan Lei pressed on the wall and got into the secret passage.

In the secret road, the saints are sipping the beautiful people to drink flowers and wine, see Yan Lei, put down the wine glass, and smile lightly: "Yan Shao, arrogant and Mei Jiu died, but you are amazing."

"The saints are adults, don't say this, no name is in the hall now."

"The strength of this kid is unfathomable. Although I have not handed over to him, but I have stepped into the realm of the Grand Master last year, I dare not fight with him!"

"So, I guess that the namelessness is likely to have reached the realm of the gods, so the Holy Spirit is best to go this way."

Yan Lei Road.

"Hey, in addition to the masters of the martial arts world, the master of the martial arts is either recruited by your Yan family, or entered the holy mountain, he is a nameless generation, how many pounds can be!"

"Moreover, this is also a master of the gods, with nearly 600,000 kilograms of strength, who is the enemy in the world?"

"When I take him, I am."

The saint made a woman who pushed open the body, and finished the whole white robe, and smiled proudly.

In fact, he is under the sacred sect of the sacred mountain, but it is a small role, even his face can not be exposed, it is considered a "untouchables" identity, or else will not be sent to the mountains.

It’s hard to be high now, and it’s like being a god.


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