The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 1075 Qin Mo's Choice 2

Grandpa Li said to Grandma Li: "Don't worry, Tongtong, can I not hurt? It's just that this Qin Mo looks a little different. If he can really do it, Tongtong will marry him. bad thing."

"Easy to get priceless treasures, it's rare to have a lover, a girl marries a good man in her life, and her happiness index will skyrocket. We Tongtong have everything, she can give her whatever her parents want, but we can't give her a good husband. ."

"Of course, I also hope that Tongtong can find a simple family, where her in-laws are reasonable and her husband loves, but this situation is so easy to meet? If you can't have both, then for Tongtong, a reasonable and sensible husband is the most important."

"No matter how powerful her in-laws are, our Li family still has a way to deal with them."

When Grandma Li heard it, she was right.

"But, how do you know that Qin Mo is sensible?"

Mr. Li smiled, "Don't worry, if this kid can really do what he told him, it means that he is by no means a thing in the pool, and he is worthy of being the eldest son of the Qin family."

Grandma Li was taken aback.

Grandpa Li said with a smile: "Yao Wenxi didn't have any big problems when he was in Jiangzhou, right? But in the past two years, the imperial capital has encountered obstacles everywhere, and her brain is probably stimulated. Looking at her now, she doesn't look like one at all. The daughter of a noble family, this kind of woman will definitely cause trouble for the family in the future, Qin Mo is her son, and Qin Mo is the first to be unlucky."

"He has grown up, he wants to get married and have children, and he will have a wife and children in the future. He is unlucky, which means that his wife and children will follow the unfortunate together. If Qin Mo still wants to stand in this society and protect his small family, he will He must control his mother, otherwise, one day the family will be unlucky."

"This time, if it's not for Qin Mo's face, our Li family will definitely settle accounts with the Qin family. The Li family wants to deal with Qin Lirong. Although it won't completely destroy him, it will definitely hurt him. In this case, Qin Lirong will definitely Abolish the inheritance rights of Qin Mo, the eldest son."

Grandma Li was startled, "You... You mean, Qin Mo will... restrict his mother in the future, or even... fight against her?"

There is something more serious, which Grandma Li didn't say, that is, to control or even suppress Yao Wenxi!

Grandpa Li sneered, "If he can't do it, then he will be useless in this life, and he will always be controlled by Yao Wenxi."


This was Qin Mo's first visit to Li's house. He didn't know where Li Xintong's room was and the way the servants showed him.

After entering the house, what I saw was a warm and pink princess room. The little princess of the Li family always had the best food.

Qin Mo walked to the bed and looked at Li Xintong lying on the bed. She fell asleep with her eyes closed, but the injury on her face was still so serious.

He had known Li Xintong for so long, and he had never seen her so embarrassed.

The cheeks were red and swollen, and the marks from the nails were especially obvious. Such a beautiful little girl was beyond recognition at the moment.

Qin Mo couldn't help but think of how she was covering her stomach with her sore hands when she was in the hospital...

If she really has his child in her belly, now...

Li Xintong slept unsteadily, and turned over. Qin Mo was afraid of waking her up, so he quickly let go, but he still woke her up.


Seeing Li Xintong open his eyes, Qin Mo couldn't help calling out.

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