Chapter 832

"Your cousin Song Jie, everybody asks for a post, and let us prepare gifts. Now the whole South, who doesn't know how to face it?"

"What, you don't know about this?"

Peng Lianhu asked curiously.

"This waste, what is the name?" Qin Hao was very uncomfortable and secretly said.

The so-called big tree style, if it is to open a martial arts conference, convene the world's heroes, it is appropriate. But after a birthday, it’s so troublesome, isn’t it a trouble?

"Well, I went to the old lady and told me to go back to Shijing today."

"You don't even think about giving me something to celebrate!"

Qin Hao greeted one sentence and said goodbye to the old lady.

Because Wen Xueyu had to deal with the internal affairs of the Li family, he could not walk away at the same time. Qin Hao returned to Shijing on his own.

The next day!

Shi Jing, Song Gongguan.

In the hall, the lanterns are colored, and Song Jingui’s father personally directs the maid to hang the red lanterns, sticking to the hi-hats, which is hot, and he is more than 70 years old.

Up and down the whole hall, busy is a mess.

"All stop." Qin Lan walked into the courtyard and snorted.

"Oh, what are you doing, it’s hard to live a lifetime, everyone is preparing for the excitement." Father is not happy.

"My grandfather, I don't want to live this life. Let's let Song Jie go."

"Where did this kid go?" Qin Yu Yin Shen Road.

"Isn't this what you said you want to die? What happened?" Father's face was wrong.

"Don't do it, I have been restless recently. I always feel that there is something happening, so that everyone can keep a low-key point." Qin Hao shook his head and sighed, and entered the father's small courtyard.

Qin Wenren has returned to the countryside, and now it is the place where Qin Yu is located.

After the small courtyard, simple and quiet, Qin Yu took the hand to slow down, Zhang Daling accompanied by the side, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe a bite.

Although Qin Yu did not blink, but he was respectful to his long-time relatives, he even gave his father a face today. This is something that has never been seen before.

"Song Jie hasn't found it yet?" Qin asked.

"Just got the news, this kid went to the open sea of ​​Xiangdao, is a gambling, I have ordered Nie Binghe, as long as Song Jie appeared, immediately arrested and sent back." Zhang Daling said.

"Where did the invitation go from?" Qin asked.

"This is the old butler Song An went out. I secretly asked, the old man is also confused. Song Jie said that you want to have a birthday, he will help Zhang Luo."

"After all, I am too old to ask too much."

Zhang Daling Road.

"You don't feel a little weird? Song Jie people are on the high seas, but let the old butlers ask for posts. The world is famous. Daling, I have always felt that it is not very good. We can be more careful."

"This world has been calm for too long. It is just like this. When the storm comes, it is more and more terrible." Qin Hao sighed.

"Don't blame Song An, if you want to do it, then do it!"

"If Song Jie just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to collect money, or deliberately lend me to show his worth, it is a small matter."

"But I am afraid that there is any conspiracy behind this!"

"Notify the glaciers, don't wait on the shore, go to the open sea and take out Song Jie."

Qin Lan took a few steps and suddenly turned back, and ordered coldly.

"Yes, Hou Ye!" Zhang Daling immediately took out his mobile phone and ordered Nie Binghe.


Tianyan Island, the hall of the Rakshamen Hall.

The three elders of gold, water and earth wore black robes of five colors, followed by their respective disciples, and walked through the bluestone promenade in a solemn manner and walked into the hall.

In the hall, Duanmu Zun sat on a large chair, and his look was very dignified.

"Duanmu deputy master, what do you want to call us today? Is it difficult to listen to you?"

The water elders traveled to the forest, and the cold Sensen smiled.

As the elder of the five elements, he was the highest elder. Yousen was very dissatisfied with Duanmu, especially the several plans to counterattack Jiangdong. The fire elders Feng Wanli and the wooden elders died in the hands of Qinhou. Yousen was very annoyed. .

"The three elders, I am calling you today, I want to tell you a good news."

"I will tell you about this. This is a big adviser from the outside of the Yan family outside Yanba." Duanmu Zun pointed to a horseman next to him, and smiled with joy.

Feng Gong nodded slightly to the three elders.

"Yanjia? In the past, if the martial arts defeated the doorkeeper and expelled my Rakshamen, would we be on this island?"

"Duanmu Zun, what the **** are you doing?"

Jin Daguang screamed at the table.

"There is no eternal enemy. The past is not mentioned for the time being. I think you should be clear. Jiangdong Qinhou is not allowed to return to China today."

"It is also him who kills your old brother!"

"A few days ago, under the Yinshan Mountain, Qinhou smashed the arrogant, Kunlun sent Meijiu and one hundred martial arts dignitaries in the north, among which there was the only son of the Eight Lords, Yan Lei!"

"At the moment, we are the ones on board, our enemy is the Qin thief!"

Feng Gongsen sneered.

"What is arrogant and dying? Killed a hundred people?" Several elders were shocked at the same time.

"Yes, the cultivation of the Qin thief is a thousand miles away, and it is far beyond your imagination. Everyone, if my intelligence is correct, his cultivation has reached the peak of the great master, and even has entered the early stage of the gods, with at least five The strength of 100,000 I can also say that the person in charge said that every time you delay one day, his strength will increase by at least 10,000 jins!"

It’s all the people in the room, and all of them are surprised.

In fact, with the death of two elders and ninjas, Rakshamon only knows that Qinhou is very powerful, but it has not been known.

At this moment, listening to the public, I can't believe it.

"Feng Gong, ran here, it is not to boast of the Qin thief's ability?" You Sen took a sip of wine, asked coldly.

"Of course not, there is a godsend opportunity in addition to thieves."

"I have developed a detailed plan. I will send his first master Yan to participate in the assassination plan, but I hope that Rakshasa can express it."

"I heard that you have a treasure of the town gate, Rakshasa holy water!"

"I hope that you can come up with it. As a result, combined with our assassination plan, the Qin thief will die."

Be fair.

"Rhosha holy water! Is your old man talking about dreams?"

"That is the lifeblood of our Rakshasa, no one in the world can escape the poison of the holy water of Raksha!"

"No one can move except the door owner, including your Duanmu!"

You Sen’s table, the horror, is quite ridiculous.

"Travel elders, don't be excited, I can't move. Isn't this the meaning of the door?"

"I am optimistic. This is the handcuffs that the doorkeeper has just sent from the Arctic ice-cream to the Arctic ice-creams. Some of them are really cut."

Duanmu Zun smiled and took out a golden handcuff, and handed the guard to the three elders.

After the trio passed the eyes, after confirming that there was no mistake, they suddenly became speechless.

(End of this chapter)


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