The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 814: Holy hand doctor

"People are doing it, the sky is watching, they won't succeed."

Qin Hao said indifferently.

"Don't drink this medicine, there are chronic poisons inside!"

Qin Lan looked at the dregs on the wall, and the murder in the eyes revealed.

The so-called tiger poison is not a parent-child!

In order to **** the family power, Li Wei and Li Fu are actually poisoning their own mothers. Such a sinister person is really unreasonable.


"It’s no wonder that in less than half a year, Mom’s body is paralyzed, and the second and third are actually..."

Gan Pingdeng felt awkward and did not dare to think again.

"No, I have to collect the evidence and go back and tell them."

When Gan Ping came back, he was going to install the waste residue.

"No, I am here, I have my own rules!"

Qin Yudao.

In the end, Xiangbei belongs to the South, and his scope of control is such that if the evil spirits of the righteousness and conscience are not prohibited, it is the dereliction of duty of the Qin Gang.

"Hey, is this?"

Gan Ping looked up and down at the lonely boy in front of him and asked with amazement.

"This Jiang Dong Qin..." Wen just wants to introduce.

Wen Xueyan made a look, wiped away his tears, and smiled slightly: "Aunt, hey, he is my boyfriend, called Qin Hao, who is from Jiangdong Wu County."

"Wu County is so good, I used to be an educated youth there, beautiful, beautiful, and good."

"No wonder Xiao Qin, so imposing."

Gan Ping said hi.

"Xiao Qin, come over, let me see my granddaughter."

The old man was very excited when he listened to his boyfriend.

Qin Lan walked to the bed naturally. The old man reached out and touched his face gently. He said: "It is a pity that the wife is blind and can't see my grandson."

"Grandma, what do you want to see me, you are sitting, I will treat you with eyes."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Qin will cure?" Gan Ping was even more surprised.

"Aunt, Qin...Mr. Qin will cure the disease. There is no such thing as he will not be in the world. He is the God of Heaven specially sent to clean up the two beasts of Li Wei."

Warmly on the side, I am proud to introduce.

When he thought that Qin Hou was his brother-in-law, he was in the heart of the sky. When he thought about it, he still tried his best to resist it. How could he feel that he was a big fool?

Li Laotai’s eye disease is not caused by physical aging.

On the contrary, the old lady, because of her pampering, her body is healthy and full of blood, but only for the chronic poison, which led to the bed now.

In the eyes of the old man, the pharmacist Fu Jinman was in the eyes of the old man.

The old lady only felt her eyes hot, and the next second, the eyes suddenly lit up, not only the sore and soreness of the body, but also disappeared with the smoke, just like taking off the shackles, very easy.

"Xiao Ping, I, I can really see it, my good wife, how do you become so thin?"

"Oh, my granddaughter, I don't see a big girl in a year."

The old man revisited the day and was overjoyed. Several people were together and could not help but cry.

"Xiao Qin, your aunt has been infertile for many years. After all, it is a heart disease. Do you have a cure for it?"

The old man wiped his tears and pleaded.

"This is Huichun Dan, half of you, warm water, and naturally will think about it."

Qin Lan took out a Dan Pill and handed it to Gan Ping.

Huichun Dan has the ability to repair, more able to clear the silt, and the effect of the meridians, he does not have to diagnose for Ganping, one medicine goes down, all diseases are eliminated.

"Aunt, this is a good thing, you should take it down quickly." Wen must be envious.

After the two people took the food, the old man went down to the ground and several people went straight to the Li Jiazhen Hall.

In the main hall, it is now a noisy.

"Li Bu, now the old lady is going to see the old man right away, and your last backing is also down, it should be awake."

A middle-aged man with a splayed character, cocking his legs, is sinister.

"Yes, you have no children, occupying the position, will not be passed to Wenhao and Wuhao in the future?"

"Now let the position take the initiative, the tribes have face, brothers, I will not eat less with your second child."

Li Jia's third child, Li Fu, is quite a big belly of Maitreya Buddha.

"You, you are in the throne of seeking power, the second child, the third child, don't think I don't know, where the black money you earned came from."

"Open the casino, sell black powder, and make bathing! Now Li Jiajiafeng is almost stinky by you. If the father is still alive, you will definitely sweep out your two scums."

"Several uncles, you are saying something, and then going on, Li Jia will finish playing soon."

Li Bu, sitting on the top, screamed.

However, a few high-ranking uncles sitting on the side, head down one by one, have tea, no one suffocating.

"Big Brother, think about your pig's brain. If you don't have such a big expense with me and your second brother, Li, where do you get the money?"

"How many uncles' pension money, where are the luxury cars and luxury houses of Li's children? How can others look at them?"

"Don't you break some ground and old factory from your half?"

"I warn you, if you want to retreat, Minger will follow the rules of the family and let everyone choose."

"When you don't blame me, I won't remind you, you will only get out of the Li family, and you can't get a hair!"

Li Fuyi patted the table and pointed at Li Bu’s nose and yelled.

"The Li family is dead, and it must not be harmed by two of you who are not filial."


The big door was kicked open, and the old lady took a cane and rushed into the hall and shouted Daddy, how come you! ”

Several ethnic groups quickly got up and were surprised to worship.

"My family, my family, I haven't died yet. This home can see clearly. When you followed the old man to lay this foundation, what is it?"

"It depends on integrity and conscience! The people think of the brand of Li."

"Do you want to destroy this foundation yourself?"

The old lady screamed.

"Xunzi, I..." Several ethnic groups shyly bowed their heads.

Why did they want to go against the elder brother's legacy, indulging the second and third generations to do those dirty activities, but the grandchildren's disappointment, one by one, the food is expensive, the ones who wear it, the ones that are the second and third.

Eat people's mouths soft, take people short, what can they say?

"Hey, Mom, how come you are not lying in the house?"

A woman dressed in luxury, stretched out and shook in front of the old lady, pretending to be surprised.

"When it is shaking, my eyes are good."

"Is it very disappointing to see my old woman live well."

The old lady sneered.

"Mom, what do you say, we all hope that you will live a long life."

Li Fu’s daughter-in-law, Yu Cuizhu, was more sleek and quickly came over to help the old lady.

"Less here is a fake!"

The old lady opened her hand with boredom.


Yu Cuizhu only felt that her wrists were almost interrupted. When she saw a big red, she couldn’t help but cry.

The pair of eyes are awesome.

Isn’t the old lady awkward? Suddenly, my eyes are clear. Is this body bones better than before?

(End of this chapter)


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