The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 890: 1 price is called the sky


"Three hundred million!"

The crowd exploded again. 126shu

Kong Jinan was even more shocked and almost squatted on the ground, hands clasped together, rushing to the sky, mouth madness, God of Wealth manifested!

"Three billion?"

Ning Xin and Lu Xiaomi and others are also greatly shocked. Who can think of this low-key Qin Da brother, would it be such a rich local tyrant?

"Brother, you, are you kidding?" Shi Fumu asked.

"Qin a certain life, never rumored." Qin looked at the sky, the clouds were light and windy.

"Three hundred million, Qi Shao, you, you are going to keep up." Kong Jinan excitedly flushed his face and shouted.

Looking at the lively emotions, all of them have been transferred at the moment, and they have been squatting on the sidelines, urging Qidong to continue to add money.

"Less master, this play is more and more interesting, is it a chain?"

"This kid is the guy who clashed with me last night. It is reasonable to say that people like him should not come to the second-rate sect of Kong Jinnan to do the game?"

Bao Daqiang frowned on the side of Yang Yunfeng.

"No, if it's a bureau, if you get such a high price, you won't be able to do it."

"Well, I am a little interested in him."

Yang Yunfeng’s long-awaited stay in Qin’s body, Shen Yudao.

This person is only 20 years old, but there is a kind of vicissitudes of life, just like the calm of his father's old rivers and lakes. Moreover, he does not have a martial arts atmosphere on his body. If it is an ordinary person, how can it be so calm under the martial arts community?

For a time, Yang Yunfeng, who was extremely accurate from the recognition of the people, suddenly found that he could not understand the boy in front of him.

"I, let me call again!" Qidong rushed over 10,000 grass mud horses at the moment, completely messed up.

"No need to fight, four hundred million!"

Qin Hao once again made up 100 million.

"No, I want to faint." Kong Jinan on the side couldn't bear this joy, and it was soft in the arms of two disciples.


Qi Dong almost didn't squirt a bit of old blood. It really costs 400 million to buy a piece of wood. His father doesn't have to think about it and refuses!

"Oh, Qi Shao, it’s up to you." Shi Fu smiled and smiled.

"The surname Qin, count you!"

"I do not want it."

Qi Dong like a defeated cock, suddenly stunned.

Qin Lan walked to the millennial red pine wood, patted it, and thought of it into the tree, calmly said: "I am here to save you, stay in the mountains or fall into the hands of others, you will die. So, you It’s best to be honest, don’t want me to find you again!”

The red pine creaked and responded to the gods of Qin.

"I, I officially announced that the 300-year-old old red pine hit the tree, it is Mr. Qin you."

Kong Jinnan woke up and took a stamp with joy and hands up.

Then rushed to the crowd and shouted: "Red Lady, credit card collection!"

"No hurry, you first take the piece of lightning strikes for me." Qin said.

Kong Jinnan personally held the long scorpion, and took a knife from the top of the pine to the blackened trunk of the thunder. According to the meaning of Qin Yu, the two sections were wrapped in yellow silk cloth and tied with red silk!

"Mr. Qin, congratulations, this color, black and red, full of aura, you make a big hair!"

Kong Jinnan hands up, got a cheap and still not forget to sell.

"Miss Ning, I will give it to you." Qin Hao picked up a piece of lightning striker, and his eyes didn't blink, and he handed it to Ning Xin.

"Miss Ning is getting it, this is Mr. Qin's heart."

Shi Fu smiled.

Like other people, he also believes that both Qin and Qidong are fond of Ning Xin.

"Qin brother, this thing is too expensive, I dare not want." Ning Xin pretty face red, waved his hand and refused.

The so-called resilience is not Lu, she and Qin Hao but meet each other, it is a lover, do not dare to accept such a valuable thing!

"This is what I promised you, but also God.

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Give you that filial piety! ”

"Receive it."

Qin Yu’s mouth was raised and he smiled gently.

"Xin Er, Qin Da Ge really heart, you don't grind, aunt is still waiting for this treatment." Lu Xiaomi leaned in the ears of Ning Xin, whispered.

"Thank you Qin Big Brother!" Ning Xin moved the tears, holding the wood tightly, his face filled with happy tears.

Lightning the wood may not save the mother, but at least she did not come to this white, to win a line of light for her mother is not?

"Shi Fu, this is for you, it is enough to take a bracelet." Qin Hao took the rest and gave it to Shi Fu.

"Qin brother, this is worth four hundred million, you really give it to me?"

Shi Fu swallowed and refused to talk.


Qin Yu is short.

Shi Fu saw his eyes sincerely. It was not like playing with himself. He didn't make a fuss. He took a deep breath and kneeled on one knee. His hands took over expensive lightning strikes.

"Qin brother, you can reach the million gold in this promise, your brother, I have made a fortune, and I will be able to use my place in Shixi in the future, despite the buzz." Shi Fu held a fist and respected.

"Polite, Shi Brother, this friend, I recognized." Qin Xiao smiled.

He rarely makes friends, but Shi Fu has a straightforward personality, and he has a powerful master. He will march into the north in the future, and there will be no one to help. Shi Fu is undoubtedly a useful place to be deeply involved.

"Mad, this is too hospitable, four hundred million all come to give away, the name of Qin's brain into the water." Zhang Mingyu envied the envy of jealousy.

"Hao bird!"

"Kong Bo, you are still over, four hundred million, and quickly collect money, in case some people are liar?"

Qidong’s eyes turned and shouted.

His embarrassment reminded Kong Jinan, who quickly said: "Haha, there is a lover who will eventually become a genus, and Mr. Qin will take it, and the bill will be settled."

"Red Lady, come and collect the money." Kong Jinan shouted again.

The red lady is the owner of Changbai All the accounts of this hill have to go from the inn, which is equivalent to the bank transfer station!

"Less master, you see?" The red lady looked at Yang Yunfeng.


Yang Yunfeng bowed his head and nodded.

He is more and more unable to understand Qin Yu, and if he says that 400 million to buy a piece of lightning strikes wood is incredible, he can still think of it. After all, the use of lightning strikes wood is quite extensive.

But what did you mean when you bought it but did not take it?

For the Jiajia people to smile, the whole filial piety heart said, give Shi Fu a foreigner who meets with each other, is it only for the so-called rivers and lakes?

is it possible?

Thinking of this, Yang Yunfeng shook his head.

"Less master, Ping Ye is here." At this time, Bao Daqiang next to him carefully reminded him that he gave Yang Yunfeng a look.

Yang Yunfeng swept through the crowd and saw a white beard old man standing in the dark.

He walked quickly and respectfully bowed: "Dry, how come you?"

It is the long-term white **** who has peace of mind. When Yang Yunfeng was young, he saved his life, and he was flat and well-known in Changbai. Therefore, he recognized the **** doctor as a cognac.

"Xiao Feng, hey, don't talk to me, stay away from me." Ping Wu retracted his head and cautiously.

"Dry, this is my site, you are today..." Yang Yunfeng asked.

"Do not ask!"

"Look at the play, talk less, don't get into trouble."

Peaceless and sorrowful.

Yang Yunfeng is even more confused. His own cognac is quite savvy. Today, this is awkward. It seems to be afraid of anyone in his own territory.

At this time, the Red Lady took out a mobile poss machine and walked over. The smile was like a flower: "Mr. Qin, you can swipe your card."

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "I don't have a card, no money!"

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