The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 829: Are you sure that I am dead?

"You guys, let you know today, what is death to the end."

Li Fu haha ​​smiled.

Since ancient times, thieves have been afraid of soldiers.

He just received a call from his son. The staff has arrived at the hotel and can come in and catch people at any time.

It’s just that these people are all gang members. According to the current atmosphere of Jiangdong’s severe evil forces, they are killed on the spot and they should be deserved.

"Haha, yes, my son's nephew is the Jiangdong special team. It's not a minute to clean up your thieves."

Li and his wife both turned Li Fu into a god!

In the past, these two people were stunned by Peng Lianhu, a distant relative. In the name, Li Fu was the regulator. Now the slaves are full, and Li Fu is the most respected.

"Wuhao, come in."

Li Fu picked up his mobile phone and said something in an understatement. Then he licked the cigarette and smugly confronted Qin.


The door was kicked open.

Soldiers dressed in camouflage uniforms, armed with submachine guns, murdered and rushed in.

Soldiers wear the Eagle logo on their chests!

A non-commissioned officer, who is like an iron tower, has a sly face and a fragrant scent on his head. His face is arrogant and overbearing.

"Haha, really a group of gang disciples, this is a catch, Xiao Wuzi, this is not white." The monk laughed haha.

Since the departure of Anlong City, he has been deeply hated for the underground forces.

Now Jiangdong’s crackdown is still going on. It’s just that the gang of people hit the muzzle and use it to get rid of it.

"Wuhao, these people want to kill, but also to get rid of you and my dad's hand, you will grab them." Yu Cuizhu can be regarded as turning over, pulling the scorpion and shouting.

"Of course, there are still some people who have colluded with them and want to seek the property of our Li family. I think you'd better kill them and arrest them."

Li Fuyao Wu Yangwei glanced at Li Mangui and other ethnic groups and laughed.

When Li Wuhao saw this situation, he knew that his parents had failed in the election today. The so-called glory and glory, he would never sit idly by.

"Wuhao, I am your second brother, I am a brother with your father, and I always think that your father is the most suitable person for our Li family."

"You don't catch it."

"Yeah, San Shu, you have to let Wu Hao be careful, but don't leave the fire and hurt your family."

Li Wei and Li Wenhao, father and son, quickly pleaded.

"The fire, huh, huh, now knows that the fire is gone, is it not too late?"

"Wu Hao, these two people are the evils of colluding with underground molecules, and they must not be spared."

Yu Cuizhu’s screaming screaming.

"Come, let me give them all!"

Li Wuhao ordered an expressionless expression.

Immediately, someone arrested a family of Li Wei who was bitter.

"Everyone has seen it. This is the opposite of Li's family. This is the end of collusion with underground molecules." Li Fu is still yelling.

Soon, some of the tribes, who had no bones, gathered again to Li Fu and his son and began to hold the stinky feet.

For a time, Li Fu thought that he would win the battle, and even took a few smog, it was a smug.

"Wuhao, don't forget that you promised me a few good altars."

"Come, please give me a deduction."

The monk ordered.

The Falcon's soldiers were solemn to detain the disciples. The disciples did not have a little fear at all, pulled out the axe at the waist, and stood in a row, guarding the front of the rostrum.

Both sides are murderous, and no one will give up one step.

"Oh, I saw the first time I dared to scream with the Laozi Falcons!"

"Listen, Captain!"

The monk’s face was black and suddenly annoyed.

He was on the air for a while, and even the little punk didn't put the falcon in his eyes. Is this still enough?

Rubbing! Rubbing!

The soldiers had to slam the bullets, and only had to wait for the order, they had to shoot and shoot.

"The bald head, I am Pengjiang, Xijiang, you just dare to order, my big knife, will take your head." Peng Lianhu stunned, suddenly furious.

"Frighten lord? Grandpa throws his head and blood on the battlefield, and he doesn't blink his eyes. He plays with me, who is afraid of who."

"All gave me a deduction!"

The monk is not a scorpion, and he does not eat the hard one at all.


Peng Lianhu did not expect that the monk would not be killed for a while.

"Wuhao, how come, do you even have to grab this old woman?"

The old lady couldn’t sit still and took a big shot.

"Grandma, your old man is a young man, why are you still mixing with these underground molecules?"

"Don't blame the grandson for not giving you this face. Gu boss ordered the underground forces to be severely attacked. I am also ordered to be a grandson."

Li Wuhao replied eloquently.

"You are not filial!" The old lady is mad at nothing.


The monks waved their hands, the soldiers were like tigers and wolves, and the butts were smashed on the head of the gang soldiers.

They are all ace of the right army. Every soldier's foundation is very thick. It really fights. The disciples brought by Peng Lianhu simply can't stop it.

And because of scruples, I don’t dare to really harden with them. For a time, many disciples were smashed by their heads.

"Give me a hand!"

Chen Songren, aside, took a table and got angry.

"Oh, who are you?"

The monk sneered and asked.

"I am Xiangbei No.1 and the political commissar of the Xiangbei Police Department Headquarters, Chen Songren!"

"Do you still have military law and discipline? Is it a great soldier? Can a soldier be able to do whatever he wants?

"Which are you, I want to go to the boss to tell you!"

Chen Songren is rightly screaming Li Wuhao can't help but feel a tremor. It's no wonder that his parents will be defeated today, Chen Songren is a military and political arrest.

The Xiangbei Garrison is part of the Jiangdong Theater, but it is also a strategic area. Chen Songren is able to speak directly to Gu Hongwei.

"Sir, President Gu said that in addition to the evil, we can't miss a great opportunity because of some people."

Li Wuhao knows that there is no retreat at this time, and he can only swear by the scalp.

"It turned out to be the number one, no wonder the tone is so loud!"

"Okay, then you listened, I am the Jiangdong Falcon Special Team."

"I don't care who you are, dare to be the umbrella of the underground forces, and Laozi will collapse like you!"

"Get out of my way, or else you will catch it!"

The monk can't recognize this set. He is famous for his hard work style. It is Chen Songren who is standing here and is not good at it.

"You, you are quite unreasonable!"

Chen Songren’s body trembled, and he took the hand and led the secretary and walked straight out of the venue.

When he left, the people present were even worse.

No one expected that Li Fu still possessed such a card. It was really a gun.

"How, even Chen Songren is stunned, surnamed Qin, the prestige is not up, right?"

"What about you as the Lord of the Jiangdong underground? In front of the guns, there will never be a place for you."

"Today is your last day, your death! Let's accept it!"

Li Fu flew a cigarette butt, a long sigh of smoke, proudly laughing.

"Are you sure that I am dead?"

"You let them catch one try!"

Qin Xiao sneered.

(End of this chapter)


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