The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 937 I Believe In Love Again!

Don't blame her, blame me for being blind!

How domineering, strong and trusting is this person who would say such a thing?

Gu Yunxi has loved to study since she was a child, she has been studying like crazy, her IQ is very high, but her personality is not very good. She was not very healthy when she was abused by her perverted grandfather.

It is said that she is not mentally healthy, but the girl's thoughts are very righteous. Even if she grows up and becomes more and more beautiful, she has never thought of using her beauty.

In this girl's mind, she has always believed in becoming stronger to take revenge, and learning has become her only way and her belief!

Lu Haoting admires this tenacity!

He likes such a stubborn and proud little girl!

The character injury was caused by no one to guide him when he was a child. With him around, he would definitely not let this girl grow crooked!

Therefore, if she wanted to learn, he provided her with all the conditions to learn, and later also wanted to stay away from that grandfather, so Gu Yunxi's time was arranged very intensively, and all the tutors were famous teachers invited by Lu Haoting.

Under such circumstances, if he can still see the wrong person, then it's really not Gu Yunxi's fault, it's really his own blindness!

Today's incident is too big, so many reporters are in front of me, all the news is spread out, a female star, when this kind of thing happens, her boyfriend can still be so protective at the scene, Gu Yunxi's fans are actually very Thank you, very happy!

At first, no one had hoped that Lu Haoting would still come out to maintain it, but seeing this Weibo, many fans immediately cried with excitement!

" guys are my favorite couple, no one!"

"Because of you, I believe in love again. I used to be bruised and bruised because of love. At this time, I realized that there are still good men in this world. Hurry up and get married! You are my belief in love!"

"Good men really exist! Yunxi is so happy!"

"Jealousy makes me unrecognizable, you hurry up to get married and have children, I'm waiting for the official announcement!"

"How lucky is this to meet such a man? I cried and burst into tears!"

"The family is first-rate, handsome to the point of being scumbags, and the position is so warm and petite. Gu Yunxi, you have successfully aroused the jealousy of all women. How the hell did you pull such a good man out? Is your experience good? Please!"

"The key people are still young! So young, so handsome... oh, oh, oh, can you take a concubine? I promise not to grab the position of the main palace."

"Take a concubine, take a concubine! I'm queuing up!"

"You bunch of female hooligans, is this really okay?"

"Damn it, this dude is robbing our wife! I'm still single now!"

"The key is that we are convinced that we lose!"

"That's really good man!"


Lu Haoting was looking at the phone and laughing when Gu Yunxi's voice came from beside him, "Brother Haoting!"

Lu Haoting raised his head and saw the dazzling little girl in front of him!

He was stunned!

What a nice view!

There is nothing wrong with describing it as radiant.

This little girl has a cold temperament. She used to be a little cold. Recently, he has become more and more soft and tender. He has not seen such a bright and flamboyant Gu Yunxi for a long time!


Han Yue was so angry with Lu Haoting that she had no choice but to go home.

Her husband, Liang Tiancheng, was not at home. He went on a business trip abroad yesterday and will not return home for more than a month.

She was annoyed, but there was nothing she could do.

But in the middle of the night, before dawn, she was sleeping soundly on the bed, and she was suddenly lifted up and fell directly onto the wardrobe next to her, "Ah..."

Liang Tiancheng, who was supposed to be abroad, was furious, "Bitch! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

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