The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 849: Mr. is absolutely perfect.

"Hou, look at it, that is the fire phoenix bird!" Ji Zhong pointed to the sudden flying out of the clouds, surrounded by fire, shining like a phoenix bird, surprised.

"Great, my four-phase array, now there are snakes and turtles! It's a thousand years of tigers and birds!"

Qin Xin Xin smiled.

I was chatting, Zhou Xiao all the way to the trot, and respectfully said: "Prince, a few, the door owner has a request, please go to the lobby to discuss."

"Well, it will come after all, and the last good show will be on the scene soon." Qin Hao smiled lightly.

Feathers and elders also laughed.

I have to say that Qin Yu has a mysterious charm, which makes the Yuren two people forced to sell for him, but at this moment it seems that this is his subordinate, willingly want to accompany him to sing this play, and indulge In it, you can't extricate yourself.

Maybe this is the so-called king of the wind!

When I arrived at the hall, Duanmu Zun was in the hall, like the ants on the hot pot, and the pace of walking back and forth was very cramped.

"The doorkeeper, how is his face so bad, what happened?" asked the elders.

"Everybody, fast, sit fast."

"The invincible has already set off from the North Pole, and it is expected that it will return to Rakshamon tonight!"

"How is it right now? I have nothing to do with it!"

Duanmu Zun patted the palm of his hand and was anxious.

"What is panic, Song Wu has a good strategy, and the prince is helping you, what is the fear." The feather brows sinking, not pleased.

"Mr. Let me teach you."

Duanmu Zun was suffocating and asked with respect.

"There is no way out now. At this time, you can only save your life if you highlight your importance."

"I mean, you make a careful stay in Tianyan Island, you and I immediately go to Jiandao."

"Only occupying Jiandao, you are qualified to fight against invincible, in other words, you can have value!"

"When you give up the island, you can show that you are paying attention to invincibility. In addition, you can also show that you know the importance, but you will look at you invincible."

"Even if you kill You Sen, he will not react too much. Because whether you are a tourist or not, it is just a dog in his eyes. As long as someone looks at the house, who can't see it, isn't it?"

Qin Lan did not encourage Duanmu Zun to directly kill the invincible, because this person did not have the courage at all, but lobbied him in disguise.

Duanmu Zun pats the case: "Although the singer's words are hard to hear, but it is not rough, but now, how can I enter Jiandao, the sea defense officer and the fire phoenix on the island, only people are visiting Sen!"

"This Mr. Song had expected it, please, please." The elders smiled mysteriously and raised their hands.

Qin Lan got up and went to the middle.

"The end of the dog thief, how?"

For a moment, I saw that Sensen came out from the inside and asked for a sneer.


The cup of wine in the end of the wood is so sprinkled, the face is incredible.

Too much like, looks, sounds, and even the posture and manner of walking, are also exactly the same, clearly is the reincarnation of Yousen.

"Mr. is absolutely perfect, absolutely!"

"Oh! You are really a living **** who has been given to me!"

"So big things can be done."

Duanmu is so eager to come over and appreciate it.

"Mr. Duanmu, immediately sent people to make up five hundred Luozhan army. At the same time, go to the sea with a warship, and immediately enter!"

"As long as you get on the island, Mr. Song can travel to Sen's identity and control the whole island. When the time comes, something can happen."

The feather man proposed.

"Yes Yes!"

When Duanmu is honored, he will call for it carefully.

When I was a child, the disciples who wore the Rakshasa costumes in the five hundred hearts were displayed at the ferry.

The people immediately sailed and went to Jiandao.

The fog in the sea is heavy!

The ship is halfway away from the island and has already entered the scope of the Haiphong array.

The water ghosts and monsters on the bottom of the sea rushed out of their heads, and they burst into a strange whistle, slamming around the ship.

These water monsters are not strong in individual ability, but they are densely packed, but there is infinite power. Unless it is a dragon boat, the warship will be turned over!


Too, it’s terrible!

The flood of water ghosts, noisy screams, almost pierced the human eardrum, everyone is scalp, and the courage is even more scared to close your eyes!


"Get off!"

Qin Lan walked up to the front, and when he was screaming, he sang an old mantra in his mouth!


The water ghosts were as ordered and drilled into the sea floor, and the sea returned to calm.

"Good insurance, but fortunately they recognize you."

"Just how do you know the water **** of Yousen?"

Duanmu Zun took a curious look at the chest.

"The end of the door, the magic of Mr. Song is not you and I can speculate, you only need to know that the Prince of Yu and Mr. Song is to help us."

The elders on the side coughed and reminded.

Although Duanmu Zun has some doubts in his heart, but nowadays he is a big act, and he is not good at asking, so he has not gone to his heart.

After the water ghosts, Duanmu Zun ordered to stop the boat: "Mr., go forward, enter the range of the cannon, the flamingo is likely to come to the inspection. Once it fails, the shore will start a taboo, and at the same time, Wan Canqi Let's die."

"Do not enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger!"

"I am sure that I will continue to move forward!"

Qin Yu calmed.

"Well, keep going!"

Duanmu Zun waved the order.

The more you go, the fog suddenly disappears, and the front is a dark, ink-like, smooth sea like a It seems calm and calm, but there is a strong dead air.

Rao is a Qin dynasty, but also a seven-year-old cold, a sense of fatal horror.

This bottom of the water must have a strong array of lethality, can destroy everything that is committed, whether it is a person, a warship, etc.!

Perhaps it is a submarine vortex, perhaps an ancient behemoth on the seabed.

But at the moment, there is no way out!

The ship is getting closer and closer to the shore, and the shiny spar shine on the shore of the muzzle can be clearly seen.

The guard posts and the braziers, which are everywhere, are all declared. When you travel, you must have a strict confession. If you are not careful, everyone will have no way to live.

Everyone is reminding of the daring!

Suddenly heard on one of the towers on the island, the flag waved, followed by a horn of horns.

Hey, hey!

But listening to two screams in the clouds, two groups of **** flying!

"It's a fire phoenix bird, they are coming, come!"

Duanmu Zun screamed.


Two fire phoenix birds, one female and one male, sticking to the scalp of the crowd, fluttering over the wings, and the wings of Zhang Yu are flashing with raging fire.

Everyone's heart refers to the eyes of the blind man, and at the same time, looking at the ship's "yousen", it is life and death, and it is all in Qin.

The Qin dynasty is like a god, white and black robes are flying in the wind, and the phoenix birds are looking at the sky with a squint.

These two birds have long been spiritual, and they have been on the island for many years, so that they have a good grasp of the game, and even the smell and gas field of the body are well known.

At the moment, they danced around the tour and screamed, and it was obviously distrustful and suspicion!

Ps: The update is finished tonight, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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