The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 1076 Qin Mo's Choice 3

Li Xintong woke up and saw Qin Mo sitting beside his bed, she was stunned for a second or two, and finally determined that it was true.

Not knowing what to say, the grievances flooded into my heart, and the tears flowed involuntarily.

Seeing her aggrieved shrinking into a ball, Qin Mo wrapped her in a quilt in distress, and leaned slightly closer to her, "Tongtong, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, it's my fault, I didn't protect you!"

"Don't be afraid, it will never be like this next time, okay?"

Li Xintong didn't speak, just hugged him and cried. After crying for a while, he sobbed: "Stomach hurts..."

Qin Mo always knew that she was beaten in the stomach, but he didn't have time to see how the injury was, so he just wanted to.

Lifting the quilt, Li Xintong lifted the loose shirt a little, and he could see a bruise on his stomach.

Her skin is fair, so the bruised areas are especially conspicuous.

Qin Mo's hands were shaking, and he was a little afraid to touch the wound.

It's so serious, how heavy is this?

"She punched me a few times, and then she hit me with her knee. These bruises were left from pinching and pinching."

Qin Mo was very heartbroken. At that time, his mother thought that there was his child in her belly...

He covered her clothes, covered her with the quilt again, and lowered her body to hold her in his arms.

"Good! It will never happen in the future. It's my fault this time. I will protect you in the future. I promise that I will never let others dare to hurt you again. Give me another chance, okay?"

Li Xintong was also wronged.

She has always had a good relationship with Qin Mo. It should be said that before here, Qin Mo has always been her most satisfied boyfriend. He has done everything so well. This time it was so sudden, she still doesn't know what to do. response.

However, he still loves him and is reluctant to leave.

Qin Mo just stayed in the room, coaxing Li Xintong to rest.

And downstairs, Li's mother came back with her two daughters-in-law.

Grandma Li saw them and asked, "How is it?"

"Out of breath!"

Grandma Li didn't say much, just said, "Wait!"

After all, I went back to my room, and after a while, I took out two small boxes and gave one to each of the two granddaughters.

"You've worked hard, go back to your room and rest!"

The two granddaughters happily took it, "Thank you grandma!"

The two returned to the room and opened it to see that there was a very beautiful jade bracelet in the box.

Crystal clear and full of water!

Looking at the quality, it is probably worth about 600,000.

The two women were so excited!

The old lady is indeed rich!

It's definitely something passed down from her ancestors.

With Mr. Li pressing down, Mama Li knew that Qin Mo was coming, so she didn't go to Li Xintong's room, and went back to the house by herself, she didn't want to see Qin Mo.

After Qin Mo coaxed Li Xintong to sleep, he went downstairs and saw Mr. Li sitting on the sofa.

Mr. Li said: "Tongtong's mother went to your mother to settle the bill before. I didn't ask what happened, but she just came back. She didn't want to see you, so she went back to the house."

Qin Mo paused.

Old Man Li said, "Qin Mo, I don't know what Tongtong's mother did to your mother, but her temper is not easy to offend, and Tongtong is her crown jewel. I guess your mother must suffer this time!"

"You go back and look at the situation. How to choose, you make your own decision."

"I still say that, as long as you can really do what you promised, I will not object to Tongtong being with you, the Li family, I will still be the master."

"Of course, if you don't want to be with Tongtong, my granddaughter of the Li family will not rush!"

I have encountered strange flowers in the past two days, the three views have been shattered, and I have learned a lot!

I thought that the best things were all in novels, but now I find that novels come from life, but it broke my wonderful work!

Much better than fiction!

Good night, babies!

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