The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 812: Xiangbei Giants

Inside is a dead body wrapped in yellow cloth.

Yan Baiya slowly opened the yellow cloth, the body inside had long been broken, blood and flesh, and the body was full of animal scratches.

"Ye, when we found the body, the young master has been eaten by the wolf..."

"You, please please change your mind."

Leading the military officer.

"Ye, according to the monks of Beilin Temple, it can be inferred that Jiangdong Qinhou did."

"He turned into a nameless person, killing hundreds of northern masters in the night, looting all their treasures and stealing no one."

"The young master and the Kunlun ambassador are also suffering from this person, and let go of the rhetoric. In the spring of next year, they will kill a chicken and a dog in Beilin Temple."

"This person is really arrogant. The last time he killed the wild army, I can't stand it. Now, I can get another bird."

"Hey, I am waiting to fight, and I will fight in Jiangnan."

Other officers have ordered their lives.


Yan Baye heavyly closed the coffin, blood staring at the sky, hateful: "This thief is openly appealing to me, to the **** of war, to Kunlun! This hatred does not share the sky, you can Raotian!"

"Come on, come to the crowd, and kill the night to Jiangnan."

Yan Baye shouted.

"Hey, calm!"

"The Kunlun Mountain Holy Ghost is dead. The Wushen and the Kunlun Holy Mountain must know the news. Moreover, the most proud apprentice of the Wolf God is not dead?"

"The Holy Mountain, the Valkyrie, the Wolf God did not do anything. If you rushed out, if the whole situation of the Valkyrie was destroyed, the big thing is not good."

Going out of the public, he calmly said.

Yan Baye’s double fists are tight, and the graceful and white face is full of pain. Immediately, the eyes are closed, two drops of tears fall, and then suddenly open their eyes, cold and cold: “The action is cancelled, before the instructions of the Valkyrie, No one can shake."

"Qin Hou, next year's Beilin Temple Conference, I see how you die!"


Qin Hao rushed back to the sea of ​​clouds overnight!

This trip to the north, he undoubtedly made a big fortune. The instruments in it were all distributed to the brothers of the Daqin Army. The medicinal herbs were exercised in one pot and got several Sanpin Dan medicines.

The only regret is that no one has only got the mother Dan, and the other half is still in the Beilin Temple.

The reason why Qin Yu chose to take Dan in the spring of next year is also a reason.

There are four great gods in Beilin Temple, but now he has not broken through the middle of Jindan. It is only the level of Wuzun. From the perspective of strength, there is no grasp of victory.

Leave a few months of buffer time, and then you can increase your strength by more than ten thousand kilograms.

To know his cultivation degree, in the same time, it is almost a killer of all martial arts practitioners.

It is undoubtedly beneficial to him to vacate for a while.

In the next two months, Qin Yu absorbed the energy of the last two dark soul cores and completely turned all the power of the soul core into infuriating. At this time, Jin Dan has 70% full state, and still needs 30%. The force can reach fullness and usher in a breakthrough opportunity.

"Hey, didn't bother you?"

Wen Xueyan walked gently and walked into the back garden, calling out Qin Qin.

"Small, good-looking, it seems that the recent cultivation is a big increase, according to this degree, after some time, you can step into the late stage of internal refining."

Qin Lan got up and took Wen Xue's hand and walked in the garden.

As Fu Xiaoqing's recovery has a look, the hearts of everyone are slackening a lot, especially watching the hard-working Wen Xueyu, Qin Hao is even more apologetic.

"That's not all the credit of my brother."

"Hey, tell you a good news. Under the efforts of Miss Wan, we spent a billion dollars and finally returned the Chinese family to the assistants of Professor Tang and Professor Deng Pu. Their family can finally reunite. One year."

"It’s just a little more money, and my brother won’t blame me and my sister."

Wen Xueyu said with joy.

"Great, welcome back to my wife and assistant Tang. It is my commitment to the professor. Even if it is 10 billion, 100 billion is worth it."

"Small, you have a wife like you, what do you want?"

Qin Hao deeply embraced this understanding girl and kissed him warmly.

Whether it is the last life, or this world, Wen Xueyu has always been to him, and suffers from the wind and rain!

Her growth, her transformation, is not because she is a true love for her, Qin Hao has been unable to express in words, grateful to her.

"Whoever wants to marry you, do know to take advantage of it."

"Well, my brother, I have something to trouble you, can I?"

Wen Xueyu asked poorly.

"You are so polite again, I will hit your ass, and I will say." Qin Xiao smiled.

"It’s almost the end of the year. My parents are still traveling in Egypt. I am likely to be unable to come back. I want to ask you to take a trip with me and go to see Xiangbei in my hometown. Do you think you have time?"

Wen Xueyu asked.

"Well, just after nothing happened recently, I will go with my wife."

"Before I don't pass, I have to compensate my beloved girl first."

Qin Xiao’s evil smile, holding his waist and holding Wen Xueyan, rushing to the bedroom.

He also wants to understand these days. Since he is born again, why are there so many embarrassments?

The love is love, and one day, he will live up to the whiteheads, with a confidant, a red face, a journey through the sky, and a happy world.

The next day!

Warmly wearing a smart suit, respectfully waiting at the 6 tiger car Hou Ye! Things are ready, put in the trunk, do you want to see it again? ”

Wen warmly smiled and asked.

Qin Tang can personally go to see his grandmother, this is undoubtedly a gift of greatness, and Qin Hao let him be a driver, but more trust.

This shows that as long as the performance is good, he will sooner or later have a day to come.

"Warm, you are the brother of Xue Yu, in front of outsiders, do not have to respect, call my name."

Qin Lan took Wen Xueyu to the car and made a gesture, indicating that he could be out.

Xiangbei Province, in the South has always belonged to the province.

Because Yichang area belongs to the jurisdiction of Xichuan Shenwangfu, and in the east, there is Penglianhu Pengjia in Xijiang Province. The martial arts in Xiangbei Province is weak. The folk customs here are better, and the underground forces are also attached to Peng and Shen. Qin Bang did not set up a hall here!

Of course, in the local area of ​​Xiangbei, there are still powerful, big families, the so-called nine-headed bird in the sky, the north of the earth!

Xiangbei Province is good at business, and the provincial capital Wuyang has three well-known families.

They are Fangjia, Sujia, and Lijia.

Among them, Li Jia is the mother of Wen Xueyu's mother Li Sumei. Li Chang's father, Li Changqing, gradually established Li's Food Company by selling street cakes and selling cakes. Later, he joined the real estate and became a giant in Wuyang.

After the death of the old man, Li’s family is Wen Xue’s big name, Li Bu.

Wenzhou drove to Wuyang and stopped in front of a cluster of luxurious manors.

"Hey, to inform, I said that I am a Wen family, come and go relatives."

After getting out of the car, he went to the guard room and hammered a punch on the glass and shouted.

Ps: Chapter 3 may be late.

(End of this chapter)


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