The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 867: Huge’s anger (new)

Qin Kuan went out of the door and didn't go home. He went straight to the father's house.

According to Miao Cuiping, the way to grab this road has been abolished, and only the family card has been played. Although I hope to be embarrassed, it is the pro-son of the father, and the old man is still turning.

This family entered the house, giving the father a back and a tea, but it was hot.

He said that although it is installed, my father’s heart is really so hot!

This is what Qin Wenren wants. He does not expect the two sons to do their best, but even for the sake of benefit, it can be pretending to be filial, and it is good to take care of the elderly for a lifetime.

After all, they are the blood of a lifetime!

"Qin Kuan, I have already given Wenren to the room. You shouldn't be busy here. Why should you go." The old man took a pipe of dry smoke and licked the old smoker and sighed.

"Dad, think about it again, I will tell you the truth, your house will be demolished soon, and there will be a lot of money."

"If you think about it, if it is not worth the money, I will not succumb to the face. But now that the iron rice bowl has a play here, it will be so much money, your grandson will become a civil servant who eats royal food, and it can be regarded as the elderly Guangzong Yaozu. Not?"

"So, Dad, think twice. The daughter-in-law swears that as long as the room has been given to us, our family must take good care of you and support your life!"

"Showing the truth, fast, squatting down to ask your grandfather, can we have hope in the old Qin family, it will look at his old man."

Miao Cuiping was very good at playing psychological cards and immediately gave her son a look.

Qin Xiuzhen slammed down with a bang, tears and tears and asked.

"Dad, I am not filial, I am a villain. It is all for the sake of the show. The tiger poison is not a child. You can't watch Xiuzhen playing a lifetime bachelor."

"If I don't filial you in the future, can't I be beaten by the thunder? You can think clearly about the old man."

Qin Kuan also wiped his tears and expressed his filial piety to his father.

The old man had already died on these two sons, but seeing the miserableness they said, and thinking about this pulse, it really relied on Qin Xiuzhen’s flag, and he undoubtedly moved his heart.

He knows that this room is now a golden mountain that can change the key to fate.

But I still have to test it, so I said: "I also want to help show the show, but in the morning, I have brought Wenren to the notary. The house is Wenren, or you both ask him."


"You, you are old..."

Qin Kuanqi’s body shaking is about to open.

"Dad, you are resting, we have something to do, take a step first."

"Show it, go!"

Miao Cuiping picked up the son who was lying on the ground and rushed out the door.

"Hey, heart is dishonest, the clothes are not well installed, let me believe you." Father sighed.

"Cui Ping, now I am going to do it? Father, this is to eat the scales and iron to give it to outsiders." Qin Kuan asked.

"Don't you have a classmate at the notary office? You give him some money, let him just find a cockroach, and say that the notary is invalid!"

"As long as the room is back in the hands of the old man, we have a chance."

Miao Cuiping calmly said.

"You said that old Xu, Cheng, this person is greedy for money, as long as the money is given, it will definitely be fixed."

"Women, you are so smart."

Qin Kuan was very happy.

The sky is getting darker!

By 6 o'clock in the evening, there was a strong smell of food in the courtyard.

Fan Fatzi’s craftsmanship is really not covered, Zhang Daling’s sighing in the side.

"Da Ling, I said last time that you are looking for Tian Leimu?"

Qin Lan stood on the ladder and hanged a small lantern at the corner of the compound. He looked down at Zhang Daling and asked.

"I don't know yet, I have already let Du Feiyan go to the ghost market to inquire about it. It is estimated that there will be results after the end of the year."

"Do you want me to call now?"

Zhang Daling grabbed a braised chicken claw and chewed it.

"Well, that's still it, there is news there, she should have informed us, you go to the villagers to come over!"

"Assessing Hu Anmin, they are coming soon."

Qin Lan thought for a moment and told him.


Zhang Daling spit out the chicken bones, wiped his hands and went out.

Today's meal, in addition to the guests invited by Qin Wenren, as well as the neighbors of the old man, along with a delicious table, 66 continued to have neighbors, the yard quickly became lively.

The courtyard is in full swing.

For Qin Xiao’s family, and Tiger Tiger’s helper Yuan Hu, it’s definitely a tragedy day.

"Big eyes, who did this work?"

In front of the bed, a bald-headed man dressed in a black suit and squatted, asked coldly.

He is Yuan Hu, the emperor of Tai'an underground. Because of Hua'an people's affairs, the words of Yuan Hu in Taian are the imperial edicts. For more than a decade, as long as he released his words, no one dared to follow.

Now it’s good, the first hitter is big, and a dozen brothers have been disabled. Isn’t this the face of his tiger?

"Yes, it is a Dongzhou Aberdeen. They want to build a factory in Tai'an, and they have to grab the property of one of my brother's family. I am angry but I am going out, and I was beaten by them."

With his big eyes hanging down, he was beaten like this, still licking his big eyes and saying something.

"Did you not report the number of Laozi?" Yuan Hu's face is more and more gloomy, and the dog has to look at the owner.

"Report it, the surname Qin said that you are a garbage dog, he said that you are not looking for him, he is also looking for you, pull your skin, pump your muscles."

Qin Hongbing ignited the wind.

"Oh shit!"


Yuan Hu’s backhand took him a slap in the face and his body shook.

Qin Hongbing screamed unlucky, the tooth flower was loose, and took a sip of blood, so that the side of Cui Yuemei was distressed and broken even a fart could not dare.

"Hey, I am an outsider, I don't know if I should say something about it?" Cui Yuemei wiped his blood from his son and frowned.

"Say!" Yuan Hu is cold and sensible.

"The surname Qin came from Wu County, and his wife was the county magistrate. He was a business, and the background was not small. And I heard that his son was mixed in the underground, and the big eyes were bad. We endured it and it will not work. The tiger is in the first place, so as not to turn back to harm the tiger, you." Cui Yuemei twisted the corner of the stimulus Yuan Hu.

"Oh, mixed well? How good, I have to see and see." Yuan Hu hit a fist on the bed, swearing.

This shock, the big eye pain on the hospital bed is a scream.

"Don't, Hu Ye, I am afraid that Qin is killing you. He is a master of martial arts. He can play very well." Cui Yuemei took Yuan Hu's sleeve and cried.

"Hey, this matter has nothing to do with you. I dare to go to my plate to eat. I don't want to kill him, it is not Yuan Hu!"

Yuan Hu took a break from Cui Yuemei and walked out.

When Yuan Hu left, Cui Yuemei laughed: "Son, our house has a banter. Yuan Hu is out of the horse. It is hard to think of Qin."

Yuan Hu certainly didn't have the courage to go head-to-head with Zhang Daling. He knew that there were indeed martial arts masters in this world. He had met in a suburban casino a few years ago. He shot like a gun, and even the guns could escape. Piercing the head of the person.

There are no such people under his hand, but there are individuals who must have!

Wu Sandao of Nanzhou, the cold-faced overlord of the vertical and horizontal, the knife!

Ps: Weekend chapter shielding failure has not been resolved, today's new chapter, marked with (new), tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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