The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 897: Don't ask if you should not ask

Under Changbai Mountain!

Shi Fu took the two women down the mountainside and happened to meet Qidong. 126shu

After all, they all came together, and a few people went together!

Big night, but seeing the thunder and thunder on the top of the mountain, Shi Fu worried that Qin Yu is afraid that it is difficult to go down, and he feels that his shoulders are responsible!

After two or three hours of rushing in one breath, I finally got out of the Jinshengfeng range.

"I said the fat man, walking all the way, the old man's legs are broken quickly, can you stop and take a rest?" Qidong went to the snow and sat, not to leave.

"That is, there is such a hurry, and I am anxious to reincarnate."

Zhang Mingyu is also dissatisfied with cursing.

"You two garbage, love can't go, Laozi still lazy to bring you, you are trapped in the mountains."

"Two ladies, can you still go?"

Shi Fu was ruined by Qi Dong, but he took the initiative to stop and asked the two women.

Ning Xin got the Qin Qi's true gas blessing, and she was relaxed and tired. But Lu Xiaomi will not work. She is a weak woman after all. At this moment, she is frozen and snoring, her face is pale, and she is supported by perseverance along the way.

"Not good, the infection is cold and there are signs of fever."

"Let's do this, stay here for the rest of the night, I will give you the tent."

Shi Fu frowned.

In this ice and snow, once the wind is cold, if there is no care, it is no different from the death penalty.

When I heard that Xiaomi was ill, Qidong was grateful to hide far away, for fear of infection.

Shi Fu found a cave to order firewood, burned some water, and Ning Xin fed millet to eat spare medicine, Xiaomi fell asleep.

"Oh, I don't know what Qin brother is like. He must be alive and leave Jin Shengfeng."

Shi Fu sighed, and took off his winter clothes and covered them on Xiaomi.

"Or use my, Shi Brother, you will be frozen." Ning Xin worried.

"Afraid of anything, my skin is thick and thick, and it is a disciple of Buddhism. It is more antifreeze than you." Shi Fu shouted loudly. After he finished, he sat down with his legs and read the Buddhist scriptures.

Ning Xin’s eyes were red, his hands were together, and he went to heaven.

She is grateful that she has met her good and good people like Qin Lan and Shi Fu, otherwise she will not be able to complete her wish, even living is a luxury.

"The mice, are you sure they are in the cave?"

In the snow, a few wretched figures followed, and one of them was the old bus.

"Yes, a few brothers can not be brilliant, just look at this ticket. And I see the two girls, very tender, and today we will come to a rich man."

The mouse must be smiling.


Several people touched the hole and took out a bamboo tube from their arms, untied the seal and threw it into the cave.


"Good smell, what?"

Qi Dong and others were awakened by the sly, and they were shocked.

Shi Fu was busy sitting up, and suddenly felt dizzy, his body was so weak and weak, and he couldn't get up even after standing for several times.

"Not good, poisonous!" Shi Fu was shocked.


"Several people can be considered to have caught you."

The old bus and others rushed into the cave with a torch, and they held a knife and axe.

"Qi Shao, this, what can we do? They will kill us."

Zhang Mingyu was so scared that he was nervous and nervous.

"Reassured, I won't kill you!"

"You guys, but a cash cow."

"Bundle them!"

The old bus waved and shouted.

Then, swaying and swaying to Ning Xin, the torch is shining, seeing her gentle, temperament like blue, scented with fragrance

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

A few people in the old bus are even more fascinated.

"Little beauty, my brother doesn't kill you, but you can have fun with us!"

The old bus reached out and picked Ning Xin's chin. Ning Xin flashed back and hid the past. He nervously said, "You, you are far away from me!"

"It's a few of you!"

"I killed you!"

Shi Fu violently, struggling to rush to the past, punching and drinking.

If this is the case in the past, he will be able to fight a fight. Now the legs are soft and soft. Where are the opponents of these people, they are put down by the old Pakistani and they are bloody.

"Give me her!"

The old Pakistani kicked off Shi Fu, and grabbed Ning Xin’s hair. He smiled and said: "Little beauty, let's accept it, and let the brothers wait for comfort, it is your only way out."

After that, he will pull the clothes of Ningxin and get ready to get started.

At this moment, there was a burst of drink at the entrance to the cave: "The beast, stop!"

A few people looked back and saw that a full two-meter-high, iron tower in general, holding a strange ugly ugly, such as the gods under the general prestige stand in the hole, this life is a big drink, but the earthquake is a cave creaking !

"Where are the bird people, dare to control the gossip of Ba Ge, live impatient?"

The mouse is squatting, pointing at the ugly man.

"court death!"


In the hands of the ugly man, the **** of death slashed, under the power of a million pounds of force, the sickle like a sugar gourd, piercing the mouse and the chest of another thief, nailed to the wall of the cave!


The old bus and the two remaining thieves are inevitably faint.

"Grandfather, a few of our brothers will have a fun, or everyone will play!"

The old bus asked carefully under one hand.

The ugly man rushed over and grabbed his smashed a crush and threw it out like a litter.

"Grandpa, we are wrong, people are here, we will roll right away!"

Lao Ba knows that this is a slap in the face, where he dares to talk, and quickly asks for mercy.

"Go? Go see the prince!"

The ugly Han Pu fan's big palm, holding the heads of the two, facing one. Jingle, like two big watermelons, smashed and shattered and threw the cave together.

Seeing the big man blinking his eyes and killing five fierce murderous thieves, Shi Fu and others couldn't eat his bottom, and the scared ones shrank into a group.

"Don't panic, I will **** you down the mountain with the purpose of Houye!"

The ugly man pulled out the weapon, went to the mouth of the cave, and slammed it to the ground, standing firmly at the hole, as if he were motionless.

"Hou Ye?"

Qi Dong and others are all a slap in the face.

Shi Fu was shocked by the heart. He walked over and bowed his hand and said: "Excuse me, brother, you are the first master in the South, Jiang Dong Qin Hou?"

"Jiangdong Qinhou!"

These four words are like thunder, rolling in the ears of everyone.

That is like the supreme **** of the dragon, Rao is Qidong and proud, it is also incredible, the first person in the South, actually sent people to protect them?

A few people were shocked and happy.

"Don't ask, don't ask!"

The ugly man just replied coldly, that is, he no longer cares for everyone.

With these towers guarding, several people have slept in peace.

The next day, Shi Fu carried Lu Xiaomi. Several people continued their journey in the early morning. The ugly man followed the road until he walked out of Changbai Mountain to ensure that several people got on the bus. This was not a word, and he did not even say goodbye and quietly left.

"Jiangdong Qinhou!"

"Is it you?"

In the car, Ning Xin’s mind showed the handsome face, and the corner of his mouth could not help but show a sweet smile.

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