The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 883: Killing thief

The first to suffer was Zhang Mingyu and Qi Dong’s tent. Jin Shun did not rush to kill. He cut the tent directly with a sharp blade and patted Qi Dong’s face to make sure that the guy fell asleep and directly raised two. The man’s parcel was thrown aside.


Jin Shun raised his knife and killed him, but he was dragged by Jin Bao.

"What are you doing?" Jinbao asked.

"killed them." Jin Shundao.

"You didn't hear this kid saying that he is the son of Jiangzhe Daxie? Keeping his life, you need a thousand dollars, hundreds of millions, and the two brothers still need to do this hard work every day?"

Jin Bao gave him a look and analyzed.

"Die, do you want to say that your brain is better than me! Oh, you are smart."

Jin Shun scratched his head and felt reasonable. The knife kept the life of Qi Dong and others.

However, this guy is also very embarrassing, throwing people in the snow, things on the body, brand watches, etc., all smashed the light.

"Hey, the two brothers have arrived, is it time for the two brothers to come to the opening?" Jin Shun smashed his hand, and the thief touched the tent of Lu Xiaomi.

Lv Xiaomi ate the chicken legs with medicine, and this time he was sleeping, it is undoubtedly a good target.

The two tore open the tent, Lu Xiaomi is wrapped in a sleeping bag, sleeping sweet.

After walking for a day on the mountain road, I ate a sweat medicine. Rao was Jin Shun slamming her face, and there was no reaction.

"Brother, it's hot, let's come first." Jin Bao couldn't wait to ask.

"Crap, I am a big brother, of course I am." Jinshun is unhappy and will undress.

At this moment, Dawn Hui, who is adjacent to Lu Xiaomi, woke up in confusion!

He is a master of internal refining, and his foundation is deep. Although he is poisoned, he has not completely died. Hearing the outside of the tent, he screamed and struggled to climb out of the tent.

As soon as I came out, I saw that Jin Shunge was surrounded by Lu Xiaomi and wanted to do something wrong. He immediately drank: "You, what do you want to do?"

This shouting, the cold wind poured, he suddenly felt the pain of the scorpion, the brain turned around, where to stand the heel.

"Hey, why, spring is worth a thousand dollars, what do you say?" Jin Bao smiled.

"The thief, you are really uneasy, I, I killed you."

Dawn Hui was conscious of it, bursting out and rushing to rush.

It seems that this poison is very powerful, Dawn Hui is like drunken wine, a soft body, this fist does not have a crosshair, even Jinbao this battle five **** can not beat.

"Hey, kill me, is this your ability?"

"Roll your Madd egg."

Jin Bao’s fist was on the head of Dawn Hui. The latter stared straight into Venus and fell on the snow. They struggled and climbed up.

"Golden treasure, leave him alone, this kid can't get a moth, let's do a good job first, give me the sleeping bag of this girl, too tight, grandma bear." Jinshun anxiously urged.

Jin Bao is quite confident about his own poison. He is too lazy to take care of Dawn Hui and hurried into the tent. The two men are swaying and smashing Lu Xiaomi’s sleeping bag.

"Wow, it’s so sweet, brother, you can hurry, I am also anxious to be hot." Jin Bao shouted.

"Oh, this kind of sample, may be a young child, this time earned a big hair." Jinshun reached out and untied the thick coat of Xiaomi, showing the black close-fitting warm shirt inside, the graceful curve, and the woman's The scent is even more exciting for the two.

Just as the two of them reached out to the salted pigs and prepared to grab the chest of the millet at the same time, the two felt only a sinking shoulder, and a cold voice passed over: "Why?"

The two men sank and turned around at the same time. The juvenile pupils in front of them were filled with strong murderousness, such as death, which was frightening.

"Kid, dare to talk about it, find death."

Jinshun’s good deeds were destroyed, and he was furious and angry. He lifted the iron fist of the sand scorpion and slammed it to Qin.

He is an authentic Mobei strong man, born with divine power. This pair of fists can produce tigers and leopards. The ordinary external refining and the early masters of internal refining are not necessarily his opponents.

However, this time, his confident full punch is destined to eat, and Qin Hao’s five fingers will buckle his fist, and then understate the pull!


Jin Shun's entire arm, with his shoulder blades, was pulled down by his life.


Jin Shun’s painful roar of killing pigs, knowing that he met a master, where he dared to let go, quickly squatted and pleaded: "Brother, our brothers blinked, don't kill me, give me a way to live!"

During the speech, he rushed to the side of Jin Bao to make a look.

Jin Bao’s hand quietly slammed on the drug lord and screamed and yelled at Qin Yu: “Go to hell!”


In such a small space, drug lords are inevitable.

Campbell is confident that unless Qin Lan is a master, he will die!

However, with a sneer, Qin Hao **** and one move, easily caught the arrow, the hand is not clipped into two paragraphs.

"My God... Master!"

Jin Baoge’s two pairs of big eyes were completely desperate.

They never imagined that the little white face that was the least in the mouth would be a peerless master.

"I want to die or die!"

Qin Lan asked coldly.

"Life, life, Qin Ye, was killed by us, can be a cow to do horses." Jin Shun brother slammed his head like a garlic, pleading for help.

"Does Jin Shengfeng really know, or do you know?"

"Dare to say a half of a lie, this arrow is your end."

Qin Hao asked.

"I know, Lord, we promise to bring you to Jinshengfeng tomorrow, but we can't die."

Jinshun is bleeding too much at this time, and is almost Very good, only one dog is needed on the road. Who are you who died? ”

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

The two brothers glanced at each other and suddenly stunned. Both of them were suffering from bad water and no one wanted to die.

"Golden treasure, I am a big brother, you can rest assured that you are dead. In the future, every 15th day, my brother will give you a lot of paper money and paper people. You can rest assured."

Jin Shunzhen rushed to Jinbao, squeezing two tears and discussing.

"Big Brother's words, how can I not listen, you see who is that?" Jin Bao pretend to look desperate, suddenly surprised.

Jinshun subconsciously turned back, Jin Bao raised his dagger and stabbed him into his heart. He knew that Jin Shunkui was awkward, afraid that the stab would not die, and he twirled a few times.

"Golden treasure, you, you..."

Jin Shun did not expect that the younger brother would be so vicious.

"Brother, you have been broken by an arm of Qin, and it has become a waste. Waste is not qualified to live in this world. Go with peace of mind, I will burn paper for you."

Jin Bao kicked the Jinshun and threw the dagger, and smiled coldly.

Jin Shun was planted on the ground, and it was absolutely mad.

"Qin Ye, Jin Bao knows guilty, as long as you don't kill me, I promise to take you up the mountain." Jin Bao bowed his hand.

"Give me the body and these people."

Qin Yu Yang handed a spell to Jinbao's eyebrows and shouted.

"Yes, yes, Qin Ye!"

Jinbao died in the dead, how dare not, great joy.

In this scene, Dawn Hui fell to the ground and counted his income. He did not expect this cold and proud boy to have such a skill.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that God sent such a high-ranking person to accompany him, or else this evening, not only two employers were persecuted, but also his life is difficult to protect.


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