"While the old husband does not like your Yan family very much, but if you can avenge Feng brother and the wooden elders, you can also unite."

"Holy water, Duanmu, you take it yourself!"

"If you want to kill a thief, you should not stop."

After exchanging opinions, the three elders of Yousen agreed to the joint assassination plan of Fenggong.

"So very good, a few elders, you listen to me..."

After the public screen retired from outsiders, he carefully stated his plan.

"Good public strategy, so the Qin thief is naturally dead must be." You Sen was overjoyed.


Xiangdao high seas.

Song Jie has been gambling in the dark, since the loss of the Song family, he has not been so happy for a long time.

At this moment, he sat at the gambling table of the luxury cruise ship, holding the beautiful beauty on the new bubble, drinking red wine, and piled up a thick stack of chips in front of him.

"Mr. Song, it’s up to you." The beauty in her arms reminded me.

"Five thousand, follow!"

Song Jie took a cigar and took a chip from the neckline of the beautiful bikini and threw it away.

This domineering move, immediately led to the beauty of the flowers and trembles, Song Jie is pinching a few, so happy.

"Hey, I’m not lucky now, straight flush, all harvest, I’m sorry.”

Song Jie Liang laughed happily, and in the envy of everyone, he passed the chip.

"Mr. Song, I’m so lucky, I’ve been sitting for a day, let me have a drink.”

At the time of Song Jiexing's masterpiece, a enchanting golden beauty, his hand gently placed on his shoulder, the raging waves gently squeezed Song Jie's head, smiled and smiled.

"Hey, ocean horse, I like it!"

"Just sitting less tired, let's go!"

Song Jiedeng feels like flying fast. Seeing this foreign chick is very good, the soul is flying fast, and when he is happy, he pushes the chick in his arms and takes the ocean horse away.

"Mr. Song, it is better to go to my room to drink!"

"Okay! There is no better suggestion than this."

Song Jie was unbearable, followed by Jin Xiaoyan and went straight into the room.

Some dim in the room!

Song Jie just turned on the lights, and several fierce men have long waited.

"You..." Song Jie tried to run.

"Mr. Song, I advise you not to do this!" The leader led the pistol in his arms and smiled coldly.

"What do you want?" Song Jie asked.

"Playing enough outside, it's time to go home." The man gently twitched the trigger, Song Jie felt a numb in his chest, and the next second was black and fainted.


When Song Jie woke up, he was already in the stone house of Shijing.

"Wake up! Master Song Da." Zhang Daling leaned forward and asked with sneer.

"Qin Hou!"

"I, how can I..." Song Jie is still a little embarrassed.

"Is it fun? Say, who told you to tell Song An, I want to celebrate."

Qin Lan sat in the chair and asked calmly.

"Cousin, can you really laugh, is this still instructed by others?"

"You are the head of our family. Who can't read you over and over again? I just gave the old housekeeper a sigh of relief. It is also what everyone wants and I want to give you a surprise."

Song Jie stood up and smiled.

"Did not say?"

"Great spirit, under his fingers." Qin said.

Zhang Daling took the lead and grabbed Song Jie’s little finger and slammed it and died.

"Ah!" Song Jie hurt the screams.

"It's time to say it." Qin Xiao smiled.

"I really don't know what you are talking about? Cousin, we are cousins, you will come again, I will look for the father to judge." Song Jie is still a dead duck.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao raised his hand again.

Zhang Daling even broke Song Jie's fingers. The Song Dazhao, who was pampered, was unable to stand up. He yelled at the scorpion: "I, I said, I said."

"Song Shaoye, why are you here? Let's talk." Zhang Daling snorted and laughed.

"A few days ago, I was not playing on the boat? At that time, someone gave me 30 million funds and didn't let me do anything. I told me to let my brother give me a birthday."

"Before, the old man also had this plan. I will set this up and let Lao Song go to the invitation."

Song Jie’s painful tears DC, honestly accounted for it.

"Just like this, people can give you 30 million, can I not catch up with such a good thing?"

"Give me the truth, there is nothing to say."

Zhang Daling’s face does not believe.

"Zhang Ye, cousin, I really did something like this, you just killed me, I can't make any other reason." Song Jie screamed on the ground.


Qin Hao put his fingers and shouted.


Song Jie climbed with a roll and flew away.

"Hou Ye, that's the point, worth 30 million, I can't believe it." Zhang Daling scratched his head.

"The other party is obviously looking for a birthday, and it is so big, I am afraid that it is not easy to come." Qin Hao touched the nose and analyzed.

"Hou Ye, I have already let the moon, and the dark hall, all the brothers in the Shijing city recently, strictly check, as long as the thieves reveal a trace of clues, they will not escape our eyes." Zhang Daling firmly.


Qin Hao nodded.


A blink of an eye, only 20 days after Qin Hou’s birthday, only the last three days.

The first person in Jiangdong’s birthday, almost alarmed the whole world.

Guests from East Guangdong, Xichuan, Lingnan and other places, as well as worshippers at home and abroad, gathered in Shijing!

For a time, Shi Jing was a mixed bag, and all the hotels were full, and they wanted to see the style of the king.

Fortunately, as a guest, it is even more honoured, and even the vicious incident of robbing the invitation, so that Shi Jing was completely confused in just a few days.

"Hou Ye!"

"Mom, what Nigeria, the Egyptians, and those in Europe and the United States, like the pilgrimage, have squeezed into Shijing."

"Obviously, this is someone who deliberately let go of the wind, just to interfere with our defense."

"There are too many people, and the other party is prepared. We are white." www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhang Daling walked into the small courtyard and complained and roared.

Qin Xiao faintly sipped tea, and smiled slightly: "This is playing with the cats and catching mice, let everyone rest, they should be prototyped."

As he said, Tao Sisi carried his hands and shook his head and screamed at Xiaoqu and walked into the yard.

As soon as I entered the door, I stumbled: "Oh, I am thirsty, brother, give me a cup of tea."

"Miss, you are all right?" Zhang Daling asked.

"I mentioned it, the old grandson didn't know what to do in the past two days. The dishes made were so salty that I was drinking water."

Tao Sisi snorted.

"Oh?" Qin Hao suddenly alerted, but the surface is also quietly smiled: "The old grandson is older, the taste of the person, the ability to control the fire and so on will inevitably fall, you should not be embarrassed, lest the old Sun cold Heart, or else you will be jealous every day."

"Hey, my grandfather said the same thing. I was looking for you. I want to change my cook. This is good. You also help the old grandson to say good things."

"Lazy to tell you, go."

Tao Sisi stood up in dismay, and Missy was tempered and turned away.

When I walked to the door, she thought of something: "Yes, brother, Huang Yaodong will come. I went to Mazhuang to find him several times and didn't see him."

"Well, it should come." Qin said.

"Then he doesn't have a girlfriend?" Tao Si thought, thinking and squinting.

"I can guarantee this, absolutely not." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Oh!" Tao Sisi suddenly went away.

As soon as she left, Qin Lan and Zhang Daling looked at each other and their faces suddenly became dignified: "They have sneaked into the Song family, so they are afraid of the old grandson..."

(End of this chapter)


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