The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 889: What can be solved with money, it is not called

"I am out of 60 million! Don't grab it with me. 126shu"

Qi Dong opened the crowd around him, and raised his hand and walked out, arrogant.

The most important thing he lacks is money!

When he came, he took down the order of death and took the lightning strike at all costs.

At the moment, this is a hundred years of red pine. If you want to get it back, it must be a great achievement.

"60 million, 60 million, who else?" Kong Jinan shouted.

"Cut, it’s a stupid come from the South!"

The lightning strikes the wood in the lightning strike. This tree is not short, but it is also thundered by a few scorpions, far less valuable than other trees being scorched.

Removed a little bit of lightning strikes, red pine is not a precious wood such as rosewood, lobular rosewood, the value is limited, really worth 60 million.

"Hey, I didn't expect lightning bolts to be so expensive. I got so much money on it." Ning Xin Liu Mei, aside, sighed.

She is not at home at home. There are luxury cars and designer clothes on the bright side. It is also a family match. Her own activities can be less than one million. It is not as good as Lu Xiaomi.

"Yeah, it's too expensive. The trick is to make up three million. Don't say that this three-hundred-year-old lightning striker is ordinary and can't afford it."

Lv Xiaomi grinned and screamed.

"How, some people are not very cattle, very powerful?"

"When it comes to real money, it’s dumbfounded."

Zhang Mingyu is proud of the ocean.

"Xiao Xin, wait for the tree to buy it, I will divide you into a lightning striker is you!"

"The most important thing for a man this year is strength, not rhetoric. I hope you can understand this."

Qi Dong took a picture of his chest and laughed loudly.

"The brother said that it makes sense, man, strength is the most important thing. As for what looks, it is a cloud!"

"60 million, this little brother, the girl is going to be tight!"

"It’s a man, just come up with some performance."

Kong Jinnan rushed Qin Qin to pick the chin, the wind ignited.

A person with a little bit of eyesight can see that Qidong and Qin Yu are not dealing with each other, and the beauty will face you, and naturally they will fight for you.

Qin Hao is not interested in jealousy with Qidong, but this tree must be won!

A thousand years of spiritual wood, there are demon spirits, magical use is infinite, and it is measured by money.

"Qin brother, I will come to you for him, 100 million!" Shi Fu bit his teeth and simply went out.

One hundred million is the limit of Shifu. He is also a person of loyalty. He is not used to Qidong’s deputy, and immediately reported the price.

"100 million!"

It was Kong Nannan who also took a breath.

Everyone is also re-examining this seemingly inconspicuous red pine. If it is stupid to say that 60 million people are jealous, then there are only two possibilities for the one hundred million, or the tree is indeed worth a lot, or this kid. It is a care!

"Small lords, last year, a 400-year-old lightning strike of Hongsong was just a hand of 10 million. It was a price at that time. Today, this three-hundred-year-old red pine has been fired to 100 million. I suspect this is Kong Jin. South makes tricks."

"Don't forget, he is a descendant of Confucianism. This is not a general flexibility."

Bao Daqiang was in the dark, whispering to Yang Yunfeng, who was watching.

Yang Yunfeng’s Jianmei is sinking. He has always been arrogant, but it’s not a person without principles. The price of lightning strikes is soaring in the sky. The profit he earns will undoubtedly be high. However, the market order on this mountain will undoubtedly be disturbed.

Broken rules, who will dare to go to Jinshengfeng in the future?

This kind of small sale is not going to be done.

"No hurry, then take a look, if it is really hype, Kong Jinan would like to stand on the foot of Jin Shengfeng." Yang Yunfeng's eyes flashed cold, cold and cold.

"100 million!"

“Is there a higher bid than this one?”

"Brother, this lady is still waiting for you."

Kong Jinnan walked to the side of Qidong, and smiled.

The Taishan School is a small martial art school in Ludong. Kong Jinan also tried his best to climb the mountain. Finally, walking the dog

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fortunately, with so many lightning strikes, Kong Jinan is still not allowed to make a fortune in the dead.

"100 million, Qi Ge, will it be a bit too high?" Although Zhang Mingyu's family also has money, but 100 million yuan of liquidity is not a minority.

Qidong dark 骂 富 富 的 ancestors of the 18th generation, people are unlucky, drink mouth water are stuffed!

Sixty million is already his limit. It is reasonable to take this tree. It is reasonable to know that such a dead fat man is killed. This pig is still a group with Qin.

Really his mother's inch!

"Hey, people are more popular than people!"

"This little brother, or this friend of yours has a vision!"

The hole near the south pulls the tone, and without the traces, it stimulates Qi Dong.

"Brother, I can't help it, I want to force it in front of my Qin brothers, you are not qualified enough!"

"Before you pass the fat man, let me talk about it, hehe."

Shi Fu took a cigarette at the head and walked to Qidong, squirting a sip on his face!


"Made, this is what forced me to fix this, you give me waiting."

Where did Qidong suffer such insults, he slammed his mouth and took his cell phone to the side.

"Hey, Dad, I found a two-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand

On the side of the dawn, the light of the head shook his head. This mountain was mixed with fish and dragons. There were many cults in the martial arts world.

Qi Dong is so happy to be dazzling, no doubt is killing.

"The head of the hole, no matter what, two billion, now swipe the card."

After confirming the payment of the money, Qi Dong took out a cigar from his arms and pinched it at his fingertips.

"Two billion!"

"I haven't asked my brother's name yet? Is it a noble person, from He Fangbao?"

Kong Jinan arched ninety degrees and showed it to the **** of wealth.

"All of them are heard. Qi Shao is the only son of the first family in the underground of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. In the province of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is the owner who walks sideways!" Zhang Mingyu took the opportunity to please, and praised him with a thumbs up.

"It turned out to be Qi Shao, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Kong Jinan and the people apparently have not heard of any family ~ ~ but who makes people have money, and immediately pretend to be a long-awaited look, and then worship.

"It’s really the flute in the south!"

"The old hole is going to be rich this time."

"Old bus, staring at this kid, and turning back to make him a sum."

In the noise, a guy from the squirrel looked cold and whispered a whisper to a sly face.

"Well, this time you may have to touch a big fish, hehe." Lao Ba Yinsen smiled.


Qi Dong finally got back a little face, and the heart was full of comfort, it was very happy.

"Two billion, fat man, you still ... can give a higher price?" Kong Jinan asked with a smile. A red pine was thundered so much that it sold for two billion, and he was already happy to faint!

"I...I!" Shi Fu's tongue was straight and stuttering. He wanted it, but the funds were limited. Two billion yuan was unbearable.

"What are you, whether you want it or not."

Qi Dong ordered a cigar, and walked slowly to the front, asking for a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want it!" Shi Fu whispered.

"Cut, I thought you were more bullish, aren't you hanging the sky? There is a kind of continuation with Laozi!"

Qidong relied on the gourd painting, and a thick smoke spit on Shi Fu’s face, and he laughed smugly.

"What garbage stuff, dare to fight with the money, do not scatter urine to take care of yourself?" Zhang Mingyu attached.

"Qin brother, I can't help it, this face brother didn't give it to you."

Shi Fu wiped a face and shrugged.

Although he is not very old, his social experience is extremely rich, and he is also a Buddha. The nature of the heart is not the ratio of these two ancestors.

"No problem!"

"It is not difficult to solve with money!"

"Three hundred million!"

Qin Xiao smiled and said lightly.

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