The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 888: 0 year old tree

At this point, the thunder is in a hurry!

As a ghost, the Qin dynasty flies under the electric light, and the gods are outside for 30 miles, and quickly leap in the mountains!

The disciples and responsible persons of the major sects are strictly guarding their own hills. Once a tree is struck by lightning, it will poke a big seal!

The more urgent the thunder, the dense and empty from the void!

Rumble, the whole mountain is bright and white, and many old trees collapse in thunder!

The Qin dynasty went to the highest point of the mountain, and his hand was very eye-catching. 126shu

Every time this mine falls, it is a dense cluster, like trying to destroy all evil things, but the strange thing is that the mine is half empty, and it is automatically dispersed into hundreds of shares!

Is there really a thousand-year tree demon?

This is very likely, the tree demon is deceitful, and spent a thousand years on the Golden Holy Peak, knowing the terrain in the mountains!

It is entirely possible to avoid the thunder!

The demon thing is a catastrophe for thousands of years. When there is no smashing tree demon, the thunder will definitely not stop!

"Too good, it seems that Shi Fu is right, the millennium lightning strikes wood, there is great hope!"

Qin Yu secretly rejoiced.

Thinking of this, he gathered his spirits, and his knowledge expanded the scope, plunged into the most densely populated areas, and searched carefully.

At the foot of the Taishan School, he found a big pit, and the aura in the pit was filled with blood, and there was blood and water in it!


Qin Yu inferred that the tree demon had been in this place, and when Tian Lei discovered it, it changed its position.

However, from the blood on the ground, the tree demon should have been seriously injured!

I want to come, too, for half a month, every day is chased by Tian Lei, at this time I am afraid that it is already the end of the strong.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, stuck a little bit of blood, and smelled it on the side of the nose. Through a faint **** smell, he sneaked in the mountains.

When I was a child, Tianlei gradually stopped!

Qin Lan was in a forest and finally found the tree demon.

The tree is not as imaginary as the towering tree. On the contrary, this tree looks unremarkable and is no different from other trees.

I want to come to the state of illusion, but it still can't escape the eyes of Qin Lan!

The tree was boasting blood, and Qin Qin was sticky, and there was already a number in his heart. The corner of his mouth rose and Sen laughed.


The tree demon feels the magical power of the Qin dynasty, and a green smoke rises on the body.

The Qin dynasty flexed a finger, and a mark was immersed in the tree. The tree demon swayed and the whole body shook.

"Who?" At this time, someone in the woods shouted, and then several people flew over here.

Qin Lan knows that now is not a good time to win the tree. Anyway, I will replace Mei Zhengfeng tomorrow, and I will take it as a offering. Some are opportunities.

The key is that the tree is now completely in shock, and Qin Yu is afraid that it will be scared away, and it will be difficult to find it.

Qin Lan avoided the inspection of the head of the mountain and returned to the inn.

The next morning, Xiaguang Wanli, printed in the world of ice and snow, is like a fairyland on earth.

Jinshengfeng Square!

Yang Yunfeng wore a white Tang suit and rang the mountain bell!

The sects from the major hills gathered together for a meeting, and there was joy and sorrow. After watching the shaman and worshiping the gods, Yang Yunfeng personally announced the opening of the market.

Members of the staff first reported the number of lightning strikers in their own lives!

Most of the hills are only one or two, and are reserved for the home.

After all, the probability that Tianlei can lie on the tree is limited, and the scope is always concentrated. Many households in the two months, a lightning striker is not caught, there are many people.

The most curious thing is that the Taishan faction actually

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The accident became the big head of this time, and even the Changbai Zong, which occupies most of the mountain peaks, is far behind, reaching an astonishing one hundred and thirty-two.

The head of the Taishan School was close to the south, and the mouth of Le was not close.

As soon as the market opened, retail investors from all over the country flocked to the hills of Kongnan.

Although the price of lightning strikes wood is amazing, often a tree has millions of dollars, even tens of millions, but it is still in short supply, and soon it was robbed.

Among them, there is Qidong!

"Everyone, the last one, the last one, this is the old tree of three hundred years, and there is already a reiki."

"A price of 20 million, whoever wants to take it away!"

Kong near the south yelled at the scorpion.

"Two million, my one, this is enough to buy a second product, just to buy a piece of wood, a little loss."

"Yeah, look at this tree, it is dry and thin, and it has been thundered by a tree, and 20 million is a bit expensive!"

In the crowd, many people have retired after watching the tree.

"Oops!" Qin Hao was shocked.

This is the millennial tree that he met last night. If you remember correctly, it has already ran to other woodlands. It must have been broken by the thunder and finally returned to the roots.

Moreover, Qin Lan can clearly feel that the vitality of the tree is diminishing!

Qin Lan wanted to strike the wood, but this tree has become spiritual and became a real demon. If it is so slashed by lightning, it is a waste.

Right now, he hopes that no one will be willing to be a fool, and he will buy it again, so as not to make a difference.

"Everyone, don't look at this small tree, but his annual rings are there, absolutely more than three hundred years!"

"I am not blowing. The lightning striker made with this tree is more powerful than ordinary trees."

"Maybe everyone feels that I am bragging, everyone can believe it or not!"

In the introduction of Kong Nan’s sound, he took an axe from his disciples and took a few axes according to the tree.

The bark is broken and the blood is flowing!

The tree trembled fiercely, as if expressing his anger.

Everyone was shocked.

Many experts who know the tree yelled at the time: "Five hundred years of blood and soul, this is a five-year-old tree, and then count the piece of lightning, not just 20 million."

"Yes, the skin of this tree can be used as medicine, wood crafts, furniture, etc., can be safe in the town, especially for Anliang, enough to keep you beautiful."

"As for the lightning strikes, the value is even higher. You all understand, you don't need me to say it."

Kong Jinnan proudly said.

"20 million, I bought it!"

In the crowd, a bald rich businessman shouted.

Although the rest are shocked, most people are still on the sidelines, for fear that these people are the ones that Confucius invited.

"I am going out of 50 million!"

Suddenly a voice shouted.

Qin Yan brows a sink, but see Shi Fu quite a big belly, raised his hand and shouted the price.

"Qin brother, this is probably the millennium tree demon that my master said. Anyway, I will take him down."

Shi Fuqi whispered in the ear of Qin Yu, he is also a poor money owner, immediately shouted at a price.

"Is there a higher one? No, I sold it to Mr. Shi Fu." Kong asked South Africa.

"I am out of 60 million!"

There was a sudden spread in the crowd.

Everyone went to see the man, and I saw Qidong’s face arrogant and raised his hand.

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