"I am going to your second uncle, I want to die, believe it or not, I will kill you now."

"What are you doing, are you in your head? Grass!"

Dawn Hui did not expect this unopened thing, the heart is so dark.

He is also the son of the first martial artist in Tangzhou. He was not suffering from the birds of the two grandchildren along the way. Now he is still going to die, and he is mad at the time of the attack.

In other words, if Qin Lan is just an ordinary person, even if he says a few words with Ning Xin, it is not sin to die by taking a tent to avoid the wind.

It can be seen that this group of things that have no brains, do things, do not care about the consequences.

"Rigo, don't, don't fight!"

Ning Xin and Lv Xiaomi quickly came up to pull the raging dawn, and both of them felt inexplicable. They couldn’t understand how the dawning glory of the temper would suddenly make such a big fire.

"Playing well, like this kind of unopened thing, you have to learn a long time." Jin Bao sneered at the side.

"Last name Li, you give me a wait, go back to the state, I play to kill you." Zhang Mingyu shrunk aside, squinting and hating.

"Stupid dog, you can leave Changbai Mountain alive and say it, I will wait for you to get it!" Dawn Hui was cold and chilled, and sneered, striding forward and walking deep into the woods.

The woods were dark and Qidong was biting a cigarette and playing with a pistol. I heard a footstep behind me, and my heart was happy. I thought it was Qin Lan, and the cold noodles turned.

"Dawn Hui? What are you doing here?" Qidong asked with a frown.

"Don't you say that you fell into the pit? I will pull you." Dawn Hui cold and cold.

"You deliberately made the boy out of the right? Right? I tell you, I don't have him today, there is him without me." Qi Dong face revealing ochre, Senran smiled.

"No, I will save you. I advise you, you can't afford him, your dad can't afford it, don't look for death." Dawn Hui said.

"I can't afford him? I have this, and I want his life in minutes." Qidong disdain.

"You can kill people like this thing? Don't dream, Qi Shao is not a state, you better sandwich your tail." Dawn Hui shook his head.

"What are you doing, dare to teach Laozi, I will break you down first."

Qi Dongwo had a stomach fire. At this time, the young master had a temper. When he raised the gun, he would pull the trigger and shoot Dawn Hui.

Dawn Hui pointed to a bullet, "Hey!" Qi Dong only felt the pain in the tiger's mouth, and snorted, the gun fell to the ground.

When I look down, the blood of the tiger's mouth is not limited, and it is only a small coin that hurts him.

"I will warn you again, don't die, otherwise I don't mind killing you."

Dawn Hui kicked a pistol and held Qidong’s throat with one hand, awe.

Qi Dong was dragged by tears, but he knew that in this Changbai Mountain, he was so sure that he had swallowed this evil.

He did not understand why Dawn Hui would favor this country's country!

He was wronged in his heart, but he was helpless. It seems that since he entered the mountain, all the good fortune has left him.

To know that he is the son of Tang Shusheng, the underground leader of the state, has suffered such humiliation!

Go back to the camp!

Zhang Mingyu and Dawn Hui got together and spit each other a bitter water. They thought about answering Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and they must kill dawn.

Everyone rested for a while, and Jin Bao led the crowd and continued to go to Jinshengfeng.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, everyone finally reached Jin Shengfeng.

Above the mountain peaks, there are thousands of wooden houses, which are endless. From time to time, there are martial arts people wearing strong clothes, and they are passing by on the street.

Everyone's face is filled with joy and discretion, just like walking into a golden mountain, everywhere is a treasure.

Occasionally, there will be some wealthy businessmen who are wrapped up like a ball, and they talk about it. These are like Ning Xin. They come to buy lightning strike wood to treat diseases and exorcise evil spirits.

"Mr. Qin, it used to be uninhabited before, and it is also a wicked door. In the past two or three years, it has attracted Tianlei every year."

“Some people realize that this is a good opportunity to make a fortune, especially the martial arts sects in the three provinces of Mobei, Weibei and Jinxi. They began to circle trees on this mountain, and they used some demons to attract lightning and thunder.”

"After the news came out, there were more and more people, and even some southern sects came in."

"Most of the wooden houses on this mountain are all major sects. Of course, they are mainly Changbaizong. As for the scattered houses and entertainment facilities, Yang Yunfeng, the son of the Changbai patriarch, was contracted."

"So, you must not offend the people of Changbai Zong here. Otherwise, it is the King of Heaven who wants to go out of the mountain."

Jin Bao introduced the road while walking.

Qin Lan took a slow hand and looked at the houses on both sides along the street.

The size of the house is large, and most of the front doors are plaques, the signs of the martial arts in the Lushan Hall, the Golden Knife Hall, and so on.

The more people go to the east, the more people there are. This is the place for retail investors to stay and rest.

The wooden houses here are extremely elegant, with tiled roofs and gray walls. There are rockeries and green trees between the houses, just like walking in an ancient garden in the south of the Yangtze River.

In this tavern along the street, there was a lot of people, and sometimes a big laugh came out.

What Jin Bao said is true. This place is not only a place of martial arts, but also a place of leisure. At every quarter of an hour, there are a group of disciples wearing white robes and wearing white badges on their chests. The law and order is extremely stable. .

Here, everyone agrees to follow the rules, only for the sake of seeking for wood, fortune, regardless of identity.

"Mr. Qin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's not eat something first."

"It’s convenient to use banknotes here."

Jin Bao smelled the food from the wine cellars on both sides, and his stomach screamed, and could not help but propose.

"Yeah, I didn't have a good meal to eat hot, first come to a bowl of Duobao soup, wow, think about it." Lu Xiaomi blinked and looked like a cat.

"Well, eat first, and then find a place to live again." Dawn Huidao.

Everyone chose a restaurant and settled down. There were special dishes from all over the country. People in Jiangsu and Zhejiang did not like to eat spicy food. They ordered a soup and several pots to eat rice wine.

After drinking enough, Jin Bao led several people to find a place to live.

In the west end of the street, there is a parent white inn, which is specially reserved for non-"divided guests".

Due to the lightning strikes in the past few days, the inn has already been overcrowded!

"Boss, come to the three best rooms, money is not a problem." Qi Dong came up with a black gold card, a powerful show.

"Sorry, we only have two ordinary rooms and a firewood room. You can stay in the house without any chills." The boss is not humble, and has no interest in the black gold card.

"I have three times the price!" Qi Dong said again.

"This is not money..."

The voice of the proprietress has not fallen, and Qi Dong said: "Five times!"

"Young man, this place is more than the people you have money? Just these three rooms, you want, don't get out." A big beard came over, with his hands on his hips, yelling at his chest.

It is necessary to know that most of them come from the martial arts world. The martial arts people treat ordinary people and think that they are superior. They often speak less politely.

In this place, identity is far more important than money.


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