"Sounds, you seem to be quite powerful!"

Qin Lan slowly walked up to his front, and looked down at the feathers that only had his shoulders high.

"This way in order to express my offense to you, this is my carry-on jade, four-character Xuanyu. The first Yin Yang master of Nara Temple, the entire royal family only three, except for the Yinhuang couple, this is the piece."

"I am giving it to you now, I hope you can forgive me."

The feathers were pressed by the momentum of the Qin dynasty, and the biliary exhaustion quickly took out the treasures of the body and offered them.

Qin Yu took over Yu Pei, and there was a strong sinful poison in the inside. If it was not bad, this should be a mystery that summoned some kind of powerful and poisonous things.

The feather man may not know his use, only as a bodyguard, so he did not think about it.


Qin Hao's wrist moved, and a real gas crossed. The five fingers of the feather man broke off.


Yu Yu’s painful convulsions: “I have already apologized to you, what do you want?”

"Dog-like stuff, kneel down to talk!" Qin Xiao sneered.


The feather man was full of hatred, but in the face of death, he still did not hesitate to squat.

"Don't be so nervous, you will die, but it is not now!"

"follow me."

The Qin dynasty was entangled in three people, like a dead dog, rushing away.


On the Emerald Island, the monks regained their homes, but at the moment, none of them enjoyed this joy. Everyone quietly returned to their house, enduring sadness and pain, waiting for the final victory.

Inside the Temple of the Sea.

Yun Zilong, Ji Han, Ji Zhong and others waited.

"Hey!" Qin Lan walked into the hall and threw three thieves.

"Dog Day, Ji Qiu, I want to kill you with a thousand dollars." Ji heavy grasps Ji Qiu, it is necessary to lay a knife.

"Ji Zhong, stop, listen to Hou Ye instructions." Ji Han grabbed his hand, solemnly.

"The three of them can't kill now!"

"Feathers, elders, you must have a special connection with Rakshasa."

"Say it out, maybe this is your last chance."

Qin Yu faint.

Although the elders and the feathers were frightened, they were silent.

"Did not say?"

"it is good!"

The Qin dynasty has a sleeve, and the two eclipses are not in the body.

The two suddenly felt that they were very itchy. For example, thousands of ants were crawling, and they were suffering. They couldn’t hold the bones and the heart of the heart and grab a handful of salt to stop itching!


"Itching me, Hou Ye, I, I am recruiting, can I still not?"

The old man called out.

"Why?" Qin Xiao smiled and solved the poison of the two.

"You come with me!"

The elders of the earth trembled to the top of the temple, took out a bamboo whistle, and whipped up.

For a moment, a pheasant-sized fire-colored bird screamed through the clouds.

"This is the flamingo, the tool that we use to connect with Rakshasa! I, I use it to send messages to the island."

The elders of the land honestly accounted for.

"Well, you are following the story of me and telling the book to Rakshamon."

Qin Yu dictated a few words, and the elders of the earth passed the special method to convey the information to the flamingo.

But seeing the flamingo flapping its wings, a blink of an eye has disappeared into the sky.

"King of the feathers, what about you? It is best to give a copy to the Dongyin royal family." Qin Xiao smiled.

The feathers were crying and sullen, and they gave a good report to the royal family.

On this layer of double insurance, Qin Hao completed the next day's renovation, and led the fleet into the danger zone deep in the East China Sea.


Rakshamon, Tianyan Island!

Duanmu Zun sits in the town of Tianyan Island, and the tour is located in Jiandao Island, which has always been a state of mutual defense.

Especially Jiandao, but also at the back of Tianyan Island.

In other words, to conquer Jiandao, you must first overcome Tianyan Island, the headquarters of Rakshamen.

Once Tianyan Island is attacked, Jiandao must take the top defense. It is almost impossible to simply hit the sword island unless it is destroyed remotely.

Duanmu Zun sat in the chair, fake!

He is very annoyed recently!

First, the failure of the assassination plan, so that his prestige in the Rakshamen door fell to the freezing point, especially the tour, but also openly with him, with most of his disciples, went to Jiandao.

To make matters worse, the Rakshamen Gate is invincible and is coming back.

Once he returned from invincibility, his days in the world of Rakshasa were completely over, and the supreme powers fell again.

For an ambitious person, this makes him sleepless.

But this is his inability to resist. The only thing he can do is to wait for the good news of the return of the elders.

Capture the monks and further win over the Dongyin royal family to enhance their influence. Also look for a fig leaf.

"Hey, hey!"

The sharp scream of the flamingo came from outside the door.

Duanmu Zun's hand, the flamingo flew into his palm, and then flew into the sand table, and quickly wrote a line of characters: "Emerald Island has succeeded, six treasure ships, return tomorrow night!"


Duanmu Zun clapped his hands and was very happy.

"Come on, immediately go to visit Sen, it is said that the elders of the soil came good news." Duanmu Zun admits.

After an hour, You Sen came to the main hall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Duanmumen, when are you, can you laugh out? It’s really hard to be heartless. "You are cold and cold.

"Hey, travel elders, people always have to look forward."

"Our good news has come. The elders and the princes of the Yu people have already won the Emerald Island, and in the war, they have rebuilt the Yunzilong and won the Yunjia six dragon boats."

"Tomorrow, they are coming back."

"Oh, we will have endless wealth soon, and the best warships in the world!"

"It is the door owner who knows, I am afraid I will be overjoyed."

Duanmu Zunhaha laughed.

"The cloud home is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Can the fifth five capture their six warships? Is there nothing wrong with this?" Yousen frowned.

"Small earthen elders, isn't there a feather prince? His snake fleet is not a vegetarian. Moreover, the cloud family has not gone out to sea for hundreds of years. The snake fleet is always hunting for treasures and plundering. Is it better?"

"So, you don't have to be suspicious."

Duanmu Zun was eager to cut his mind, and immediately he was gloomy and looked very unhappy.

"Well, since the Prince of Yu is there, it is better to ask the Dongyin royal family what it is. If it is a good news, there must be news in the royal family." You Sen was calm and not fully stunned.

"Well, then it means the elders." Duanmu is not happy.

After that, I called a flamingo to explain it.

"Come to come to the East Yin State, meet the royal family, and seek reliable news in person."

"In addition, before anyone can be determined by the royal family, it is forbidden for anyone and the fleet to get close to Tianyan Island. Offenders will immediately kill the artillery."

Yousen called another guard and smashed it again.

(End of this chapter)


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