
Qin Yu’s mouth was raised, and he snorted and walked around invincible. “The door owner said yes, although the impact of the storm pear needle is strong, these needles really can’t kill you!”

"In front of your master, any hidden weapon is a display!"

"If you know, you shouldn't be so blindly arrogant. It will only arouse my hatred and ruin your corpse." 裘 Invincible is proud to heaven.

"If you want to say that you are a yellow flower yesterday, you can't play this circle."

"The rain pear flower is invincible in the world, not in its lethality, it has only one use, that is broken skin!"

Qin Xiao explained with a smile.

"What do you mean, give me a clear point." 裘 Invincible hearts rushed for an unpredictable hunch.

"Do you know the holy water of Rakshasa?" Qin asked.

"Crap, Rizhao holy water is the treasure of this door, of course I know." 裘 Invincible disdainful cold road.

"I really want to know, can the door owner resist the poison of the holy water of Raksha?"

Qin Lan held his arm and asked curiously.

"The holy water is the tears of Luo Xia, people can't stop!"

"What the **** are you doing?"

The more Qin Qin is indifferent, the more invincible the heart is more panic.

"That's enough!"

Qin Yu took out the jade from the pocket of the holy water of Raksha, and smiled in front of the invincible. He smiled and said: "The doorkeeper, a few days ago, you sent someone to assassinate me in Jiangdong. For your gift, of course. It’s all received.”

"You can try it!"

Qin Hao reminded.


裘 裘 裘 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘 裘

He thought it was a needle that pierced the skin and brought a tingling sensation. Now it is known that it is a sign of toxic attack.


"The destiny is hard to break!"

裘 Invincible face without blood, long sigh.

The chest pain was pervasive, and his body swayed, his eyes were black, his consciousness was dizzy, and he knew that the death period had arrived.

He really wants to marry Qin Qin!

But after swallowing it, the martial law dispute was originally intrigued, his hands were covered with blood, and he could not understand this truth.

It’s just that he is countless, but he didn’t expect to die under the holy water that he is most proud of.

"Is there anything to say?"

Qin Hao asked calmly.

He is not hateful for invincible, and he has already gone with the big waves of Dongjiang. It is the grudge of the predecessors.

In his eyes, invincible is just blocking his avenue. It is the general trend to get rid of him.

On the contrary, he is very sympathetic and invincible!

Because they have a common enemy, in order to defeat Yan Jiu Tian, ​​retreat, and struggle!

But God is doomed, there can only be one person standing between the most peak and Yan nine days of confrontation!

裘 Invincible is also well aware of this truth!

"This is my token, the Rakshasa army is guilty, but they are also poor people, available people!"

"The blood debt of Rakshamen, I can do it alone, give them a way to live!"

裘 Invincible took the door from the pocket and handed it to Qin.

"Good!" Qin Hao nodded.

"I want to live alone for a lifetime, hateful, I can't go with Yan nine days, and then divide the level!"

"The Arctic has been a dream for ten years. It is a sad thing."

裘 Invincible tears, the trembling voice is so sad in the wind.

"I promise you, defeating Yan's nine days, must be three drinks in the grave!" Qin Hao said.

"Qin waiting, you have to remember one sentence."

"God is going to get people, you have to make a **** of nature, isn't Yan nine days?"

"You are too smooth. If there is a weather reversal, I hope that you will not be able to fight for the rest of your life. The battle will not stop!"

"I can't go any longer. I can go to Nanlin Temple to find the master of madness. Maybe he can cross you to the sea!"

裘 Invincible swears.

The next second, he slowly walked to the edge of the cliff.

The cold wind blew his black hair, his cold eyes looked at Yanbei, but there was only a sea of ​​hustle.

After all, he has not been able to get out of this sea!

Once upon a time, he straddles the rivers and lakes, and he also believes that he is the best lord of the world!

However, who can think of killing a swallow nine days, broke his dream, and was forced to go into exile.

He had not slept for three years, borrowed alcohol and dispelled day and night, and then he became a high-profile person. He rose again, but he still lost, and life finally came to the original point!

"What is God's intention?"

"Why have me, why should I have him!"

裘 Invincible face full of pain, helpless color is more prosperous.

"But it, just like this, everything should be over!"

The next second, 裘 裘 直 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽 栽


Qin Lan closed his eyes and held the cold door in his hand, sighing long.

In his life, he has defeated too many people, and his heart has long been numb. However, he is deeply indifferent to the invincible!

They are not enemies, but they are destined to be friends.

"Congratulations to Hou Ye, killing the thief, and unifying the Raksha Gate."

The elders of the soil reacted first and congratulated loudly.

The feathers are also rushing to congratulate, and they are invincible, and they have no worries.

Duanmu was sitting in a chair and his mind was blank.

Invincible is his most admired and most feared person!

However, now the **** in his heart has collapsed so suddenly that he is still a little slower.

"Duanmu, don't you hurry to see Houye? If it isn't him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your life is gone." The elders coldly reminded.

Duanmu Zun wiped the tears on his face and whimpered: "Duanmu Zun has an eye that does not know Taishan, and asks Hou to forgive sins!"

"Your sin, then set it again, first converge on the invincible body, and I will be buried."

"And, you remember, he is not a thief!"

Qin Lan looked at the three people coldly, his body flashed, along the cliffs, several ups and downs, down to the mining area.

In the mining area, the dead silence.

The soldiers of the Raksha Army Corps, headed by Mu Tonghai, looked at the body of "God" and completely smashed it.

And those suffering from the Mohs are becoming more numb.

When I died, I was invincible. I came to a Qinhou. When will their sufferings come to an end?

Qin Lan walked slowly, and the Rakshasa consciously let a passage open.

As wicked people who are guilty of crimes, they know that the strong are respected, they do not dare to hate Qin, only fear and supreme respect.


"From now on, Rakshasa officially took over from me!"

"In the past, I was not guilty of guilt, and I was born with the sins of my life.

Qin Lan raised the door and ordered the Thunder to drink.

Mu Tonghai and others were overjoyed, almost without thinking, and bowed at the same time: "I will wait for the order of Hou Ye, go to the fire, and do not hesitate!"

"Mu Tonghai, lead the soldiers to wait in front of the main hall, I will arrange later!"

Qin Hao told the road.


Mu Tonghai was grateful and led the soldiers out of the mining area.

Qin Lan has always been ignorant of the Raksha Army. For the Mo Clan, it is undoubtedly a blue sky!

For a time, the Mo's heart was cold and stood in the same place, so desperate.


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