The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 861: I am looking for Mr. Qin.

The left is very satisfied with the performance of the high manager, holding a cigarette and eating a wave of two people.

He does have this strength. On the white road, his uncle is enough to cover him. Underground, the black tiger helps the boss also have to look at their uncle's eyes.

Playing dead outside the two districts, isn't that a sprinkling thing?

“Is a million a bit too cheap?”

"Like this, I will give you a few more."

Qin Hao smashed the tablecloth, slap it, the cup on the table smashed the ground, and the waiter Xiaojuan, who was scared, was green and quickly hid.

"Kid, you are killing!"

The high manager did not expect that the two actually dared to scream, and the sound was cold, and it was already killing.

"High manager, if even two foreigners are not sure, I don't think you have any face in Taian." Zuo Tieqing's face, cold and cold.

"Learn less on the left, I will not kill them today, I will not surname."

The high manager is not a soft persimmon. He took out his mobile phone and confessed two sentences. In less than half a minute, more than a dozen security guards smothered with a crowbar.

These people used to be his men, and all of them were sly characters. In those years, I don’t know how many people who dared to scatter in the restaurant were killed and alive. This is a good time to see blood.

"A few brothers, these two have to be called with Lao Tzu, you look at it."

The high manager chewed the betel nut and ordered it.

"Just these?" Qin Yiyi sneered.

"The kid doesn't have a hard mouth, it's more than enough for you, when you cry and shout."

"give me……"

The high manager just ordered to do it.

Just then, there was a commotion in the lobby, followed by a security guard who ran in and whispered a few words in his ear.

"What? Mr. Hu is here?"

The high manager shuddered and hurriedly said: "Quick, fast, put things together, Hu Anmin is coming, give me this optimistic look."

"Hey, kid is lucky, I will pack you up."

"Old high, go, let's pick up Mr. Hu."

Although Hu Anmin does not like to manage matters, he is an absolute leader, but he can't be scornful.

"Reassure, I don't go anywhere, just waiting for you here." Qin Hao sat down and smiled.

Hu Anmin and Zhang Qingshan hurriedly walked down from Audi, almost trotting into the hotel.

He doesn't care about things, but he doesn't want to lose the black hat, the owner in the restaurant, but Yin Zhuoran's guest, is the king of the underground.

The top leader of a higher city in Yunzhou, Dongzhou, and Nanzhou, does not respect him as a god?

It’s just that Hu Anmin never dreamed that the big man would meet him like a small “prefecture official”. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse. When I walk into the restaurant, it’s full of cold sweat.

Zhang Qingshan is also a pressure mountain. If this is not good, it is a matter of losing his head. Although the Qin gang did not set up a hall in Tai'an, the underground of Tai'an could not be cleaned. It is really difficult for the owner to seize the scorpion.

"How did Hu Shuji and Mr. Zhang come?"

The high manager saw Hu Anmin at a glance, and walked in three steps and two steps, respectfully laughing.

"Hu Shuji, uncle!"

Left to say hello.

"Where is Mr. Qin?"

Hu Anmin anxiously asked.

"Which Mr. Qin, I didn't receive a call from your secretary." Gao was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, forget it!" Hu Anmin did not reveal much. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of Zhang Daling. He left the phone while he was hanging.

"Uncle, what is Mr. Qin coming to, and you will come to see you personally?" Left followed behind, whispered to Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan is very fond of this nephew, but today it is full of frost, dignified: "Don't ask, don't ask, there will be a big man, you will open your eyes, remember, don't Speak up and manage your mouth."

Zuo Daxi, the person who can make Hu Anmin pay such attention, is the most important person in Nanzhou.

If you can see the other side, fight for an eye, and pass it out in the future, but it is enough for three years.

Hu Anmin is no stranger to this place, and goes straight inside.

The third box is in the innermost.

Looking at the passing of the two people, they will soon be on the 2nd, and then go inside is the 3rd box, the left two are a little anxious, and quickly gave the high manager a look.

The high manager rushed forward, and Zhang Zhang stopped in front of the two, smiling: "Hu Shuji, inside is the third box."

"I know!" Juan Mindao.

"There is a box in the third, some people, I can guarantee that it is not a Mr. Qin, it is a small fart child from a foreign country." Gao manager laughed.

In his opinion, Qin Lan is also in his early 20s, and his dress is very simple. How could it be the big man that Hu Anmin is looking for?

"What little boy, you know a bird, get out." Hu Anmin set aside high manager.

"My uncle, there is really no big man inside. If you have something, can you not see it outside?" The left is also crying and mourning.

Who is inside the fistula? This incident caused Hu Anmin to bump into it. For him, the impact is always bad.

"Either leave this or shut up!" Zhang Qingshan scolded.

The two can only helplessly let go!

"Left, they won't really come to the two. Ok, aren't we in trouble?" Gao manager whispered.

The left is also heart-wrenching. If he remembers correctly, Qin Xiuzhen introduced that the boy is the surname Qin.

Thinking about his arrogance again, it’s really hard to hit it.

But how can he not think of it, Qin Xiuzhen's kind of garbage, how could there be a violent relative?

"Not so much!" left.

Zhang Qingshan carefully opened the door of the box, and when he opened the door, he was suddenly stupid.

There are more than a dozen murderers in the box, and they are surrounded by two people. The ground is full of broken glass.

Hu Anmin and Zhang Qingshan looked at the youngsters with a fixed eye. After confirming that Qin Hou, who was described by Kang Changshun, had no difference, the souls of both of them rose to heaven.

"Hu Anmin, I want to see you, the Beijing opera It's not easy, I thought you were not coming."

In the horror of everyone, the young boy smiled coldly.

"Mr. Qin, Humou dare, dare! I want to know that you are, give me one hundred courage, don't dare to delay."

Hu Anmin sincerely apologized.

"You came just right. I can't afford this meal today. If I have a meal, I can't go without a thousand."

Qin Hao pointed at the crumbs of the wine glasses in the ground, and Sen smiled coldly.

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do, there is no Wang Fa, I have shot you!" Zhang Qingshan pointed to the thugs.

"What are you doing, go down," Gao said.

The thugs reluctantly retreated.

"What the **** is going on here, who gave you the dog's courage, and deceived Mr. Qin?" Hu Anmin pointed at the high manager's nose and sighed with anger.


"Left, let's answer it."

The high manager realized that he was afraid that it was not good, and gave the pot directly to the left.

"Left, what good thing do you do?" Zhang Qingshan's eyes rolled round and asked uneasy.

"My uncle, these two foreigners dare to call me, I want to give them some color." Left still did not understand the situation, frowning.

"To shut up!"


Zhang Qingshan slaps the fan and turns to the left. He kicks and swears: "Well, you have a blind eye, even Mr. Qin dares to offend, you want to die, don't bring others."

Left fell to the ground, the face covered with glass **** is blood, he is very wronged, well outside the country, Qin Xiuzhen, the poor relatives of the waste, how to become Mr. Qin?

Ps: Update tonight, tomorrow will be, good night friends!

(End of this chapter)


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