The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 813: Do you have that skill?

"What knocks, there are no rules."

Weng was shouting at the door, and several luxury cars stopped outside the door. One of the Ferraris went down to a young man with a partial head and shouted coldly.

"It’s Wenhao, how can I not even know my big cousin?"

Warm smile.

"Wenhao, this is your cousin in the small place of Dongzhou. It looks like it's not mixed."

A beautiful woman wearing a jewel, a big winter stockings skirt, and a gentleman's temperature, enchanting.

"What do you mean, how do I get the buns?"

It’s also a good old man to be a good old man. He’s a good family to visit relatives. If he doesn’t enter the door, he will lose it.

"You can't say that, Dongzhou naturally can't compare with our Wuyang. My cousin heard that it is also a small mixed-head, Meiling, to give people some face."

Li Wenhao yin and yang strange airway.

There are three shackles in Wenxue, and Libu is now the owner of the house. It is a pity that he has been over 50 years old and has no flesh under his knees.

Li Wenhao is the son of Eryi Li, who has always been famous for his flowers and flowers.

Now that Li Jiazheng is in the midst of fighting, Li Wenhao is afraid that Wen’s brother and sister will come to Li Bu to help the boxing. Naturally, there is no good face.

"Brother, let's say a few words, Wenhao cousin, we are looking at Grandma." Wen Xue said.

When Wen Xueyu opened the door, the two big and small cars on the other two cars were amazing and busy.

"Wenhao, is this?"

The tall young man in red leather on the left asked with interest.

"Our less, this is my cousin Wen Xueyu, I heard that it is Dongda's first school flower."

Li Wenhao introduced the respectfully.

"Often, when you see it, you have less access to the Internet. Wenhuahua is one of the top ten national school flowers. I just didn't expect it to be a cousin of Wenhao."

"This is a great blessing!"

Another short-skinned young man often blinked and blinked, and his smile was full of wretchedness.

"Wen school flowers, my name is Chang Ke, the only son of the first rich dragon in Xiangbei! You call me Xiaoke."

Chang Ke tried to put out the most handsome posture, full of handsome smile.

The pox skin youth just wanted to talk, Chang Ke feared that he had grabbed his own limelight, and quickly added another sentence: "This is Su Jianren, Su family, this is his sister Su Meiling!"

During the conversation, Chang Ke took the initiative to reach out and wanted to shake hands.

When Wen Xueyu saw Chang Ke, this kind of flower and flower was disgusting, and his face was disgusted. Qin Xiao smiled and took Chang Ke’s hand: "I am Xue Yan’s boyfriend, Wu County Qin Yu."

"Wenhao, your cousin has a good eye. I think this kid is very long and very rustic."

Su Jianren swears.

"Hey, like the dumplings from this small place, just let him learn less often, so as not to know that the sky is thick and thick." Li Wenhao sneered.

They are in this family's eyes and look down on Wen's family.

Wen Xueyu's father is only a university professor. Although he has some titles in the academic world, it seems to be a worthless book-teacher in the eyes of the Li family who started business.

However, seeing Chang Ke and Su Jianren are a bit of a meaning to Wen Xueyu. Li Wenhao has a bold idea in his heart.

His girlfriend Su Meiling is a Su Jia Qian Jin. If he introduces his cousin to Chang Ke, it is not always that both Su and Su have become a family with him.

At that time, Li Wenhao was the most powerful person in Li's family. It was easy to help his father win the position of his family.

"Brother, if you have this capital, are you sure you can live with her? Be careful, there are more people picking red apricots across the wall this year."

Chang Ke is very angry. He is the president of Taekwondo University of Wuyang University in China. His arm is amazing. He once made an idiot in the bar.

Li Wenhao fully believes that Changke can crush this Wuxian bandit.

"Yes? Then you pick one to try?"

Qin Xiao smiled coldly and vomited his hand.

Chang Ke suddenly felt that the hand was locked by the pliers, and the pain was difficult. He suddenly took cold sweat and his body became a shrimp.

"Hey brother!"

Wen Xueyu whispered a word.

"often less, some people are not what you can provoke, convergence point, otherwise your oldest man in Xiangbei may not be able to keep you."

Qin Xiao sneered, released his hand.

"Hey, let's walk."

Chang Ke ate a dark loss. As a local snake, he certainly wouldn’t give up. He took a hand and went with the sword and brother of Su Jianren.

"Old watch, are you going to let me stand outside the door?" Wen asked a little impatient.

"Since it is here, let's go in."

"You can't get any moths anyway, don't you?"

Li Wenhao sneered a sneer and made a gesture. The guard immediately opened the door and several people walked in together.

When the Li family was in Zhongxing, the villas were crowded, and the bodyguards could be seen patrolling the manor in the manor.

Li Wenhao led a few people into a small room in the northwestern part of the country. He lazily ordered a cigarette. "Don't you want to see your grandmother? Hurry, if her old man doesn't continue to come up, you can I can't see it."

"Li Wenhao, your mouth is clean, believe it or not, I have slaughtered you."

It’s a temper, and it’s a bad time.

"Big cousin, you are less powerful with me. This is not Jiangdong. It is clear that this is Li."

Li Wenhao squandered a sigh of smoke, and swayed his shoulders and walked away.

Wen Xueyan pushed the door open, and a gentle woman was rubbing her face with the hot water.

The old man was pale and wrinkled, leaning against the bed, but the silver was still meticulous and looked calm.


When Wen Xueyu entered the door, he suddenly burst into tears.

"Is it a small sister? Is it my granddaughter?"

The old man opened his hands and touched asked excitedly.

"Mom, it’s time to see you, hope the stars look forward to the moon, and finally come."

The woman also sighed with tears.

"Grandma, how are you doing this, my mom called you, my uncle, they don't all say that you are healthy?"

"When you saw you last year, you were healthy and healthy, how can you be old at once?"

Wen Xueyu slammed into the arms of the old man and cried.

If you remember correctly, during the Ching Ming Festival, when she came back to her grandfather to go to the grave with her parents, the grandmother was still healthy and red-faced. Who had thought about the half-year, it was so.

"Hey, it’s like this when people are old. One day is not as good as one day. I can see my granddaughter. I don’t regret if I go to see your grandfather."

"Hey, there have been a lot of things in the family recently. Oh, it’s also that I am incompetent with you and let my mother suffer."

Wen Xueyu’s aunt, Gan Ping, blamed herself.

"Aunt, my grandmother is ill, it's cold in the cold, there is no air conditioning in the house, and there are four sides to see the wind. How can I get sick?"

"Even if it is the Filipino maid in this manor, it is better than this condition."

Warm and frown.

"Small oh, now at home, your big uncle can't talk about things, and the second and third are thinking about your grandmother going early, so you can squash you."

Gan Ping said that tears came down again.

After all, the old woman is the hostess of the Li family. She is not dead one day. The Li family who want to shuffle is a hindrance.

Therefore, less than a year after the death of the father, the second and third of the Li family seized the power, and they refused to let the old woman die to reach their conspiracy.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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