The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 830: That's right, it's me!

"Sir, Wuhao, you have seen it. This kid is the head of the underground forces. It’s very strong, even you are not in your eyes." Li Fu ignited.

"Too arrogant, don't put us in the eye, sir, this tone can't be tolerated, or else who can still see our Falcon team."

Li Wuhao hurricane ignition.

He knows that the captain is a rectum, an acute child, and most hates the dignity of others provoking the falcon.

Just because of this kid's tone, it is enough for him to shoot a shot.

"The horses are a bit of a horse, and even the rats of yours dare to ride on the head of the falcon's eagle and pee on the head."

When the monk heard the Qin dynasty, he suddenly blew it up. He kicked the two gang disciples in front of him and rushed to the front of the Qin dynasty.

He and Qin Yu have been separated for a long time. Today, the appearance of the Qin dynasty is different from the previous one. The monk simply cannot recognize it. He only knows that this kid insults the falcon, which is an insult to his dignity.

"Oh, how can this be good, Xiao Qin will not have anything to do."

The old lady and Li Wei and others all mentioned the eyes of the blind.

"Nothing, my brother is their top superior, they can't move." Wen Xueyu smiled lightly.


"Miss Wen Jia, after all, she still lost Li Fu."

"Whether it’s a loss, it’s just a matter of lifting a rock and licking your own feet. Is it good to go with underground forces?”

The Li clans shook their heads and sighed.


"Sir, these evil forces will be handed over to you, and I will go home to prepare you for a good wine."

Li Fu deliberately yelled at the scorpion and called the martyr in the gesture of the winner.

"Kid, have the ability to repeat what you just said."

The monk was red with eyes and roared.

"Monk, big dog, I said that you dare not catch me, and will not catch me, is there a problem?"

Qin Lan gathered in front of the monk, and then looked at another soldier next to him, laughing evilly.


The evil smile, and the look of the cold face, the monk suddenly thought of a person.

"Wuhao, you just said what his surname is?"

The monk turned around and asked for a scorpion.

"Sir, his name is Qin, and the underground people call him Jiangdong Qinhou, a famous evil force!"

Li Fu smiled at the side of his face.


"Really you?"

The monk's eyes are round and round, and the excitement of the trembling is more and more incomparable.

He may not know this face, but Jiangdong Qinhou, isn't it the Qinhao's nickname?

Isn't that your old comrade?

"Hey, you didn't get it wrong, this kid is Jiangdong Qinhou, these are his people!"

Li Wuhao added again.

When he saw the monk's expression, he thought that he was going to kill him. He was happy in his heart.

"Yes, it is me!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Sir, quickly grab him. If this is handed over to Mr. Gu, we have made a great contribution." Li Wuhao reminded.

"Let you be paralyzed!"

"You are a king of eight turtles!"

The monk lungs are about to explode, not to mention the relationship between him and Qin Yu. The Qin dynasty is the chief of the Daqin army and the rank of the Jiangdong theater, but their superiors.


The monk’s backhand was a powerful slap in the face of Li Wuhao.

Li Wuhao couldn't help but guard against it. He flew across the table and squatted on the wine table. It took him half a day to get up, screaming, and his face was wronged.

This scene, suddenly looked silly all the people in the hall.

Originally thought that Wen Xueyu was lost, who would have liked to reappear the magical reversal, which is too exciting.

"Sir, you, what are you doing with me?"

Li Wuhao asked with a **** palm print on his face.

"Brother, I really want to die for you."

"And me, Qin Laodi!"

The monk and the big dog on the side were both red and rushed over, and they hugged Qin.

They stayed with Qin Qin for a very short time. When the Falcons performed a character in Nanyun, they were in danger. If it was not the key time of Qin Yu, they would fight the dragon stone with the big bear and help the people to kill from the encirclement. There is also the Falcon Brigade at this time.

They are really a real life and death, a life-long friendship.

Especially the monk, in Quanan, if Qin Qin saved him, he was already tortured to death by Anlong City!

It can be said that Qin Hao gave him two lives, which is why he is carrying this heavy emotion and dare not go to Qin Qin to join the Daqin Army.

He didn't want Qin Yijue's monk to be a pustule, a waste that only walked back the door!

"What about pythons and leopards?"

"The old brother of the Falcon, you are left two."

Qin Lan is also a rare estrus, slamming the two old brothers.

"The pythons were retired, and the leopards were transferred to Africa for peace. Some time ago in Tanzania..."

The tears flashed in the eyes of the monk and no longer speak.


"If he first recruited him with Yaodong into the Daqin Army, the leopard would not..."

Qin Xiao shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Qin brothers, no, Qin general, what is going on here, how come you come here."

The monk packed up his emotions and stepped back. He asked Qin Qin for a military ceremony and asked.

General Qin?

Li Wuhao suddenly felt a whirl!

He couldn't imagine that this person who looks younger than him would be a general-level, how can their family get into such a person?

"Monk, you have been shot as a gun, but fortunately today is me, or you will be in a big disaster."

"Li Fu, Li Wei, colluding with the underground forces to do illegal activities, and attempting to poison the mother and seek the position of the owner."

"I am the Lord of the Underground, Zhao Zhao Qin Gang, this is a horrible person, can you ignore it?"

The Qin dynasty looked cold and cold.

"Even the aging mother got the hand, you two these beasts."

The monk is a person of filial piety. When he heard this, he suddenly became angry.


An arrow rushed over and grabbed Li Fu, yelling: "Well, you are a beast, dare to use Laozi, you can't kill you today."

Finished, directed at Li Fu, is a few old fists, smashed Li Fu a face full of flowers.

"Hey, don't fight!"

"I still have a good collection of wine at home, and the chief is strong, I will give it to you."

Li Fu rolled up and pleaded for help.

"Who drinks your bird's wine, beast!"

The monk is another beat.

"General Qin, you are the chief, let's talk about how these beasts should be handled."

The monk wiped the blood from his hand and asked Qin Qin.

"Li Fu, what are you doing, even if you let it out."

Qin Lan walked to Li Fu and sneered.

At this time, Li Fu had become a dog completely. He was squatting under his feet and begging for mercy: "Hou, I am wrong, my mother blinked."

"I beg you, give me a way to live, I am a dog, you adults do not remember the villain, don't care about me."

"Lian Hu, according to the rules of punishment!"

Qin Hao kicked off Li Fu.

(End of this chapter)


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