The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 874: Knife, calm!

In the courtyard, suddenly dead silence.

"Yeah!" Cui Yuemei quietly used his shoulders to top the top of Miao Cuiping, his eyebrows picked and his face was full of pride.

She is suggesting that Miao Cuiping, the old lady not only invited Yuan Hu, even the people of Wu Sandao also moved, it is amazing.

Miao Cuiping smiled and smiled. She reluctantly gave a thumbs up to Cui Yuemei. She decided that from this moment on, she would not dare to confront the old people in this life.

The boss of this family is deep and hidden!

"Follow the knife's command to ask questions, who you claim to be Jiangdong Qinhou!" Dong Fei asked the audience to look around.

"Mad, Xiao Wang Ba Lazi dog is daring, Laozi..." Zhang Daling is about to rise, and Qin Hao raises his hand to signal him to sit down.

"I!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Are you taking the old man's room and maliciously injuring the tiger to help more than ten people!"

Dong Fei asked again.

"Yes, the room is in me, and people are playing." Qin Hao calmly said.

"Well, you are a shameless person, dare to pretend to be a Qin Hou, to swindle money, and to do it!"

Dong Fei got the exact answer, no longer hesitated, pulled out the shackles of his waist, and several people would start on the spot.

"Wait a few, misunderstanding, the room is my willingness to give Wenren a family, not his, a few clear."

When the old man heard the name of Wu Sandao, he was scared and not too light. He quickly stood up and defended Qin Qin.

"Don't listen to him, that is, he cheated, Fei Ge, this kind of person does not kill a hundred, and then everyone will dare to play the name of Hou Ye Yaowu." Yuan Hu ignited the wind.


No matter how many Dong Fei, he only knows that the knife master asked him to ask these two questions. If he answered yes, he would kill innocent!

"Don't let go!"

Zhang Daling proudly got up and thundered.

"Who are you?" Dong Fei asked with a frown.

Because of his loyalty and bravery, he was promoted to Wu Sandao as a confidant. He was only a **** in the market. Moreover, with the reform of Qin Gang, the lobby of the lobby has been cancelled. The Dong Fei does not know that Qin Hao and Zhang Daling are also reasonable.

"I am a Qin helper, Zhang Daling!" Zhang Daling took the lead and said proudly.

"Oh, it really is a professional-level liar, got a Qin Hou, even the director is also supporting!" Yuan Hu smiled.



Zhang Daling's thick eyebrows sink, and the palm of his hand thundered the past, right in the middle of Yuan Hu!

Yuan Hu was suddenly blackened by the thunder, the flesh turned out, the head roots upside down, the second became sharp, and one fell to the ground.


"Cut the old man!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the rest of the tigers helped the mesons to rush.


"Thunder is rolling!"

Zhang Daling is now a legal master, and immediately a big door to drink, hands one, the original gloomy sky is lightning!

The hybrids looked up and looked scared!



Hundreds of thunder and lightning landed together, and the yard was like throwing a blockbuster. The chasers were all smashed by the thunder's skin, and they screamed and screamed!


The folks who had shrunk in the corner had seen such magical powers, and all of them were shocked by the heavens and were completely scared.


Dong Fei’s eyes were cold, and he still stabbed Zhang Daling without thinking.

The order he received was to kill innocents, so no matter what Zhang Daling came, Dong Fei would fight to the end.

His disciples are also encircling at the same time.

Most of these disciples have been in the early and middle stages of internal refining, and they are not bad at the local level, but they have no power to fight back.

Zhang Daling sneaked a little, and when the law spit, several people flew out and fell to the ground to vomit blood.


Dong Fei’s smashing stabbed in front of him, Zhang Daling buckled his wrist and unloaded his wrist!

"Go, call Wu Sandao!"

When Zhang Daling raised his hand, Dong Fei retired a few steps before he stood firm.

This is still his left hand, or else there will be no living here.

"You wait!"

Dong Fei knew that it was not Zhang Daling’s opponent. He held his wrist and rushed out of the yard coldly.

Wu Sandao and Man Shu sat in the car and suddenly saw the thunder in the courtyard. They couldn't help but frown and asked: "Manchu, it seems to be a master of heaven, and the situation is wrong."

"Yeah, how can a master of the heavenly master level covet a house!" Man Shu is also puzzled.

"Knife, I am useless!"

"They are going to see you."

Dong Fei came over and was full of pain.

"Since it is here, I can't just go away, I will see you." Wu Sandao's thick eyebrows are tighter, grabbing the knife and opening the door.

He has never been a person who is afraid of things, because behind him is the first person in Jiangdong, Qin Hou, which makes him have the courage to face any master in the world!

"Well, although the old man has not yet stepped into the realm of the guru, but he wants to talk about the ability to kill single, not afraid of his celestial division, go!"

The two walked into the yard quickly!

Yuan Hu glanced at the door and saw Wu Sandao and Man Shu coming over. Struggling to get up and snoring, he said: "Qin Bang Nanzhou Church Master, Wu Sandao!"

From the moment he walked into the yard, everyone looked at the king of Nanzhou.

Wu Sandao is not a tall man, and his body is well-dressed in the middle of the mountain, so that his body looks straight, like a sharp sword Everyone who sees him, even if it is like Hu Anmin On the 1st of these places, there is also a shudder and fear from the soul.

Wu Sandao walked into the compound, and looked at the disciples who were injured by lightning in the cold, and the killing of the whole body was even better!

"Knife, you have to be the master!"

"I have reported your name and reported the number of Qin Bang. They are not in the eye!"


Yuan Hu wiped the burnt skin on his face and he didn't want to live.

"Get off!"

Wu Sandao Zhang hand fork on the face of Yuan Hu, pushed to the side, went straight inside.

The crowd consciously separated a road.

In the yard, in addition to the small lanterns, there was a bright incandescent lamp at the door of the main house!

On the other hand, a teenager is standing with his hands on his back and his body is vaguely familiar.

Because it is facing the light bulb, Wu Sandao has some tingling in his eyes, and he can’t see it!

"Wu Sandao!"

Under the light, an old man is drinking.

This is a big drink, like the voice of the gods!

Wu Sandao felt the soul shocked, unconsciously stopped his footsteps, and a chill came through.

He slightly blocked the light with his hand and his eyes finally slowed down.

He finally saw the appearance of those people.

The young handsome boy is cold and arrogant, but it is not the Jiangdong Qinhou. And the old man is the Qin Gang director Zhang Daling!


Wu Sandao gave a low surprise, and he never dreamed that Qin Hou would come to Taian!

"Knife, calm." Full of uncles, he did not see Qin Qin, but Zhang Daling but knows, the heart knows the identity of Qin Yu, and quickly support Wu Sandao.

Wu Sandao's cheeks moved slightly, clenching the sword, and calmly went to Qinshao!

(End of this chapter)


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