The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 868: 3 knife wrath

Some people say that in the south is the world of Qinhou!

In the south of Dongzhou, it is the world of Wu Sandao!

There was nothing wrong with this. Wu Sandao was the nephew of Wu Qi. Later, because of the people, he took control of the Nanzhou overall situation and took the initiative to invest in the Qin Gang.

In particular, he rushed to the army, led the team to break the black widow of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but also became famous in the first battle, deeply respected by the Qin Gang.

More importantly, Wu Sandao is a monk, and the method of deaf is usually simpler.

This made him fierce and extremely powerful. The neighboring Xizhou Wu Xuhui and Wuxian Zhao Dezhu were relatively stable and did not compete with them. This made Wu Sandao even more powerful and became the first person in the southeast of the Yangtze River.

Six months ago, in addition to Chen Song of Yunzhou, he was able to talk to him. Qin’s lobby owners were mostly respectful of Wu Sandao, or they were competing.

Of course, the reason why Wu Sandao is so big is that he sits as stable as Taishan.

There is only one reason. He is very interested. He is extremely loyal to Qin Hou and blames it, but this person is very principled and is within the norms of acting.

Therefore, instead of being condemned, he was deeply reused by Qin.

Since the incident of burying people in Huangqiao Town, Wu Sandao deeply rethought, and changed the problem of Daxigong. The office of the Tangkou was in a simple flat room. He himself only took the suV of more than 100,000 domestically.

For him, the prosperity of Ronghua is no longer attractive. Wu Sandao wants credit. He enjoys the joy of forging ahead and gaining honor in Qin, which is far more spiritual than material.

It is already seven o'clock in the evening!

Wu Sandao is sitting in the board room without air conditioning and heating, and wiping the hand with a white cloth in his hand!

This is the weapon built by the Mo Clan, and it is the awkward weapon that Qin Hou rewarded him!

When Wu Sandao is idle every day, he will wipe the sword and encourage him to fight for justice. Even if it is broken, he will not hesitate!

"Knife, Taian Yuanhu to see?"

A Tang costumed old man came in, and his steps were stable and steady. His voice was loud and clear, and he was obviously a high-level person.

"Who?" Wu Sandao did not look up. He hadn't thought of who Yuan Hu was at the time. It was just the word Taian, and he felt boring.

"Tai'an Tigers helped Yuan Hu, and he was very anxious, saying that there is something to be done." The old man repeated one more sentence.

"Well, full uncle, tell him to come in." Wu Sandao is extremely respectful to the old man, and he has a knife and a crisp sound.

Yuan Hu walked in quickly, carrying a bunch of gifts in his hand, and did not enter the door. Man Shu said: "Things are lost, people go in, the rules of the knife master you know."

Yuan Hu patted his head and smiled and said: "Hey, my dog's brain, I forgot that our knife master does not love this set."

Finished, dropped the gift, put together the clothes, and respectfully followed the old man.

As soon as I entered the house, Yuan Hu was cold and chilled! There is something wrong with Wu Sandao in my heart. If a good villa can't live, I have to live in this broken house. Isn't this a crime?

"Knife, Taian Xiaohu is coming to see you." Yuan Hu squinted and said, in fact, Wu Sandao is less than 30, Yuan Hu is ten years older than him.

"Say!" Wu Sandao frowned coldly. He didn't like others to flatter him. He had suffered at this point.

"Knife, you know that my Tigers have always wanted to merge into the Qin Gang, but you can't look at the knife. But I have always been blessed by you, although the pitiful dividends that are handed in every year are also pitiful. Isn't your heart?"

"Knife, I plan to make a big show in Taian next year, and strive to turn over the dividends ten times. I must increase the light to the knife."

Yuan Hu is arrogant and loyal.

"I am not Yunzhou Chen Song, I am not interested in how much money I pay!"

Wu Sandao raised his hand and stopped him.

The reason why he is a maverick and is deeply appreciated by Qin Hou is that he is different from other church owners. One day to night, he ponders how many bonuses he can pay to the church. Wu Sandao has no interest in these. He has only unlimited enthusiasm for doing things. !

"Knife, you have to help my younger brother, my rice bowl can't keep up."

"Recently, Tai'an came to Dongzhou, and I have dismantled a dozen of my churches and said that I have also disabled more than a dozen of my brothers!"

"And threatened to destroy my tiger help, knife you will not help me, I will die."

Yuan Hu did not circle, red eyes, and appealed.

"Tai'an is at the junction of Dongzhou and Nanzhou. You are not part of the Qin gang. The competition between the small gangs is allowed. There is no bloodyness. What is the use of the Tigers?"

Wu Sandao's eyelids were lifted, and the eyes were cold as a knife, and Yuan Hu's scalp was staring.

This sentence almost blocked all the retreats of Yuan Hu.

However, this is hard to beat him. Before he came, he had already guessed that Wu Sandao might not be in charge of him. If so, he was already thinking about the countermeasures.

Avoiding the sharp eyes, Yuan Hu bit his teeth: "Knife, he wants to destroy me, open the factory, build the temple, my strength is not as good as people will recognize. The key is that he is playing the scorpion of Qinhou , claiming to be surnamed Qin, and said that it is Qin Hou’s brother, and one is even more threatening to say that Qin Hou is his father!”

"I just can't understand this. I sent someone to fight with him. I want the other party to hire a powerful martial artist."

"Knife, I am not enough to die, but I can't watch Hou Ye being insulted. You don't care about this I ran to Dongzhou to complain, I don't believe it, Qin Gang's people will Sit and watch this shameless person swindle and lie."

Yuan Hu’s face rose red, and her indignation filled her chest.

Sure enough, Wu Sandao's two thick eyebrows became a group. He didn't care about money, but he was never allowed to provoke the dignity of Qin Gang and Hou Ye.

When Yuan Hu saw that his look had changed, he knew that the poke was in jeopardy. He was so happy in his heart, so he said sadly: "I have finished the knife, then I will finish it. I will go one step ahead and I will go to Dongzhou overnight!"

"Slow!" Wu Sandao raised his hand and stopped him.

"Full uncle, will Hou Ye personally go?" Wu Sandao looked at the old man.

"Tai'an is partial and poor, Hou Ye wants to be interested, it should have been moved long. Moreover, the character of Hou Ye will not run here specifically, and people will grab a house in the district?" .

"Well, it makes sense. How can you go to occupy a real estate property?"

"What does that person look like?"

Wu Sandao asked.

"Black and ugly and fierce, the fist has a big sand, a fist can kill a cow's kind of scorpion." Yuan Hu has not seen Qin Wenren father and son, all made up.

"It’s a lot of wild hair, daring, and dare to pretend to be a gang, just looking for death!"

"Full uncle, you call a few people, I have to run for myself, Mingzheng, and give these ulterior ones a lesson."

Wu’s lungs were blown up, grabbing the sword next to him and ordered it.

Like this rogue in the martial arts world, Yuan Hu can't really cure it. Only Qin help out, can be shocked!


Man Shuo ordered dozens of well-behaved disciples, got on the bus and the car, and the group went to Taian.

(End of this chapter)


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