The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 848: It's you!

"The old thief is taking a break!"

Duanmu Zun and the elders of the soil knew the skills of Yousen. The two of them were shocked at the same time. The warriors on the ship were also bows and arrows!

"Mad, take it!"

Duanmu Zun personally took a bow and arrow of the guard, Zhang bowed the arrow, aiming at the back of the tour, is a fatal blow.


"As far as you are, I want to stop the old man and dream~"

"Ice Shield!"

Yousen laughed and screamed to the extreme.

As a great master, although he does not have the limit of 200,000 jins of great power of Xuankong, but when this life and death, there are also explosive power of more than ten thousand jin!

The person on the boat, let alone kill him, even if he wants to break his ice shield, he said that he has to have a magical power of more than 100,000 jins!

The highest-end Duanmu Zun is only a master!

Who can stop him!

Yousen’s foot was swollen, his body was very handsome, and there was two tumbling in the air, which was already on the side of the dragon boat.


Just as he was proud, behind him, the chilly breath of breath came instantly!

not good!

Yousen was not feeling well, just trying to escape and a long arrow accurately penetrated his knees!

What makes him more worried is that the breath contained in the long arrow is extremely cold, just a blink of an eye, and he has already swam to seal his meridians.

Yousen’s tone is not lifted, his legs are soft, and it’s too late to stand up!


Yousen screamed and fell straight down from the ship's side!

The entire kneecap is broken, the blood flow is like a note, and it struggles a few times. Dantian's breath is very bad, and the palms are hard to apply, so it is not painful.

"Haha, I didn't expect the doorkeeper to be so deep, and the old thief was abolished with one arrow."

The elders of the earth are respectful and respectful.

"Duanmu brother, this prince had many rude things before, but also asked Haihan."

"I know today that the door owner is a real person, and he is disrespectful."

The Prince of Yuren also quickly praised.

Duanmu Zun is a bit awkward, and some can't believe it and look at his palm!

This arrow was indeed made by him, and it made all efforts.

However, the power is far beyond his expectation. One arrow has abolished Yousen, which is definitely what he did not think before.

“Is it really old?”

"I am still a hero in this Jedi, is it really a big magical explosion?"

Duanmu respects the dark end.

This arrow is of course what Qin Yu did.

The great master’s peak is only 200,000 kilograms. He is a Wu Zun in the middle of the reign of the gods. He has a strength of 1.5 million kilograms. He only makes a true instinct in the dark, attached to the arrow of Duanmu Zun, easily broken. Yousen's ice shield.

It’s just that he’s doing nothing, except for the knowledgeable feathers and others, Duanmu Zun is not suspicious anyway.

Duanmu Zun can not miss the opportunity to show off the limelight, can get the fascination of the prince of the feathers, and the support of the Dongyin royal family is properly stabilized.

"Where, the elders and the princes are holding back the merits, and the owner is just a small test!"

Duanmu Zun proudly threw the bow to the monk next to him, happy to be overjoyed.

"Old thief, are you not very arrogant?"

"In the end, I will not die like a dog at the foot of the Lord!"

"I have long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye, old bastard!"

Duanmu Zun raised his hand and walked along the tour, which was a crisp slap in the face.

You Sen was created by Qin Yu, and he couldn't move it. He snorted and licked the **** palm. The mouthful of the tooth was broken.

"Dog thief, I am the brother of the doorkeeper, you dare to move me, he will definitely smash your body when he returns."

You Sen spit a **** mouth, Sen coldly shouted.

As soon as he mentioned that he was invincible, Duanmu Zun shuddered and the momentum suddenly fell by three points.

The elders on the side rushed forward and kicked and swam the tour. They shouted: "The dog thing, it’s hard to die."

"The end of the wooden door, do it."

"He won't die, it will be you."

Qin Hao held his arm, cold and cold.

"Duanmu, you are being used by people, they are in the differentiation of the Raksha Gate."

"You, who are you?"

"Why do you want to mutilate my Rakshasa!"

You Sen stared at Qin Hao, crying and complaining.


"Jiangdong Qinhou!"

Qin Xiaoran smiled and walked to the side of Yousen, quietly speaking.

"It's you!"

Yousen was shocked and wanted to make a sound.

However, in the next second, his mind suddenly became blank.

Qin Hao's fingers are buckled on his heavenly spirit, not only reading all his memories, but also directly killing his soul.

"Travel elders, don't blame me, don't blame you for being too busy!"

Duanmu Zun from the scorpion guards the waist, pulled out the black iron sword, and trembled to the front of the tour!

After taking a deep breath, Duanmu Zunchang sword danced. In the resentment of Yousen, a sword smashed the head of Yousen.


Yousen squatted and fell in a pool of blood!

The second master of the hall of Rakshasa, the elder of the water with a high weight, has died in the hands of Duanmu Zun!

Before leaving the island, he suddenly did not expect that it would be the end!

"The end of the wooden door, the confidant has been removed, congratulations." Qin Hao smiled lightly.

"Mr. Song, the old thief has been removed, what should I do now?"

Looking at the **** head under his feet, Duanmu Zun was somewhat dizzy, and his head was full of invincible back, destroying his terrible thoughts.

"Go back to the island first!"

Qin Hao made a gesture. Ji Zhongli cut off the face of Yousen, lifted the body and threw it into the sea, and fed the, what are you? Duanmu Zun is somewhat puzzled.

Qin Xiao smiled and didn't talk. The feather man was on the side of the unpredictable smile: "I am a great attendant, and you are waiting for you to sit on the river, hehe."

Although Duanmu Zun was full of doubts, he did not ask much.

Go back to the island!

At the suggestion of Qin Yu, Duanmu Zun immediately carried out a major cleansing in Tianyan Island, killing Liu Kun and Liu Hu, who were under the control of the whole family, and completely controlling the entire island.

Lived for two days!

Accompanied by the elders of the land and the feathers, Qin Lan inspected the coastal defense between Tianyan Island and Jiandao.

According to Duanmu Zun, the sea defences above Jiandao Island are extremely powerful, and on the coastline, there is almost one cannon every 50 meters!

The cannons were filled with shells at any time. Except for the insensitivity of the forests and the invincibles, the others did not go at all. Even Duanmu Zun had only once followed invincible, or blindfolded.


Above the sea, the fog is confused, the visibility is less than 50 meters, and there are thousands of spirits and flaming birds in the air, hovering in the air.


Although separated by long waters, the humming sound of the phoenix birds on the opposite side of Jiandao Island is still clearly audible.

When Qin Lan was in the Yun family, he once heard from Xie Changgeng of the Southeast War Zone. They called this bird "Suzaku", which is a kind of fire attribute beast. It can be visually watched, alert, and extremely difficult to tame.

It’s a natural “electronic eye!”

But when anyone wants to be close to Jiandao, the thorn bird will be warning at the height of 10,000 meters!

At that time, any unauthorized intruder will be smashed into mud by the fire of the sky!

This is also why Rakshamen occupies such a treasure island, and practitioners from all over the world are all guilty. So far, no one can get a half-point.

(End of this chapter)

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