The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 899: Life and death game

"it is good!"

"I would like to see how much Master Wei Jing's game is!"

Qin Hao a long gown, sitting proudly. 126shu


The dust-free master raised his hand and smiled.

"Is it black or white?" Qin asked.

"Learn to listen to the respect." Clean and calm.


Qin Hao took a breath, Lingtai was clean, his left hand was playing white chess, his right hand was holding black chess, and his heart was moving!

However, what surprised him is that this is simply a chess game with no solution. Whether it is white or black, it will be a dilemma.

Previously, when he was in hell, no matter whether it was the Tibetan sect of Hell or the Leiyin Temple of Heaven, he rarely came and went, and did not know the essence of Buddhism.

When I saw it today, I didn’t dare to take a nap, the so-called meditation, inscrutable!

It is very difficult to see that the repair of Wei Jing is very good!

A musk time has passed!

Qin Yan's forehead oozes a fine sweat, still can't decide which piece to go first!

Masters of dust-free masters are not urging, just swaying the beads and chanting the Buddhist scriptures!

"White is the first move, the military master kills, since there is no way, then it will kill a **** road!"

Qin Lan suddenly sipped, and White fell heavily on the board.

White chess fell, creaking, and the board suddenly burst into a dazzling Buddha light!

Qin Lan only felt that the spirit of the soul was swaying, his eyes were difficult to see, and when he opened his eyes, he was already in a **** battlefield!

On the ancient battlefield, the sky is everywhere, the wolf smoke is everywhere, the corpse is everywhere, the blood crow humming!

Qin Yu was surprised to find that he was alone, holding a sword of the gods, wearing a ghost armor, standing in the dead mountain!

"How did I get back to the 18th floor of Hell, Shura Valley!?"

Qin Lan stepped on the blood of the ground and slowly moved forward. Looking around, his heart was very strange.

In the past, he was in the Shura Valley to destroy the other seven ghosts and the coalition forces, and laid the name of the first ghost handsome, no different from the ghost king!

However, at this moment, he is alone, the sword is covered with blood cracks, the armor is broken, and every time you take a step, there is a tearing pain!



There is a majestic drum between the haze of the haze!


Countless soldiers dressed in horns helmets walked neatly in the drums. Every tens of thousands of soldiers took a step, and the mountains and rivers vibrated, and they surrounded him.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple!

The leader of the seven, wearing bright armor, suddenly is the seven ghosts handsome!

"Qin Wuhou, you have lost, surrender!"

On the leader of a fire unicorn sits a mighty ghost handsome, it was the Shura Marshal who had been captured by him and fled to the south!

Laughing in the wild, surrounded by all sides!

Qin Hao has no time to think about whether this is true or fantasy!

At this moment, he has an unprecedented despair in his heart, and his country has already died!

"On the basis of your defeated players, let me surrender?"


Qin Hao screamed at the sky and tried his best to fight the past.

However, at the end of the strong, return to the sky!

"I don't know the time, let the arrow!" Shura Shaoshuo waved his hand and shouted!

When I was in the rain, I went to the Qin dynasty!

There is no gold horse in his world, only one iron tomb!

Before the consciousness dissipated, Qin Lan seemed to see a white figure, Ying Ying came over to him, and put it in his ear, gentle as ever: "You are a mortal after all, not worthy of having this world, can't help, This is what you owe me!"

Qin Lan wanted to see the person very clearly, but in any case, she could only hear the sound and could not see her face!

What made him even more incomprehensible was that he couldn’t find anyone who could match it in his mind!

This is not a fantasy of the past, but a harbinger of the future!


----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Buddha number is like Hong Zhong Da Lu!


The Qin dynasty consciousness disappeared and screamed, and it was already pulled out of the chessboard.

At this moment, he is covered in cold sweat, his headache is cracking, just like a nightmare wakes up!

"Qin Hou, this chess is your life, what you see is the past, and now, Master Wei has given you the answer, do you want to see him?" asked without a smile.

"I don't believe in life!"

"Since the master does not want to see me, it is worth it!"

Qin Hao wiped out the cold sweat, and took a long breath, got up and left.

"Life is also dead, death is also born, when there is a meeting. Master asked me to ask you, leave the life, take the death!" Nothing.

"Thank you!"

Qin Yu did not think about the material that was taken from the gourd and was placed in the pavilion. As for whether he would like to help this, he relied on God.

"Tangdao is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. Although it is a Taoist saying, it is not without reason. The donor has a good will, but knows that you are just a **** of this thousand."


The dust-free personally sent Qin Xiao out of the small courtyard, and sighed before leaving.

Qin Hao nodded slightly, and said goodbye.

He doesn't know this truth, he can get God's will, Yan nine days or others can naturally.

It’s just that the fate is so, he has no choice, even if the road ahead is long and thorny, I am proud to move forward!

From the beginning, this road has never returned!

Leaving Lingyin Temple, Qin Yu’s mood quickly calmed down. He didn’t care what would happen in the future. He just wanted to take every step!

As the night fades, Qin Lan walks on the streets. This time he came to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In addition to looking for Master Wei, there is another important thing, that is, to discuss the Chamber of Commerce.

Since the Dongqi branch suffered a ban in the country, its business was greatly damaged. Qin Lan decided to establish an economic circle in the rich Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to further expand the influence of the East Flag.


A domestic car stopped at the side of the road. A meticulous young man wearing a black trench coat and combing his hair came down from the car and took off his gloves. He had a chest salute: "Hey, I am coming."

"Fengyun, um, more and more like a tycoon, how do you know that I am here?" Qin Xiaoxiao asked羿哥, Zhang said that you came to Tangzhou, will go to Lingyin Temple I arrived three days ago. Anyway, it’s okay, I’m just strolling around. I just saw you meditation all the way, didn't dare to bother. Di Fengyun smiled and opened the door.

"You are now the owner of the Di family, the Qin Bangtang master of Yunhai, how did you get a few million luxury cars to open." Qin Hao adjusted the seat, asked for fun.

"The car is just a means of transportation. You don't want to take a car of more than 100,000 yuan? I am calling this a good tradition!" Di Fengyun opened the door and kicked the throttle to the International Villa.

"Not arrogant, I didn't read you wrong!"

"What happened to the matter?"

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"According to your intention, I have issued an order with the Chamber of Commerce here. They all want to see you very much. They also expressed their willingness to support the cloud and the Chamber of Commerce."

"These people are not fools. First, you are honest and honest. Second, if you are doing business with Qin, you are not making a lot of money. If you don't open this mouth, they think about it. Looking for a relationship in Yunhai, I want to rely on your god." Di Fengyun proudly laughed.

When I arrived at the International Villa, Di Fengyun had already arranged the presidential suite. Qin Lan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the enchanting night view of the state.

Di Fengyun brewed tea on the side, and he said happily: "Hou Ye, the venue will be arranged tomorrow night. This is the list of participants. Look at it!"

Qin Hao glanced at it and said: "Ning Zihua? Oh..."

"Ning Zihua is the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He is an e-commerce company. You know him?" asked Di Fengyun.

"Give me his address, I will go to Ning's house tomorrow, and I will call Ning's home. I will remember to bring his daughter when I attend the meeting, otherwise I will not use it."

Qin Hao told the road.

"This is simple, I will arrange it immediately." Di Fengyun said.

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