The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 884: Give them a chance

Qin Lan returned to the tent, Ning Xin still slept sweetly, smiled slightly, sitting cross-legged in the corner, meditating.

The next day, everyone woke up.

"I am! How did the tent of Laozi fly!"

Zhang Mingyu and Qi Dong woke up and found that lying in the snow, it was very shocking.

"Fortunately, my sleeping bag is imported from the United States. It is completely enclosed and supported. Otherwise, it must not be frozen."

Qi Dong licked some painful temples and sat up.

When I came back, I touched the backpack for the first time. Fortunately, the gun inside was still there. This is correct. He is still waiting to find a chance to clean up Qin.

They know that Campbell is afraid that they will freeze to death, burn a night of fire, and then they will become a dog.

As soon as one night passed, the blood on the ground and the body of Jinshun had already been processed, as if nothing had happened.

Only Dawn Hui knew what happened last night, but he would not say it, nor dare to say it. To know that Qin Lan is probably a guru, that is the person his father has to look up to. He knows the rules.

"Several people, the hot water is burned, I will prepare the venison for you today, just baked, a few taste."

Jin Bao carries a basin, which is the meat that was baked last night. After a little fire in the morning, you can eat ready-made.

His brothers have been committing crimes for a long time, and buried a lot of meat in the vicinity, which is just right to come in handy.

Everyone knows that they have to go over the mountains today, and they are welcome. They open their arms and eat them.

Ning Xin also ate a few small pieces. When she woke up, she was full of vitality. Not only did she lose the weakness and sickness of the past, but the whole person was as refreshed and more delicate.

"Xiao Xin, you look good, it seems that this sleep is very good. It is me, the headache is very powerful, maybe it was cold last night."

"The **** wind blows my tent away, hey, mad at me."

Lv Xiaomi smirked, sulking and angry.

"Yeah, I haven't slept so much for a long time." Ning Xin looked at Qin Hao and thought that they had stayed in a small tent for one night last night, and they couldn't help but raise Hongxia.

From her memoir, she lived in a haze and a dark atmosphere, and at night it was like an endless nightmare for her.

Only last night, because Qin Hao was waiting at the side, she finally slept in the only peace of mind in this life.

She knows that Qin Hao had already used the pharmacist's character last night, and she had been insulted by her for many years, and she was infuriated with her. Her physical condition is now several times stronger than Dawn Hui.

"It’s not good to take someone away, Miss Lu, drink more water, and slow down."

Dawn Hui chewed his meat and glanced at Jin Bao, comforting him.

"Several people, we will hurry on the road after we have finished eating, and strive to arrive at Jinshengfeng this evening."

Jin Bao avoided the eyes of Dawn Hui and made a haha.

The people wrapped their abdomen, and under the leadership of Jin Bao, they continued to walk through the jungle of Changbai Snow Mountain in Mobei!

"Golden treasure, where the big man went, I woke up and disappeared." Lu Xiaomi asked curiously as he walked.

"May be gone by the wind and the wind." Dawn Hui haha ​​laughed.

"He, there is something wrong, go down the mountain. I am familiar with this road, you can rest assured that you will not lose it." Jin Baoqiang Yan Huan laughed.

Nothing at all!

By 6 pm, the sky is already dark!

Jinbao stopped and took a few breaths, pointing to a brightly lit hill in the distance. Lang shouted in the wind: "Is it? It is Jin Shengfeng!"

"Ah, I thought Jin Shengfeng was solitary. I didn't expect anyone else." Lu Xiaomi was surprised.

"Golden St. Peak is a place that specializes in thunderbolt. It can be more lively than you think. You will know when you get there."

"Everyone, take a short break and wait for us to continue. At about nine o'clock, we should be able to reach the summit."

Jin Bao introduced.


"Let's go, go, pull and sip."

Zhang Mingyu made a look.

The two people Qidong quietly touched out the gun, fake a small solution, quietly wrapped around the depths of the forest, until a few people could not see, this was installed with a silencer, ready to kill Qin.

In his view, the reason why Ning Xin is so beautiful and moving today is definitely moisturized by Qin Hao last night.

The woman who dared to play him, the end is a death.

"Qi Shaozhen wants to kill him?" Zhang Mingyu ordered a cigarette and asked with a mouth and water.

"Crap, your future wife is being done, can you bear it?" Qidong coldly said.

"Cheng Cheng, I also saw that the kid is not pleasing to the eye, just killed and thrown into the ravine, no one has to say." Zhang Mingyu nodded.

"Go, remember, don't let outsiders come over." Qi Dongdao.

"Don't you worry about my work? Wait."

Zhang Mingyu spit out the cigarette **** and walked out with his shoulders.

When I arrived at the camp, I pretended to be in a hurry. I was anxiously saying: "It’s not good. I’m missing out of the ice ditch. Who is going to help?”

"What? Minghui, Big Brother Qin, let's go and see Ning Xin worried.

"That place is too slippery. You are not safe. Just go personally and take the handle with me." Zhang Mingyu said.

"Like this, I will accompany you." Dawn Hui took the initiative to ask.

"Minghui, here is your best, you have to stay to take care of Xiaoxin and Xiaomi. If you come to the wolf and the tiger, what?" Zhang Mingyu quickly refused the good intentions of Dawn Hui, and said to Qin: "Qin Brother, do you want to go with me?"

"it is good!"

Qin Lan stood up without thinking, and Qi Dong thought about how he could pass him. Just by this opportunity, he could teach the two idiots who didn’t know how to be tall.

"Don't, Mr. Qin, let me go."

"Give me a chance and give them a chance. You know, they don't sin!"

Dawn Hui suddenly grabbed it and stopped in front of Qin Lan, and his eyes asked.

When he was finishing the package at Jinbao last night, he knew that there was a gun in the Qidong bag.

It is a pity that Qi Dong’s opponent is a master. Dawn Hui knows that the master’s respect can’t be insulted, and raising his hand can make people disappear.

He is a state man, it is necessary to come out and block the two idiots.

Qin Momo licked his chin and meditated for a few seconds and nodded. "Okay, I will give you this face."

Dawn Hui was overjoyed and bowed his hand and said: "Thank you, thank you!"

He is going to go, Zhang Mingyu will not do it, he yelled: "I said that you have a problem with your brain. They all told you to stay and take care of Xiaomi. Do you have no long ears?"

If Qin Qin does not go, Qi Dong’s conspiracy will not succeed, can Zhang Mingyu not be angry?

"Hey!" Dawn Hui raised his hand as a slap, and Fan flew Zhang Mingyu. Before he bullied him, it was a violent temper.


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