The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 853: No one can win me

One lead and one lead!

If the true fairy dances slowly, gossip free, left hand squid, right hand yang fish. The force of heaven and earth is pulling for it, forming a huge vortex!

The whole void seems to be shaking!


Ssangyong stunned with horror, and slammed into it, and plunged into the gossip.


Qin Hao wrist band, wrapped in the dragon, the right foot slammed, bang!

One ice and two fires, suddenly plunged into the ground, and stunned the layers of soil waves, such as casting a blockbuster!

"Good boy, you are qualified to be my opponent, it is actually the Wu Zun in the middle of the gods!"

裘 Invincible Yang Tian laughed and shot again.

"The fire is in the city!"

"The snow is floating!"


The sky is full of sparkling Mars and the rising snow!

Under the beautiful world, there is endless killing!


裘 Invincible burst into a drink.

Double palms, reminders, Mars and snowflakes, rolled into a full ice hockey ball with a small hill to the Qin.

This blow not only has the power of fantasy, but also drains the aura and air around!

Wherever the fire of ice is, everything is destroyed!


"The devil sword, the third style, with the same sales!"

In the face of the ice and fire that rushed into the air, Qin Hao did not hesitate in the slightest, and instantly gave out the bright epee and launched the strongest killing trick!


Under the epee, the Magic Gate Swordsman smashed the force of the heavens and the earth, and took out the ten-foot sword shadow!

This sword can break the sky!

Gods and devils!

The ice fireball was slammed into the hole, and it was re-emerged into thousands of frosts and Mars.

In the realm of invincibility, the control of the ice fire has reached the peak of the peak!

Feminine and soft, there are tricks in recruiting.


Qin Yan long drank, the big sword danced, like a windmill, hard and stunned, stunned, invincible, this shocking.

"No, the old guy is infinitely powerful, and his strength is far above me!"

Qin Yu’s heart was rushing.

Invincible is already the great Wu Zun in the late stage of the gods. The power of God is absolutely above two million pounds, even reaching an astonishing three million pounds!

With his cultivation, it is to go to Kunlun Mountain and also have the capital of the opening school!

"Nether God Fire Tower!"

The Qin dynasty shuang shuang masterpieces, the fingers to the sky, the gods under the general, majestic drink.

裘 Invincible and not rushing to attack!

When he came to this realm, Musashi was in the law, the law gave Wu, and Qin Yu did not repair the martial arts. For him, there is no meaning.

Just this hit, 裘 invincible only used 50% of the force, Qin Hao has been parried only hard!

If Qin Hao can't break out of other strengths, he can't mind the next blow, and he will send him to see the prince.

Purple God Fire Tower, the sky is falling!


裘 Invincible without any dodge, let the tower be blocked.

The fire is hot and can be used to calcine everything!

At the beginning, Hong Zhaoli was the first person to worship the tower!

But for invincible, Qin has no absolute certainty.

In the final analysis, the martial arts that he can now make are limited by his own strength, and the law is available!

It is to consume the real yuan, burst out of a stronger temperament, and will not go against the sky to make a real law of **** and a city.

裘 Invincible is knowing this, so there is no fear!


The tower is broken and the fire is gone!

裘 Invincible, wearing a flaming fire, slowly came out!

In his body surface is filled with a layer of snowy ice, the Netherfire in the tower, even his clothes are not broken.

"Jiangdong Qinhou, the magical method is unparalleled, it really makes the old man look at each other!"

"Just you are too young, too arrogant, even if it is a rare genius in the millennium?"

"You are not my opponent after all!"

裘 Invincible gave a shot, fell off the purple fire on his body, proudly laughed.

"I may not be as good as you, but it may not be defeated."

"That's it, the tricks are the most powerful killings. How about a win?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"Well, good advice!"

"Then let the old man send you to hell!"

"Ice fire is unparalleled!"

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It’s just a blink of an eye, and the invincible has already reached the front of Qin.

What surprised him was that the teenager in front of him did not have any slight action.

Just standing there, like looking for death?

What does he want to do?


The black ghost armor covers the whole body of the Qin dynasty. The Qin dynasty gathers all the enthusiasm of Dan Tian and Da Yin, and condenses on the armor. He wants to fight against the enemy!

"No one can stop me from hitting the whole world, you are looking for death!"

裘 Invincible does not understand that Qin Zhen has to make such a stupid choice when he knows that his strength is not as good as himself.

"Who said that I have to stop?"

Qin Xiao smiled coldly and suddenly appeared a square box in his hand!

"what is this?"

The invincible mind has a rare sense of fear that can’t help but burst into tears.

"Rainbow pear flower needle!"

Qin Xiao’s evil laughed and triggered the authorities.

not good!

裘 Invincible screams.

With his cultivation, as long as he gives a half-width space, he can escape the first hidden weapon that can be called God.

However, it is too close!

He and his face almost covered his face, and he couldn’t escape.

To make matters worse, all his divine power has been poured into the palms!

At this moment, only in spite of the arctic years of the Arctic ice and the meridian homemade risk, forcing hard ice lifting body!

In this way, he has a full strength of three million pounds, not only half of the fold, but also the firepower of the right arm is also greatly discounted, less than 1.5 million pounds of strength.


The palm of the fire hit the chest of Qin Qin.

"It's over!"

Duanmu Zun and the feathers were sitting on the ground at the same time.

No one in the world can eat and eat invincible palms, but this palm is solid.

The Qin dynasty will die, and they will not escape the invincible killing!

However, for invincible!

Undoubtedly the end of the world!

The rain pear flower needle dare to be called the first artifact of Tangmen, the head of the world's unparalleled hidden weapon, it is not a name.

Rao is invincible and back to protect the ice fire body. Under the super explosive power of the cow hair, it is also unbearable, and it is hard to survive, and it takes a few steps to fix the figure!

At this time, the invincible, like a hedgehog, the entire front from face to foot, full of pear needles.

Need to enter the inch, the blood flow is not limited, it is extremely embarrassing!

"you lose!"

“No one can gamble to win me, you are no exception!”

Qin Yi a long gown, the armor of his body is hidden, the power of a single arm, invincible can not break his ghost armor.

If you are invincible and you don't count on life and death, you can work hard with him. With his cultivation, this move can completely meet the life of Qin.

But unfortunately, the invincible heart is lucky, and the habitual choice has saved life.

This is doomed, he will only die in the end of tonight!

"is it?"

"You are too happy to be too early, everything in the district, you can't afford the old man's life!"

裘 Invincible Yang Tianzhang arm, yin laughed.


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