Miao Cuiping picked up the phone and just wanted to make a phone call. The sound of the car came from outside the door.

A total of two buses and three cars were coming.

The more than one hundred thugs smashed in the bus were all people who were helped by Yuan Hu and Tiger. Wu Sandao only brought a few full uncles and a few well-behaved disciples. Qin Xiao’s family also rushed over and thought. Through the power of Yuan Hu, the house was robbed and the limelight came out.

"You three are coming!"

Yuan Hu got out of the car and recruited a beckoner.

Qin Xiao’s family ran away in the fart, Yuan Hu pulled the door and said: “I will introduce you to you. This is the Nanzhou’s scorpion, Wu Sandao, Knife! You tell the truth, tell the knife Does the person inside fake the Qinhou and want to lie to the room of your father?"


When Qin Xiao’s trio heard it, the scalp was tight, and the scared one almost didn’t give it.

Wu Sandao is a man, but it is a real awkward, killing people who don’t blink!

In Tai'an, Qin Hou's name is not obvious, but to say Wu Sandao, no one does not know.

"What are you doing, answer it truthfully." Yuan Hu is not pleasing.

"Yes, yes, the pair of thieves and fathers, not only claiming Qinhou, but also occupying my grandfather's real estate. I am because of the early, but the serious injury to the thief and father, but also the knife master."

Qin Hongbing squeezed two tears and gave a pitiful answer.

"Dong Fei, you led a few people to go with Yuan Hu, and asked two sentences, did you take the old man's room, is it Qin Hou!"

"If he answered yes, then..."

Wu Sandao smiled coldly and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

If it is Qinhou, it is natural that it will not covet a broken house, that is, it is undoubtedly a pretending swindler. Wu Sandao is definitely a killer!

"Knife, I understand!"

"Pretend to be a prince, die!"

Called Dong Fei’s young hand, he led several disciples, wore the Qin Gang badge, followed Yuan Hu and walked into the yard.

"Why, why are you? It’s quite lively."

Miao Cuiping’s phone has not been played yet, and Cui Yuemei’s family led Yuan Hu’s hundred and ten people to rush into the murderous.

The people in the yard saw so many mixed-knife sticks with guns and sticks. Many people were scared to leave. For a time, the yard was so crowded that it was messy and very noisy.

"Hey, Dalai is coming, is this posture?"

Miao Cuiping was overjoyed and quickly greeted the past, and he said happily.

"Hey, run to the old man and come here to eat rice. Come on the family card."

"There is no strength in this year, and even my relatives can't look down on you. This face is not beaten, it hurts! Look at it, how can we get back to the room today?"

Cui Yuemei twisted her neck and looked at her face.

"That is, that is. How can we compare with the big brother, big brother!"

Miao Cuiping’s face was damaged for a while, and he could only boast of conscience.

"All the neighbors are there, just, give me a witness today. The father and son named Qin defrauded my father's house and wounded my brother. You must give justice today."

"I will tell you about this. This is the Tiger Tiger of the Tigers. I believe everyone has heard it." Qin Xiao followed the invitation to the general, and he was very angry.


"Hey, Tiger!"

At the same time, the hybrids beat the palms with their sticks and their backs, and shouted the name of the tiger.

The imposing manner of the tyrant is to make the people in the yard inexplicably nervous. Everyone knows that the tiger is the one who is a tyrant of Tai’an, and the one who is abolished by him, ten hands are counted. Although Qin Wenren and his son have money and strength, they may not be able to hold these tigers and wolves. It is dangerous tonight.

It is Yuan Hu!

Miao Cuiping’s heart screamed, and her heart screamed badly. Originally, she still wanted the boss to come over and ugly like them. This is good. Even the Tai’an underground boss has moved in. How can Qin’s rich money be able to fight this kind of local snake?


How does she compare with people, this house is destined to have nothing to do with her.

"Yes, I am Yuan Hu!"

"Who is Qin Wenren, Qin Lan, give it to me!"

Yuan Hu was screaming and screaming.

"Do you see it? I am not like this?" Qin Xiao sneered.

"Hey, you see it, this kid is so arrogant, I didn't put you in the eye at all, you have to pick him up." Cui Yuemei ignited the wind.

"Malle Gobi, dare to mad in front of me, brethren, hacked him to him." Hu Ye was angry and shouted.

"Hey, Tiger, brothers, don't be impulsive!"

"Give me a face, have something to say."

Gao Qiang was afraid of an accident and quickly grabbed it and stopped in front of Yuan Hu.

"Oh, it’s a little strongman! This is a big man who washes the white, the wings are hard, and dare to block the prestige of your tiger?"

Yuan Hu was a high-ranking official in Tai'an County, and he was a cold official.

"Hey, what are you talking about, I am not coming to speak for Mr. Qin, but for you."

"Listen to me, Mr. Qin is not something you can provoke. He quickly kneels down and confesses to Mr. Qin, and he is still in the air."

Gao Qiang's face is a serious reminder.

"Hey, don't take care of him, he must have eaten the ecstasy of the surname Qin, was brainwashed!" Qin Xiao reminded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I went to your Mad, Laozi gave him a kneel? Your brain is in the water. ”

"Don't go, or else I will cut you."

Yuan Hu was furious and grabbed the collar of Gao Qiang, fierce.

"Yuan Hu, here is not the place where you are wild, and then dare to let go, I will take you all up." Zhang Qingshan took a table and got up and angered.

He is specializing in the law and order. It is natural to have a prestige.

Yuan Hu stunned and immediately sneered: "Mr. Zhang, if this is the past, I will give you this face, but this time I can't. He is the one who wants to be named by the knives. Whoever stops, that is to go with the knives." ”

"Knife? You, you are talking about Wu Sandao in Nanzhou?" Zhang Qingshan changed his face and was shocked. Wu Sandao is the most powerful person in several counties and cities in the south. Even Nanchang’s top leader, Kang Changshun, dare not provoke him, let alone his young Tai’an county magistrate.

"Oh, there are a few knife lords in the south? Dong brother, you can say something."

Yuan Hu is proud of the ocean.

Dong Fei and others walked to the front, the badge of the Qin gang on the chest shone brightly under the light, and several people looked solemn. At first glance, it was not a normal little boy.

"I am Dong Fei, the disciple of Wu Sandao, the master of the Nanzhou Qin Bangtang. Qin Qin is doing things, don't want to die, all shut up!"

Dong Fei took his hand and snorted.

As soon as he spoke, who dared to speak out, Zhang Qingshan trembled and finally sat down honestly.

He clearly knows that sitting on top is the leader of Qin Gang, but when he hears the name of Wu Sandao, he still feels guilty, including Hu Anmin. This is already a fear of deep bone marrow!

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)


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