The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 841: Open fire, fire!

Twenty flying snake boats, such as the giant snakes in the night sky, cross the wind and waves, getting closer and closer to the big ships.

The flying snake boat is not small. A ship can accommodate hundreds of soldiers.

But with the dragon boat that can accommodate thousands of people on the third floor of the Yun family, it is like a scorpion to an elephant, not a level at all.

Four hundred meters!

The original soil fertilizer was a little excited. After another hundred meters, their snake boat could hang the Nether team.

The last time they let them run away, and then the opportunity to come to the door, definitely not to be missed.

Just as he was proud of him, the young boy in the bow of the boat slowly raised his right hand, "fire!"

"Open the gun? What kind of gun!"

Earth raw fertilizer has an unpredictable feeling.


Yunzilong made a terrible drink.


The ancient dragon boat, with heavy sway and crisp sound, the ancient black iron heavy artillery stretched out the ship's edge.


"Give me a fight!"

The captain of each ship made a terrible roar.

The cannon that has already been filled with fire spar, after hundreds of years of silence, once again played the song of the past glory!

In the thunderous sound of the cannon, the red sparkle of the fire is like a red lantern flying all over the sky, shining the whole sea.

"Gossip, what is that?"

The feathers of the princes of the feathers are completely stupid.

"Prince, good, it seems to be a gun!"

Aside from the side, Liu Kun was bold and timid.


After the artillery blessed by the cannon, there are numerous brilliant blood sparks in the sea.

Due to the arrogance of the native fertilizer, the snake boat did not do any formation screening at all. The dragon boat did not need to adjust its angle. In the scope of the fully covered bombing, **** revenge began.


Every sound of the cannon will splatter the water waves, and the entire Emerald Island is shaking violently.

The energetic spar blasted on the snake boat, and the snake boat couldn't bear the heavy blow. It suddenly burst, and the Rakshamen disciple and the Dongyin ninja on the boat jumped into the sea to survive.

However, the fire of the fire is still the victory of the three fires, up to tens of thousands of fire yuan, sinking into the water, still burning violently.

At the sea, a ghost is crying, and suddenly it becomes a **** on earth!


"Who is that?"

The Prince of Yu, pointing to the young commander on the deck of the dragon boat, shouted in anger!

"Prince, don't know!"

"It doesn't look like a cloud dragon."

The elders fixed their eyes and looked carefully, frowning.

"Ji Qiu, do you have a good look, face is not familiar?" The elders scolded.

Ji Qiu looked at his eyes and shook his head.

He became a traitor. For a large part of the reason, it was because the character was not good enough to join the Yunjia Army and stay on the Emerald Island.

Therefore, Qin Qi is not recognized at all.

"Prince, the other party is prepared, let's count it."

The elders sighed.

"What to do now, Ji is important to catch me, he will kill me." Ji Qiu warfare.

"To shut up!"

"The elders of the soil immediately gathered their people and prepared to meet the enemy on the island."

"Isn't that the Yunzilong defeated him? How much to kill?"

The Yuren Prince sneered.


An alarm sounded on the island.

The Shenmu hull of the Nether's fleet was not afraid of the flames, and the wreckage and blood fire across the sea stopped at the ferry.



Yun Zilong showed off the silver gun and took the lead and led the Yunjia army to rush to the shore.

For a time, shouting and killing!

"The big sword is in the hand, the magic spell! Get up!"

Qin Lan has a sword of light, and he will go to heaven!

The sword suddenly burst into flames, and a purple spell flew out of the sword and merged into every soldier's body.

The soldiers felt that they were full of blood and their strength increased, and they suddenly lost their eyes!

There is nothing more exciting than a **** battle.

"Prince, the situation is not right."

"These guys are like the soldiers alone, and our people can't resist it!"

"Let's withdraw it."

Ji Qiu saw the shackles of the shackles, and the gallbladder was broken, timid and shrinking.


The prince of the feathers glanced coldly at the boy with the epee, and his heart was inexplicably cold. The intuition told him that it was a bad guy.

Without hesitation, the Prince of Yu Yu took the lead and hurried along the escape route on the island and walked quickly.

The flames of the sea have been extinguished.

Only the piercing sea breeze around, and the smell of the body!

The three men fled to the south shore of the island in one breath, until the shouting of the ear became sparse, and it stopped.


"Mom, where is the spar cannon!" The elders gasped and snorted.

"This tone can't be tolerated. When I return to the royal family, I will mobilize the Dongyin Eight-Snake Warship and fight with him."

"The dignity of my great Dongyin royal family will never allow the sick man of East Asia to be provocative."

The Prince of Yuren hates it.

The moon is like a frost, and the three of them walked forward.

Suddenly, the feathers stopped their footsteps and snoring.

Under the moonlight, a young boy with a green shirt is looking at the moon, proudly like God, waiting for a long time.

"Damn, it’s a ghost!"

"Elders of the soil, kill me for him."

The feathers shouted.

"Boy, you, who are you, report it."

The elders of the earth explored two steps forward. As the lowest of the five old masters of the Rakshamen, the elders of the land were cautious and did not rush.

"Qin Hou!" Qin Hao cold and cold.


The elders of the earth are like a thunder and a thunder.

Just before he seized the Emerald Island, he got a bad news. The Rakshamon’s assassination plan in Jiangdong completely failed. Yan’s no trace and Jin Daguang, as well as hundreds of assassins at Rakshasa, were all killed.

The elders dreamed of not dreaming, this Jiangdong killing God, so soon came to the East China Sea ~ ~ At this moment, his only thought is to escape.

Without any hesitation, the elders of the earth rushed to the extreme, and their body shape flashed, and the law of the life was launched.

He is the lowest in the five old, but the escape is unique, as long as there is no place to kill him!


But seeing a burst of black smoke, the elders have disappeared!

Turned into a soil line and flashed past the jungle.


"Want to run?"

Qin Lan was condensed at the fingertips, and a golden big trip descended from the void, and he was heavily squatted in the jungle.


The earth's giant earthquake, the powerful infuriating energy penetrates into the ground, and the life elders will be blown out!


The elders of the soil vomited blood and the five internal organs were afraid.

"Get back!"

One of the five fingers of the Qin dynasty, the silk hand rolled up the elders of the soil, and gave birth to the shackles.


If the elders of the earth face gold paper, they are unable to squat in front of Qin Lan, and they can't even say anything.

He is just a master. In front of Wu Zun, there is no battle at all.

"It's your turn."

Qin Hao looked at the evil smile.

"Qin Hou, I am the prince of the Yin Emperor of the Eastern Yin Dynasty, the younger brother of the Yuren, and the friend of the Eight Gods, and the monks on the island are here!"

"You will want to be an enemy of Dadongyin, right?"

"I have revealed it, how?"

Yuri Prince used the fluent Chinese language and held a high-profile attitude to negotiate with Qin.

His status is self-evident. Looking at the world, few people dare to move him.

It is no exaggeration to say that behind him is the martial arts power of the entire Dongyin country, this is his absolute capital!


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