The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 809: Big sword in hand, who fights

"Oh, the Holy Grail is sure, then it would be better, please!"

Yan Lei did not humble and sneer.

His uncle Wu Shenyan has planned to open a school in Kunlun for nine days. Yan Lei is not an uninformed person. The Holy Spirit can pretend to be a grandfather in front of Mei Jiu and others, but he may not be able to enter his eyes.

Qin Hao quietly sipped.

The door opened.

Yan Lei and the sacred sergeant came in, and the sage looked like a torch and stared at him.

However, Qin Hao never looked at him from beginning to end, just drinking and drinking.

He did not guess wrong, this person's cultivation is in the mountains, it is definitely a top master, has been refined!

In particular, the golden sword hanging from his chest hides his breath and is a special thing.

"Cough, Mr. Anonymous, let me introduce this is the messenger of the Kunlun Mountain Juggernaut."

Yan Lei pointed to the side of the back with his hands behind him, and the sacred sergeant who raised his nostrils, introduced.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao still did not look at him, just a slight point.

"Mr. Anonymous, let's finally meet."

"I have something to discuss with Mr.!"

The sacred face was dull, and he sat down and snorted.

"Say it!"

Qin Yudao.

"Our Jianzong has been recruiting talents recently. I am more optimistic about you. I don't know if you are interested in entering the holy mountain."

The Holy Protest asked proudly.

To know that people in the martial arts world, it is undoubtedly the greatest honor to enter the holy mountain of Kunlun!

However, to his disappointment, Qin Hao is only three words: "No interest!"

"You can rest assured that my request is not high. As long as you hand over the medicinal herbs, I can be your referral. Then you will see what is the real martial arts method, the way of life!"

The ambassador was still unwilling to ask on the shelf.

"Yeah, no brother, you have so many medicinal herbs on your body, even if you eat it all? You and I know that the same level of medicinal herbs, eating too much is a waste."

"It's better to use a medicinal herb for a future life, and you have the opportunity to get a boulevard. You want to be able to get the Juggernaut's instructions in person. Your cultivation is not a rush."

"This sale is absolutely cost-effective!"

Yan Lei helped the side.

“The husband of the grassland in Kunlun District is also worthy of talking about Changsheng Avenue?”


Qin Yiyi sneered.

When the words came out, the faces of Yan Lei and the ambassador suddenly sank, and even Kunlun did not look in the eyes. This was too arrogant.

"So, the unnamed brother is looking down on my Kunlun?"

"I insist on being an enemy with me!"

The Holy Spirit is angry.

"It’s just an enemy, I am here to take your dog’s head!"


The Qin dynasty wine glass is raised, and the wine in the cup is like a thousand silver needles flying away.

The sacred sacred hand was full of divine power, and the sleeves were blocked. I thought it would be easy to catch it. Then the wine actually penetrated his protective temper and stabbed him on his face.


The screams of the Holy Ghost, the whole face was pierced, blood rushed, and his face screamed.


Qin Hao's hands flashed a group of fine light, Zhang Yu Dajian is now, the heroic death evil, stirring in the room.

A great sword!

Yan Lei’s eyes were not good. Pulling out the sword was intended to attack. In fact, he was carrying a very high body, flying and smashing the wall on one side, and his body flickered and fled.

As a Yan family, he has seen too many masters.

Unlike his uncle Wushen and his father, the Yan Lei’s style of work is that life is the first, and that the crimes and losses are never done.

When Qin Lan’s arrogant sword was out, he realized that it was not good, and he did not care about acting again. He chose to escape.


Qin Hao's right palm was swayed, and the sword was shot at the hilt. The sword of eight thousand kilograms hit the ambassador.

The strength of the Holy Spirit is still there. When the shock is over, the two long swords at the waist fly out, causing all the hard work and shaking.

"Look around!"

The holy hand shakes his hands, left and right hands, Jin Yang and Ming Yue from the tip of the sword sprayed out, holding a long sword!


The black gas is intertwined with the light of Jinyang and Mingyue, rubbing against the sparks of the beautiful, the huge impact of the waves, tearing the walls of the house into pieces.

"Yes, I can stop me!"

Qin Hao's wrists are shaking, the fingertips are infuriating into the ball, and the big sword flies, such as the dragon and the whirl, and picks up the turbulent waves!

All the utensils, tables, chairs and brick fragments in the house were all attracted by this enthusiasm and were rolled into debris.

"How powerful can you be so powerful?"

The saints only felt that the meridians were about to be broken, and the swords in their hands were unstable. The weapons from the holy mountain were twisted into twists.

"Go again!"

Qin Lan suddenly drunk.


The Holy Ghost can no longer withstand the power of this heaven, the meridians are broken, and the mouth is bloody.

Connected to the body of the clothes, the mask on the face is shattered, the red fruit shows itself.


The ambassador slammed on the ground!

After the horrible mask, it is an old numb face, facing the nose, the old tortoise, hanging eyebrows, how ugly, clearly is a lower jaw!

"Unknown adult, forgive, forgive."

The Holy Ghost changed the high state on the top, and the prince was like a dog.

"Let's say, what are you coming to?" Qin Yu's sword stabbed on his shoulder, proudly.

"I I am under the sword holy gate, a sweeping underground!" The Holy Spirit honestly replied.

"What is the purpose of Kunlun Mountain? Why do you want to open the market every few years? As far as I know, you have not given any treasures of Kunlun Mountain." Qin asked.

The ambassador told the truth.

It turns out that Kunlun will hold a market every few years, in fact, in order to find out the bottom of the martial arts.

Generally speaking, due to the mortal refinement, both beasts, spirits, and practitioners have certain limitations, and it is difficult to see amazing things.

Through the market, Kunlun Mountain gathers the top heroes of the world and can make a rough judgment on the mortal world.

For example, there are four-product instruments, medicinal herbs, grand masters, and millennial spirits, all of which are controllable.

However, if there are several masters of the gods, or if there are five or six items that only the holy mountain can have, Kunlun Mountain will immediately wake up, and the Yan family will generally be recruited and acquired. If the other party is not interested, the only one The end is only dead.

Kunlun Mountain is absolutely not allowed to have any more than four products, as well as uncontrollable gods and above masters.

"It was this idea that was originally played. It is ridiculous that there is no match in the Beilin Temple. It has become their play."

"Then I ask you, how do you feel about Jiangdong Qinhou?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Hey, Jiangdong Qinhou, it sounds very beautiful in the martial arts world. However, in the eyes of the seven sects of the Kunlun Holy Mountain, it is just an ant."

"The district masters, even the Yan family are lazy to care for him, do you think the people of Kunlun Mountain are interested in paying attention to him?"

"Jumping the clown is like raising a pig. Once you have fattened, you can kill it. Do you understand?"

The ambassador explained to the gesture of cutting his head.

(End of this chapter)


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