The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 898: Establishing a temple into a fairy, protecting the yellow spring

Qin Hao first returned to Dongzhou. Before he took the master of Wei Jing, he had to prepare all the other materials. 126shu

His own craftsmanship is also good, but after all, the profession has a specialization. He can sculpt ordinary people, but if you want to be a mixed-race, stealing the day, and leaving a life for yourself, you still have to ask Wei Jing for this great magic engraver. .

"Hou Ye, my tree has been planted for more than 1,300, and I have escaped countless times of thunder! If you don't come, I may not be able to pass this robbery. The little girl is thankful."

The green coat is a thin green dress, and the chest is squeezed out and the snow is white. The two slender legs are as warm as white jade. There is a fatal attraction between the smiles.

This is the demon!

The demon is the most fascinating, and the green is undoubtedly the best of the demon.

In addition to the four spirits in the four-phase array, there are two big monsters in the hands of the Qin dynasty. The guardian lineup can be described as huge. Of course, with their current cultivation, in the real war, there is no use.

"Green clothes, what is your demon sex?" Qin Hao was not confused by the beauty, asked indifferently.

This makes the green clothes can not help but feel a lot, from coming to Qin Hao, she is always trying to seduce him without any traces, she wants to know whether her master is a gentleman.

If it is just to protect her slaves, the green clothes will definitely leave their way at the expense of life.

Free, this is her bottom line!

"I am a wood fine, good at the dead wood rejuvenation, breeding vitality, um, also know how to save people." Green clothes for the Qin 羿斟 cup of tea, smiled.

"Well, it can be considered a good life, this can escape the catastrophe!"

"Like this, I want to send you to Mazhuang, to set up a fairy temple for you, to be enshrined by incense, to grow your merits and cultivation!"

"Of course, what you have to do is to protect the whole piece of Huangquan pasture. What do you mean?"

After the Qin dynasty tea, slowly.

"Hou, you, you give me a temple, how can I afford it!"

"Green clothes are willing to be sincere in their lives for Hou Ye, and they are not afraid to be a temple."

Green clothes know that this means that Qin Hao wants to hold her into a demon, which is a gift from Tianda.

In the three provinces of the Black Desert, many of the little demon who cultivated, will find the merits of the disciples, which is for the sake of the horse.

However, the Qin Dynasty is the first in the South. The Qin Gang is in the middle of the sky. There are many disciples, and the Fu is prosperous. Once the temple is established, she can not only avoid the thunder, but also the cultivation will increase.

The merits of the Qin dynasty and the Qin dynasty and other believers, she can all be exposed to the rain, so it has become a demon fairy, not empty talk.

But it is said that she is even the most powerful Hu Santai milk in the desert, and she is not qualified to let the southern person Wang Lizhen open her offerings. Green clothes understand their identity and dare to accept it.

"No need to be polite, I have already made Zhang Daling build a temple for you, and I am fully responsible for this matter, you can go to Yuxi Mountain to recover Huangquan Grass with this method!"

"Or else I have thousands of secluded horses, but I can't spend the winter!"


Qin Hao smiled and waved.

The reason why he did not take the green clothes and care for her is precisely because her use is unimaginable.

The secluded horse only eats the yellow spring grass. When the winter comes, Huang Quancao looks at the yellow and the yellow, and the horses face the grass-free maintenance of the soul. The soul is scattered, and the green clothes are not the savior given to him by God.

Seeing Qin’s love in the green clothes, I’m not going to resign, I’m so happy.

Qin Lan completed the materials of the Fuyuan Tianzhu and set off for Lingyin Temple in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Lingyin Temple is the first in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Futang State!

Tangzhou is known as the paradise of human beings, adjacent to the sea of ​​clouds. With the integration of many well-known enterprises and historical humanities, the city has become a trend of becoming a new international city.

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Lingyin Temple is undoubtedly a rare land of Buddhism.

Qin Yu was anxious to find the ghost hand, the Buddha, Wei Jing, all the way unintentional beauty, the next day at noon, that is, before the Lingyin Temple Hill Gate.

Unlike ordinary tourists, Qin Xiaojin’s Xiaolingyin Temple!

However, all the major temples will be divided into two large and small courtyards. The compound is the customs, for the tourists to scent, and the various scorpions of the Buddha's Gate, to support the entire temple.

The small courtyard is the site of the martial arts martial arts, the martial arts martial arts, and the site of the martial arts!

The small courtyard of Lingyin Temple is hidden in the quiet land of the back mountain of Feilaifeng. The ancient buildings and temples are old and have been for thousands of years!

Unlike Nanlin Temple, Lingyin Temple is not very famous in the martial arts world. Few people have heard of the sacred air in the martial arts world, no one knows no one knows.

However, as soon as Qin Lan entered the back mountain, he felt an incomparably pure Dharma energy, which was filled in the whole valley. Obviously, in the small courtyard, there is a peerless master of Buddhism.

It’s not surprising to think about it. Even the old predecessors and big figures in Weijing’s martial arts are willing to go to the waters of Qiantang River in Lingshui Temple. Can Lingyin Temple be simple?

"Little Master, please inform the master of dust-free, and say Jiang Dong Qin Qiu seeks!"

Qin Yujin entered the temple, which was quiet and quiet, even at noon, it was a cool period. There are no guards around the monk, and even a figure is hard to see.

It’s hard to see a little shaman who passed by. Qin Hao quickly stopped abbot’s master knew that there was a nobleman who was waiting for the door. He had already waited in the prajna Pavilion in Houshan. Mr. Qin invited me. ”

Xiaosha Mianhe read the voice of the Buddha, leading the way to Qin.

When I arrived at the gazebo in Houshan, a white-shouldered man in red squatting, was warming the tea. When I met Qin, I was also a comrade and worshipped: "I saw the purple gas coming to this morning, and I know that there are guests coming to the door. It’s rare to see it, and it’s surnamed Qin.

"My Lingyin Temple does not enter the Wumeng, and the poor will not meet with the martial arts."

The old man smiled lightly.

Qin Lan sat down and said, "The master does not have to be polite, and he will not go to the Three Treasure Hall. I will say it straight. I want to see Master Wei Jing."

"The monks did not swear, and Master Wei Jing did repair it at my door, but it was not a chance to meet the donor yet."

Dust and whispering Zen, Ci mouth persuaded.


"I am coming from a thousand miles, there are things to see, the masters avoid seeing, isn't it a cold heart?"

"In this case, please tell the master, when will the opportunity come?"

The cold face of the Qin dynasty sank, and there was already anger between the eyebrows.

If Wei Jing refuses to help, his plan will undoubtedly die, and this half year is also busy.

The Qin dynasty is a arrogant, and the main slain is the main battle. Of course, it will not be a good rest.

"Because of life, because of death, why bother, Amitabha." Nothing is leaking through the Zen machine. As for whether Qin Lan can break through, it is also God's will.

"If Qin is certain to see now?"

Qin Hao doesn't care what he wants. He only knows that there is not much time left for himself.

"Master Wei guessed that Hou Ye would not give up, so he specially set up a Zen machine. If he can break through, he has a chance, please!"

Dust to the other stone table, open the yellow cloth above, there is a good end.

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