The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 831: This is finished.

"Mother, mother, you are saying something."

"I don't want to be a waste person, I don't want to be awkward."

Li Fu and Li Wei’s brothers knew that the end of the day had arrived, and they were crying and groaning.

The old lady had already had a cold heart for these two sons. Don’t overdo it, just do not hear.

"Wuhao, you are asking for sympathy for us."

Yu Cuizhu pleaded.

Li Wuhao is hard to protect himself. Wherever he still cares for his parents, he quickly squats in front of the monk: "Sir, my parents have nothing to do with me. I, I was also blinded by them."

"You have to abolish them, yes, I am innocent, don't be embarrassed."


Yu Cuizhu couldn't believe the son, and dreamed of not having a son. He would even say such ruthless words.

"Cuizhu, Li Fu, now you know how bad it is to be sold by your son?"

"This is retribution, this is the end."

Li Mangui trembled.

There is no hope of survival, Li Fuzhen is on the ground and completely paralyzed.

From the side of the disciple, Peng Lianhu took the axe and walked to Li Fu. He smiled, but saw the axe flashing. Li Fu’s hands and feet were like springs, and the meridians were cut into several paragraphs, which is the best doctor in the world. I also want to continue.

Both Li Wei and Li Fu were abolished when they arrived, and this life is also destined to be defamed.

"This is a pair of people, each of them abolished their hands and legs. After all, they are all abolished, how to feed these two wastes!"

Peng Lianhu suggested.

Qin Hao nodded. The half of the family’s poisons and activities were from this confrontation. These two people even hate a hundred times more than Li Fuge. Naturally, there is no good sympathy.

"Hou, I, I am also an undergraduate diploma, give me a way to live, I can also go to Dashan to teach as usual."

Li Wenhao scared and cried.

"Oh, you can't have such a good relative as an adult." Peng Lianhu smiled.

"Grandma, Wuhao is definitely finished, you will have one of my only grandchildren. You are not guaranteed. Is it because you want Li to break the grandson?"

Li Wenhao shouted.

"You are such a scum, not worthy of Li's children and grandchildren. Besides, Qin Hou has already given Li Budan medicine. He will soon be a child and inherit the Li family."

"What use is this waste for you? Is it bad for the reputation of Li?"

Li Mangui raised his hand and gave Li Wenhao a big mouth.


Peng Lianhu saw that Qin Hao did not say that he had broken his hand and abolished Li Wenhao.

"This kid is your falcon, you can do it."

Peng Lianhu throws away the axe and is uncomfortable with the monk.

"Come to, take Li Wuhao, turn back to the military court, to collude with evil forces to conduct trials." The monk waved.

Immediately, a soldier came forward and took away Li Wuhao, who was crying and crying.

Li and his sons were cleared together, and they applauded and applauded.

"Old friends meet, let's have a good drink."

After Qin Hao handled the affairs, he could not wait.

"Hou Ye, I am not a son, you see..."

Peng Lianhu hated the iron and didn't make a steel glance. Peng Ze, who was sitting next to him, didn't have a good air.

Peng Ze was like a pupil who had made a mistake at this time. He honestly bowed his head and couldn’t say anything.

He never dreamed of dreaming. After a long time of trouble, he was actually against his boss and idol. It was really shameful and eye-opening.

"Peng Ze, I think the injury is also raised, go back to the base." Qin Hao untied Pengze's acupuncture points and told him.

"Hou, I am sorry." Peng Ze bowed his head.

"Remember, you must not underestimate any of the Daqin soldiers, especially your sergeant, go back and admit your mistakes to Huang Changguan, and practice hard."

Qin Yudao.


Peng Ze is really honest at this time.

Hit Pengze, a few people went to the hotel's elegant room, good wine and good food, a few cups are not overwhelming.

"Peng Lao Ge, you are a knife, you really fight, three knives will have my life."

"It’s just too rude, brothers don’t care.”

Three glasses of wine came down, and the monk pleaded with Peng Lianhu.

"Oh, my own people, it would be boring to say this." Peng Lianhu did not care.

"Monk, now the Qin army is expanding, there is a shortage of people, you and the big brothers, if you are interested, you can come."

Qin Lan thought for a moment.

"You don't really want us to go, right?"

"Is it look down, or is it still?"

The monk saw Qin Yu some hesitation, and his brow was heavy and unpleasant.

"You are wrong. The Qin army and the northern Yan family must have a battle. I am not looking for you. I don't want to send you to the battlefield."

"Don't forget, the big bear's aging mother, we are left."

"Don't look at me, the scenery is great, but the heights are not overwhelming. Maybe one day, this river will die."

In the face of the old comrades, Qin Xiao rarely said what he said.

"You are too small to look at me and the big dog."

"Do you know how we have been through this year?"

"Every day, every day, if you really die on the battlefield, it is all brotherhood."

"I am dead, there are big dogs, big dogs are dead, everyone is dead, I believe there will be someone who will take care of her mother."

The monk bites his teeth, word by word, decisive.

"Yes, I am not afraid of death! I am afraid that it will become a waste, general, don't take us so lightly, please."

Big dog red eyes ~ ~ attached road.

"Well, good brother, I will go to the report of Mr. Gu tomorrow, and let you go."

"The falcon's good seedlings that you feel are brought over, and you can form a new army by yourself!"

Qin Hao was greatly moved and made a decision on the spot.

"Haha, this is a brother." Both of them were in tears.

"General, I want to ask, where is the mother now? Since you picked it up, I haven't seen her old man with the big dog for a year."

The monk asked.

"The old man was not used to living in Dongzhou. Language and food were not used to it. I had to send her back to Quan'an."

"You can rest assured that there is Guo Changsong, the medical president, and the Qin helpers, who can put a hundred hearts."

"If you don't listen to it, let's not do it better than we live."

Qin Xiao smiled.

When the two listened, they were relieved, and they immediately sipped.

"Hou, half a month is your 20th birthday. I have heard of several provinces in the south, and even some important members in the north, I have to come over and give you a birthday."

"You also know that I am a rough person, I really can't guess what you like."

"Since this wine has been drunk this time, how can you give your subordinate a sigh of relief?"

Peng Lianhu’s friendship with Qin Yu can’t be compared with the monks. Plus, he’s too old. Peng Ze is one year older than Qin Hao, and naturally he doesn’t dare to be a brother.

"You don't say, I don't know."

"In a blink of an eye, I am twenty, and time is not forgiving."

"Wait, who said that I want to celebrate?"

After Qin Hao sighed, he returned to God and asked.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow will be, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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