The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 840: Night of Vengeance

"stand up!"

"Hurry to carry the spar on the boat, tomorrow night is the night of revenge!" Qin Hao helped Ji Ji, holding his cold hand, his eyes firm.



The soldiers were united and screamed.

Back to Xiaozhai.

Qin Yu first cured the wound for Yun Zilong. The two had not seen each other for a long time.

It turns out that Emerald Island is the homeland of the monks. It has always been hidden and unknown.

It is necessary to know that monks have always been the "rare things" sold in the underground market, especially the evil forces like Rakshamon. They are hunting for monks and taking their tears of pearls through cruel torture!

Even in the underground market, the slaves were opened openly and domesticated by some Western and Middle Eastern nobles as pets.

The glory of the Son of the Sea, under the greed of human beings, became a prey.

The monks on the island of Emerald are fond of peace. In addition to investing in the Yun family, the rest are mostly women who live and work in peace and happiness.

Because of the dispute of interests, there has recently been a shackle of people who secretly colluded with the Raksha Gate and sold out their homeland.

Luoshamen did not hesitate to send an elite fleet from Tianyan Island and Jiandao, and captured the Emerald Island. Yunzilong went to the crusade to attack, but it was defeated.

"Zi Long, tell me about the fleet of Rakshamen?"

Qin Yudao.

"The fleet of Rakshamen is mostly the ancient warship of the Dongyin State Eight Shrines. It is like a snake. It is far less powerful than our body, but it is tactical and flexible, and Dongyin is clearly supporting the Eight Shrines. Almost all of the country's powerful ninjas and Yin Yang masters are employed in them. The Eight Gods President is the French teacher of Dongyin."

"This time we suffered a loss, the artillery was insufficient, the power was insufficient, and the power of the warship could not be waved. Once it was surrounded, it could only be beaten. If the dragon boat was hard, I was afraid that the entire fleet would die."

"Close combat, above the sea, huge waves, limited manpower."

"So, basically it is beaten."

"But now that there is a sun and moon stone, the warship can be fully opened, and the firepower is also there. I am sure that I can destroy them."

Yunzilong swears.

"No, can't be publicized, we must let the enemy die in the sea with the least price. You listen to me..."

Qin Lan said his plans one by one.

In Hell, he can become the strongest ghost in all directions, relying not only on strong strength, but also on strategy and strategy, and fighting in the battlefield.

The next day, the island's Yunjiajun and hundreds of monks, the knife and gun rubbed the snow, after the fullness of the wine, the performance of the big ship was debugged, and it was confirmed.

In the early hours of the evening, quietly opened to Emerald Island.


On the island of Emerald.

Originally the pure land of this paradise, there is a smoke-filled house everywhere.

In the east end of the island, inside the iron fence, the scarred monks were held. Most of these monks were women and children. As for the old and the weak, they were all killed by the rebels.

By the sea, the Temple of the Sea, this is a solemn place for the monks to worship the sea god.

Nowadays it has become the base camp of the rebels. At this moment in the main hall, three people are sitting around the brazier, drinking and eating meat, and chatting very much.

"Ji Daren, you have made great contributions this time, with more than 200 high-quality monks, how many pearls you have to produce. We, Duanmu, let me bring you words, promote you to our elders of Rakshamen, and Appreciate the three medicinal herbs of the Rakshamen refining system."

A black middle-aged man sitting on the left, took out a small box from his pocket and was happy to send it to the monk in the right seat.

"Oh, so, we are a family in the future, and we also ask the elders to take care of them."

The name of the monk is Ji Qiu, the number one traitor on Emerald Island. This person is greedy, and immediately received the medicinal herbs.

"Ji Chang, this time, can capture so many monks, our Eight Gods President, and the Dongyin Royal Family, paying high respect to you!"

Sitting in the top of the person with a whisk, wearing a raft, loose warrior suit Dongyin, proudly nodded thanks.

"The prince of the feathers has smashed me. I just took a road. If it wasn't for your eight-god society, how can we build this great merit?"

Ji Qiu quickly got up and thanked him with a nod.

Apparently the prince of the feathers, the status is extremely high, far above the soil elders.

The three men were touting each other, and a Rakshamon disciple walked in quickly.

"Liu Kun, what happened?" The elders asked the apostles.

"The cloud family's fleet is coming again!" Liu Kun cold and cold.

"Haha, Ji Qiu, and Dongyin dog, your last days have arrived." In the hall, a monk who was covered in blood laughed loudly.

"Ji Han, you **** to Laozi to shut up, believe it or not, I will kill you now." Ji Qiu took the whip and took a slap in the face of Ji Han.

Ji Han gritted his teeth and laughed at the sky.

"Gossip, let's go out and see, you are optimistic here."

The prince of the feathers sighed, holding the fan, dragging the raft, and squatting out first.

Several people went to the top of the temple and looked at the distance with a telescope.

"Hey, a group of people who are dying, not afraid." The featherman laughed.

The elders took a look at the telescope and asked: "The prince, the other party is a six-ship, the staff is ready, can not be underestimated."

"You are wrong. If they really want to play, they will definitely take advantage of the dragon boat and dive."

"And the boat is only twenty yards, which means that the energy of the dragon boat is running out."

"You Chinese people have always had a That Jizhong is a coward, I guess Yunzilong can't stand the pressure, this is the battle!"

"The dragon boat without guns is waste!"

"Call me, fly the snake fleet, and immediately go to the sea!"

The feathers proudly analyzed the pass, and the big hand waved, and the guards on the side immediately blew the siren in the mouth and waved the flag.

The Flying Snake fleet at the Emerald Island Ferry, under the urging of the spar, is a herringbone shape, fully open, and surrounded by a slow dragon boat.

"Hou Ye, they are coming!"

Yunzilong holds a long gun and kills Sensen Road.

"Call me, don't worry!" Qin said.

Yun Zilong personally waved the flag, played the semaphore command, and later Ji Zhong and other people rushed to call.

"Hou Ye has one kilometer left. They have already entered our range of artillery fire. You are ordering." Ji Jizhong said.

Qin Yu’s eyebrows glimpsed, just smiled.

"Have you seen it? They still don't have artillery, they just came to die." The feather man looked through the telescope and smiled.

"If that's the case, then it's closer to them, our guns are shorter."

The flag officer on the side immediately ordered it.

Eight hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

"Hou Ye, already in precise range, I have 100% confidence, hit them!"

Yunzi Longdao.

"No hurry, they are a lot, put too far, easy to get out!" Qin Hao calmly said.

"Oh, it really is a bluff. When entering the 300-meter gunship, fire at the dragon boat!"

“No need for formation, direct centralized shooting.”

The commander of the Flying Snake fleet, Tuyuan, had a small beard and was pleased to order.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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