The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 860: Called on the board

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Tai'an is a small county town, and it will take out 120,000 randomly. It is a difficult problem for those present here.

"Twelve thousand is about 120,000, super brother, I took this position." Finally, Cao Yu bit his teeth and made a decision on the spot.

"Well, I will go through the formalities for you in the next few days, and I will inform you later." Zuo Chao nodded with satisfaction.


Qin Xiuzhen and other people suddenly looked helpless, only hated not to cast a good tire, there is a rich aunt.

"Right, Xiuzhen, the day before yesterday, you didn't say that you have a relative who has the right to have money. Can you mix a teacher to prepare an iron rice bowl?"

Cao Yu ordered a cigarette and asked with a squint.

"That, did I say this? It must have been drunk at the time, confused!" Qin Xiuzhen’s bitter smile. In my heart, I hate Qin Wenren, what a **** relative, a dead and a ghost, my wife has gone to her mother's house, and mixed is not as good as him.

He was talking, and suddenly he saw the Qin and Zhang Daling who came in.

"Wow, who is that, so handsome."

When Qin Lan came in, Peng Yan and other girls could not help but scream.

He is one meter and a dozen, and with a handsome face that is almost beyond human imagination, it can really attract people's attention.

"Qin Hao, here!"

Qin Xiuzhen cried.

"Great, you go to the table." Qin sighed, and walked over with his hands.

As Qin Lan approached, Peng Yan and others' eyes were straight, and they couldn't believe it. There were such handsome and clean boys in the world.


The left super dissatisfied coughed, and Peng Yan and others regained their gaze.

"Everyone, this is my cousin Qin Yu from Dongzhou."

"I will introduce you to you. This is my good buddy, my old brother Zuo Chao, the director of the Wastewater Treatment Department of the Environmental Protection Bureau, the cadre of the department level, and the great man of the future."

"His father is Taian..."

Qin Xiuzhen lost his face in front of the old classmates. Now, in Qinhuang, it is not allowed to use the left-handedness to find this face for the lonely cousin.


Zuo Chao unintentionally got up, carrying a wine glass, leaning his nostrils, posing a proud attitude, waiting for Qin Hao to toast him.

"Hold it!"

"This is the big man in your eyes, it's big enough!"

Qin Hao did not wait for Qin Xiuzhen to introduce it, and sneered a sneak peek. Even looking at the lazy look at the left super, he shook his head.

He had thought that Qin Xiuzhen had a lot of people who knew him, but he didn't expect it to be such a junk item. Naturally, he couldn't enter the eye!


Qin Xiuzhen couldn't make it, but he was despised by Qin Yu, and he suddenly wanted to die.

"Xiu Zhen, what is your brother's meaning in the end, can't you look down on our family?" Peng Yan said.

"Mom, the dress is forced to go to the left and the front is coming. I can't stand it. Don't stop me. I don't pack him this time. I won't surname Cao."

Cao Yu took a table and took a beer bottle and pretended to be a pot.

Zuo Chao’s face has become cold and frosty. He is in Tai’an. Whoever sees him can’t be respectful and screams, left, and super brother?

Today, I was humiliated by a foreigner, and this guy is even more handsome than him. He has to be a hundred times, and this tone cannot be tolerated.

"The waiter, call me the manager!" Zuo Chao raised his hand and stopped Cao Yu, shouting to the waiter on the side.

He can make a violent meal with his left and his face, and he wants to blast the foreigner out of the field and let him know who is in charge of Taian.

The manager came over from the rest room. When he saw it, he was left. He quickly nodded and kissed the smoke. He said: "Left, what wind has blown you up, not much to say, I have invited this time."

Zuo Chao is the EPA. If you just find a head, you can rectify him. The manager dares to offend this god.

"Which room did the tall and thin boy go to?" left asked coldly.

"They booked the third room." The waiter on the side said.

"High manager, go, ask them to get out of me!"

"Dare to scream with this, I have to give him some color."

Left super anger.

"Xiu Zhen, don't blame me today, I won't give you a face. If you don't want to call back, I can't mix in Taian."

Zuo Chao stood up and said to Qin Xiuzhen.

"Left, I have long seen that this kid is not pleasing to the eye. I don't have to give me face. It's just fine. The worse, the better."

Qin Xiuzhen is very happy.

He couldn’t help anyone to teach Qin Qin’s meal, and the bad smell in the morning.

Qin Lan sat down in the No. 3 box and listened to the leisurely things that Zhang Daling’s vernacular heard along the way.

Chatting, Zhang Daling took a call, talked a few words and hung up the phone, and smiled: "Hu Anmin was smacked by Kang Changshun, and he is rushing to this place."

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded and slowly drank the tea.

"The waiter, introduce me to your signature dishes." Zhang Daling smiled at the waitress on the side.

"We have yellow wine ducks, bamboo geese, golden pig's trotters, and dried squid, all of which are good signature dishes." The waiter said.

"Cheng, it is the same one, anyway, this time is Hu Anmin's treat, not slaughtering Bai." Zhang Daling laughed.

"Well, boss, Hu Anmin, you said, is our grandfather in Taian who is not squatting?" The waiter lost the list, and asked with a playful smile.

"Exactly, it seems that you don't like him very much." Qin Hao raised his eyebrows.

"It's not He is not greedy, but he doesn't want to be an officer. He loves to listen to Beijing opera. Everyone calls him a Beijing opera master. Tai'an has been like this for a few years. Like a pool of stagnant water, people go out." The economy is in a downturn, and he will not be able to see it."

The waiter complained a few words, and if he lost the order, he would go out.


The high manager and the left super stunned in.

"Hey, I ordered a lot, it looks a little money?" Gao Manager took a single machine from Xiaojuan's hand and glanced at him with a sneer.

"Do you have any opinions?" Zhang Daling asked with a frown.

"Yes, I have opinions, there are big opinions. Two, this shop does not welcome you, please." Gao Manager proudly said.

"Why, I will not give you money?" Zhang Daling was dissatisfied with the table.

"Because you offended the left, you are offended in Taian, and you are guilty of self-seeking, and give me away, otherwise I will call you security guards."

High manager angered.

"If I don't?" Qin Yan frowned.

"Do not?"

"Look at it!"

Zuo Chao grabbed a glass of wine on the table, smashed it and spread the handkerchief: "Sorry two, you have damaged the treasure of the town shop in Xiangmanlou, a crystal cup worth millions!"

"You have two choices, either to accompany a million, or to go to the hall to pay for the left-handed hoe, and publicly plead guilty." Gao Manager echoed.

Before he opened the restaurant, he was one of the big brothers of the Black Tigers. It was the Lord who did not blink. This is a good thing.

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